I'm probably repeating myself, but it's okay. Waking up with a beautiful girl sleeping on top of you is nice. I vaguely remember when she came in, but I hardly reacted. Although, if I were on my homeworld right now, I'd be locked up. Almost forty and I'm sleeping with a sixteen-year-old. And the fact that I look twenty isn't an argument at all.
But it is. Anyway, I was happy for a long time. Really happy. It's about the peace of mind that I feel right now. And I feel good. And I'm not going to get up.
Time flew by and I enjoyed it. But it didn't take long for Azula to wake up. With a stretch she lifted herself up and the blanket came off. She was still in her underwear. She looked around, her eyes slowly circling the room, stopping on me.
A moment and the dream flew away and she began to blush and search her eyes for a solution to this problem. When she saw the door, she was about to launch herself in its direction, but I nudged her with the arm she was leaning on. She fell back onto me. I pulled her to me and covered us with a blanket. And a silence fell.
«Good morning», I said softly as Azula calmed down a bit. Her embarrassment level rose even higher, «Are you hungry?»
«A little», she said quietly.
I crossed my arms and got out from under the blanket, stood up, got dressed and went outside. I put some logs in the fire pit, blew a light fire, and all is ready. I pulled some small fish out of the water. I cut them open, took out the bones, salted and peppered them, and began to roast them on the fire.
As the delicious smell began to spread, Azula came out of the house. In a bathing suit and a pareo. It suited her.
«You look good in red», I complimented her, not in the least bit ironically.
«Thanks», she said and sat down by the fire, blushing a little.
I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. The warming sun, the fresh air, and a beautiful girl by my side. What more do you need?
The fish were done and I handed one to Azula. She took it carefully, not wanting to burn herself, and began to eat a little at a time. That's nice. When they finished eating, I thought about what to do.
«Shall we go practice magic? Oh, and you should get some exercise», we hadn't eaten much, so it was safe to exercise.
«Come on», she nodded and got up. I followed her upstairs, «Where are we going?»
«That way», I pointed. That's where I got the land for the roof. There's plenty of room. «Are you going to practice your style or mine?»
«Are you going to let me learn your style?» she wondered. And it wasn't fake. She was really surprised.
«Well, yes», I nodded, making her even more surprised, «Why are you surprised? I've already started to teach you before. Oh, and I care about you», I said the last part more quietly and, surprising even myself, blushed a little. Ehhh.
«Okay, come on, you two lobsters, let's go practice.»
Anyway, we spent about four hours charging. Just got carried away. And so, back at the house, I heated up yesterday's pilaf and started to rest. Although I could not just lie down and in fifteen minutes I started to finish the house.
While I was recharging, I had a few ideas. I began to realize them. First, I did a little compacting of the ground around the house. Two meters. I had to do a little more in the front. The idea was that on the second floor it would be possible to lower the glass and make an open second floor.
After measuring the height of the windows, I made the same compaction of the ground in front of the house. At its end, I placed four columns, adjusting them exactly to the right dimensions. The next thing is a small thing. Make a frame for the glass. I can't remember the name, but it's good. I'll have to add some glass to keep the rain out.
And somehow I finished it quickly. Hmm. We don't really have a place to practice. I didn't want to cut down the forest. I liked it. Hmm, what if we raised the land out of the water and made a training ground there? Although it could be even easier. I went to the water and froze some ice. After swimming a bit, concentrating and having accumulated strength, I lifted a column of earth and compressed it. The column, with a radius of one meter, protruded two meters out of the water.
Repeated three more times and a square emerged. When I came ashore, I made six huge beams of the right size. I put these on the poles and threw two in the middle to make four squares. Making four small slabs was easy. Melt them all together. Good! The square is finished. A stone walkway to it, just a matter of moments.
Hmm... I'm sweating. But there's nowhere to wash up. I'll do it. The only question is where? Inside or outside? Outside for now. Not far from the sea. A pulse and four purlins jumped out of the ground. I looked at them. I thought. I don't want to do this. Pulse and the ground goes back to its place. Hmm. One pulse and a circular column of earth, two meters in radius, rose. One more and all the earth was pressed into the walls of this cylinder.
Jumped in. One pulse and the wall was like being cut with a sword. Grabbed the edge and pulled a little. It was like a little spiral. Impulse and the earth in the walls compressed again, making windows and little holes at the top and bottom.
It was not difficult to make a round tub of water, following the same pattern. After putting it on top. It turned out great. I poured water from the sea into it and after removing the salt, heated it. Made a groove in the sea for the water to drain out. Hmm... shower holes aren't hard to make. But what about afterwards? I'll find out later.
So I did. I made lots of little holes and rinsed off quickly. Oh, I missed this.
«Azula, come here!» I called from the shower, since she was in the house. She soon came over, «Don't you want to take a shower?»
«What kind of shower is this?» she asked in surprise. I pointed to the newly constructed building, «Is this it?»
«Yes, go ahead», I encouraged her.
I went to sunbathe myself, satisfied. Azula appreciated the shower and hung out there a lot. Until I built a bathroom in the house. I didn't do anything fancy, just a very ordinary faucet. Mundane and primitive, but a faucet. In fact, I did a lot of things during the week we were on vacation. Sewage, heating, bathroom, toilet, sink.
I even made a pier with a diving board. I made carpets out of animal skins. Mattresses too, just out of a few, stuffed with wool. It was really cool.
And as if to thank Azula for all her work, we slept together. It was wonderful, but we had to get up. There's a comet coming today. The amplification would start at noon, and we had to be in place before it started. So, after waking Azula, I made us some food, and after getting dressed, we went to the meeting place. I also closed the house with huge boards. Just in case.
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