Ch 9 Drawing and Burger
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I wonder if I can sell stuff with my pencil drawings?

[ Try it master!]

“ Yeah, I’m trying. My drawing sucks though.”

I try drawing simple stuff like houses, trees, and cars. Purgatory please sell these drawings!

[ LOL.]

“ Are you going to laugh at me or help me find a way to make some damn money?”

[ Your drawings isn’t good enough for people to buy it on the Free Shop.]

“ Can’t I just sell it to some NPC shop or something.”

[ Why? You can always make more money on the Free Shop than the Official Shop. But let me check how much your drawings are worth anyways.]

While waiting for my kitten to check the prices of my drawing, I keep on drawing. There is an infinite amount of floor space to draw on.

[ It seems like all the drawings are worth $0 together.]

“ I knew this wasn’t going to work.”

[ At least you tried to master.]

It seems like the ‘thing’ has become less stinky. Her vomiting aura’s range has decreased considerably from 100 meters to 10 meters. I better make my way over there and ask her for advice on how to make money in the purgatory.

“ How do you make money in the purgatory?”

“ I don’t know,” says Bubuga.

“ Then how the hell are you 4000 years old without any money?”

“ It’s a long story.”

6 hours later.

“ Okay that’s enough, you can stop there”

“ Oh but I haven’t even started yet?”

“ Look, I have been listening to this story for 6 hours now. I’m good”

“ But time is infinite in the purgatory?”

“ I know but my dick is getting lonelier, and I want women as soon as possible.”

“ Then, do you want me?”


“ … I’m sorry.”

“ At least wait until you become hotter, and you can be harem member #1.”

“ I will help you make your purgatory a very prosperous place! It’s my thanks for saving my life.”

“ Your welcome.”

Bubuga has a much better personality than the useless kitten. I give her my pencil so she can write out her story onto the floor instead of just laying there motionless. She is starting to become more mobile now. From her story, Bubuga was able to gain stats from eating stuff but more importantly, intelligence. So you can eat things to become stronger and smarter?

Open Shop.

Food: Cost: Description:
Ration Bar $5 + 1 life energy
Burger $75 + 10 life energy

“ Kitten, can you buy me that $75 burger.”

  • Your Useless Kitten has bought you a $75 burger.

“ Come here for your belly rubs!”

[ Aww master is very nice to me lately.]

Eating the juicy burger. Holy fuck it was good. I wonder if I will get stronger or smarter from this?

Open status.

Name:  Never (virgin male)
Life energy: 100,000,000 CAPPED
Money:  $9
Age:  19 years
Pet name: Useless Kitten (female)
Life energy: 200,000,029
Money:  $898,939
Age:  3 weeks

The burger was able to cap my life energy but don’t I get anything else?

[ Open Status with Stats.]

Name:  Never (virgin male) Stats:  
Life energy: 100,000,000 CAPPED Strength: 1
Money:  $9 Intelligence: -10
Age:  19 years Charisma: 300 CAPPED
Pet name:  Useless Kitten (female) Stats:  
Life energy: 200,000,030 Strength: 5
Money:  $898,939 Intelligence: 10
Age:  3 weeks Charisma: 300 CAPPED


[ It’s okay to be stupid master, I will still love you.]

“ No this is not okay! How are you stronger than me too?”

[ Well you did maxed out on your charisma stat while ignoring everything else so...]