Ch 3 My First Gold Coin
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My cute little kitten kept on begging for my attention. I ignore her while trying to figure out how to create the hotties in this endless white room. Since I am the creator now. Why can’t I fucking create anything?

After a few hours, my kitten got bored with begging and went to sleep.

I still wasn’t able to create anything. This can’t be, my dick is going to die without any women soon. I started jacking my dick while thinking about the hotties in my mind. Fuck this ain’t going to work.

Maybe I need money in the purgatory?

A gold coin pops into existence and drops before my feet. What the fuck? You do need money? Give me more gold coins then. But nothing happens.

Sigh, I pick up the 1 gold coin. It vanishes and my money status pops up.

Money: $1

YES, I DID IT! Finally, I have something in this stupid purgatory.

[ Yawns, oh did master figure out how to make money yet?]

“ Yeah I did, I don’t need your help anymore.”

[ Okay then make another dollar if you don’t need my help anymore.]

“ I will.”

If there is money then there must be a shop right?

Open Shop.

The shop menu expands my entire view. There was an infinite amount of things that you can buy in this purgatory world. So many things that I never saw or heard of before. There were even hot women to buy! All of these things and I can’t even buy a single fucking one of them.

Show me things that only cost me 1 dollar. There was only one thing that costs 1 dollar. It was cat food. More specifically kitten treats. You can’t be serious!

Kitten Treats: $1

[ Master please buy me the kitten treat.]

“ How did you know what I was looking at?”

[ I am the pet of the creator here, so I can see all of your screens.]

“ Fine, I will buy you the kitten treat but promise me you will teach me how to make more money.”

- You have bought the Kitten Treats for $1.

[ Yay treats!]

Now with this successful bribery. My useless kitten will finally help me!

“ How was the treat?”

[ It was very delicious master! I love you master!]

“ Aww, you are so kind now. Please teach this master of yours how to make more money in this purgatory so he can buy you more kitten treats.”


“Uh… don’t you want more treats?”

[ I’m good with master petting me forever.]

This useless kitten!

[ By the way master, our thoughts are connected so I know what you’re thinking too.]

“ Then you must understand my struggles of not being able to fuck women right?”

[ I don’t care, I just want your pets.]

“ If you will no longer help me my cute kitten. I’m afraid I will no longer give you any more belly rubs.”


“ It’s okay, your master doesn’t deserve anything more. I will just lay down here and pretend I’m dead for the rest of my life.”

[ Lol master if you think that will work, think again. You will give me those belly rubs soon.]