Ch 6 Life Energy
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It was a fucking scam.

That thing couldn’t even be described as a woman. The moment it first appears in front of us. My kitten ran a good 1 km ( 0.6 miles) away from her. She smells so fucking disgusting. Her looks as if you took a girl and dumped it in a pool of acid, take it out, then rolled it around in brown sludge.

She has 0 curves and no vagina.

The only hole was her mouth. If I want to fuck that, it would be like trying to fuck a clogged up toilet full of shit.

  • You cannot cancel this transaction. All purchases on the Free Shop are non-reversible.


She was lying there motionless. It’s not even a female human.

“ Please give me food,” it asks.

I do feel bad if I let her die like this after buying her. Fuck her voice was terrible. It was like someone took a sledgehammer to my ears. It wasn’t feminine at all, it had a deep croaky voice.

“ Uh, what do you need to eat?”

“ Anything.”

“ Okay but don’t talk anymore. I will be going over there to my kitten. Just wait a sec.”

I ran the fuck away from there and to my kitten. If I took 1 more breath, I would die. Although you can’t die in the purgatory.

[ Master! The belly rubs that you promised is mine.]

“ Yeah I know, we need to feed her something.”

[ If you want to save money, we can just feed her kitten treats since it’s only $1.]

“ Wow, you’re a genius! Let’s do that. Can you bring the kitten treats to her though?”

[ No way, she is yours, not mine. You take care of the 'thing'.]

“ Fine.”

I drop off a bag of kitten treats near that 'thing'. It squirms slowly to the kitten treats. Fuck, I forgot to open it. It didn’t matter, that 'thing' was eating through the bag.

“ Do you think the 'thing' can convert the kitten treats into money?”

[ Probably not.]

The next few days were fruitless. The only way for us to make money was by my kitten converting the kitten treats into gold coins. That ‘thing’ was still there motionless, it was giving me the creeps. I have been feeding that ‘thing’ kitten treats and it seems like she can live off it. She was draining my money. My kitten didn’t even want to use any of her money to help feed her. And I still have to give my kitten lots of pets.

Without any women, I couldn’t take it anymore. So I start fapping while thinking about the hot sexy women. My cum went all over the white floor.

[ Hey master, you can’t waste valuable resources like that.]

“ A man gotta do what a man gotta do.”

[ You are giving up your life energy if you do this.]

“ I thought we live forever in the purgatory?”

[ We do but we need money to keep on living, let me open up our status window.]

[ Open status.]

Name:  Never (virgin male)
Life energy: 999,995
Money:  $7
Pet name: Useless Kitten (female)
Life energy:  200,000,020
Money:  $999,014

" What the heck is life energy?"

[ 1 life energy is worth 1 day of life. You lost 1 life energy from ejaculating your cum.]

“ I do have about 1 million life energy so it should be fine.”


“ Wait if I spent 1 million dollars on my body, was that my life energy too?”

[ Of course master. You were going to be erased from existence if you didn’t get a body in 24 hours after choosing your name and gender.]

Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Smut will be in ch 11 :)