Ch 8 Bubuga And Pencil
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*** Bubuga

My name is Bubuga. The name I gave myself.

My new master human and kitten both call me the ‘thing’.

They are horrendously disgusted by me.

I had no choice.

I was born in the most toxic polluted landfill in my old purgatory world. A place where all the trash went.

I wanted to live.

Since I was a baby, I had to eat the trash surrounding me.

Day after day.

Until one day my new master bought me and saved me from my hell.

They had only fed me kitten treats which tasted so good compared to what I usually eat.

Now he wanted to feed me his cum.

I readily accepted.

It was even better than the kitten treats.

*** Never

I can’t believe this ‘thing’ wants to drink cum. Whatever it’s worth trying. I hope she is able to become more beautiful.

[ Wow master, that thing must really like drinking cum.]

“ I’m only doing it to increase her life energy and cap to make her more beautiful somehow.”

[ Aren’t you only doing that because you want to fuck her?]

“ …”

[ I knew it, but you still need her consent.]

“ Yeah, I know.”

[ Good! Now let’s look at her status.]

“ We can do that?”

[ Master sure doesn’t know anything in the purgatory.]

“ Cmon my cute kitten, please teach me everything you know in the purgatory.”

[ Open Status ‘thing’.]

Name:  Bubuga (female)
Life energy: 21
Money:  $0
Age:  4403 years

Now that is new… an age? I wonder what’s mine?

Open Status.

Name:  Never (virgin male)
Life energy: 999,993
Money:  $11
Age:  19 years
Pet name: Useless Kitten (female)
Life energy: 200,000,030
Money:  $899,009
Age:  2 weeks

Holy fuck! She’s old as fuck.

[ Lol master is so mean.]

“ I mean… it’s just surprising to me. Yeah maybe I was mean there.”

[ Since she is that old, maybe she will know how to make more money in the purgatory.]

“ But she has 0 money?”

[ Maybe she was robbed or something, there is no way she can live that long while looking like that.]

“ Good point, let’s hope she recovers somehow.”

In the next 10 days, I gave Bubuga my cum. It was slowly working. She was getting better but still disgusting to look at.

Also, my kitten keeps invading my personal space. She keeps on stabbing her claws into my back so I can’t get her off of me. It was painful so I gave up on my personal space.

I need some fucking privacy in this white endless room.

Sigh, I need a calculator too, so I can figure out how long until she gets hot enough for me to fuck. I still gotta ask for consent though.

Since I have $11 now. Time to buy the $2 pencil.

  • You have bought a pencil for $2.

[ Master why are you wasting your money on a pencil?]

“ I need to draw outlines on the floor to create a floor plan on how we are going to live. I get a room, and you get a room.”

[ I can walk over the lines so easily.]

“ DON’T! You must respect the borders.”

[ Watch me step over into your ‘room’.]

“ NO!! You have you give me personal space. I’m tired of you clinging on me 24/7.”

[ The lines are useless before me.]

I drew out a huge-ass room for myself and for the kitten. I even drew a room line for the ‘thing’ while holding my breath. My useless kitten just ignores the line and crosses into my room every damn second.