C1 – Footsteps in Blood. [???]
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Slight authors note up top, the [???] in the chapter represents the person whose viewpoint it is. Till we get a name, it will stay as ???, no spoilers for you.

Darkness. Nothing. Silence.

These were the first things he came to know.

The second thing he came to know? Pain. A hot scorching pain burnt through his eyes into the depths of his skull as each pulse of throbbing pain pounded his senses over and over again. His mind half panicked half determined. He grabbed at his face trying to defend himself, only to find nothing on his face besides a liquid. Is it tears, or blood?

He massaged his temples and for a moment tried to block out all the pain in order to press onward. Tired and frustrated they wanted it all to be over and done with. For now the pain was manageable. Annoying, but manageable. He swallowed the pain and determined not to let the pain take hold he struggled onward. Perhaps not the best solution, but he had made up his mind.

The darkness surrounding him with a dry dusty smell, no light to provide reference to the place he was in.

Attempting to stand using the wall he was against as support he still nearly fell over as the pain, ever constant buzzed through his head. Eventually making its way into his chest causing him to stagger against the wall again as his body convulsed in agony.

Dropping to the ground again out of pain he struggled to grip onto the rough stone wall. Using it as a support as he shuffled forwards into the darkness on his uncovered knees which were starting to bleed after a few minutes of dragging them against the damp rock.

After minutes of pain pounding his body through the numerous cuts and inside his skull his eyes started focusing to see the dusty surfaces and shapes in the place he was.

Ruined rectangular tunnels branched off as far as the eye could see with smaller ones, doorways leading into numerous rooms. Strange strips of metal with some transparent crystal covering them hung from the ceiling on thin rubbery strings. The floor made of shattered squares in a perfect pattern, only distorted by the cracks covering their surfaces. The shards from the cracked tiles threatening to cut him even deeper.

Steadying his breathing the pain in his head started to vanish as if nothing was there to begin with. A glance over his shoulder into the room he started in revealing some sort of medical lab with a operating table in the middle of the room, strange metal arms silently moving about with jittery movements.

Another pain jolts his head as he attempts to recall anything which caused him to give up on that idea swiftly.

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Huh, didn't know the format in this text editor is in the style of html, with open and close tags for things. Anyway, Hello. I am Jazmine, and this is one of my 'in progress' books I guess would be the best way to put it. I'm undecided if I want to make this a proper story or some shorter story to gauge interest in some of the things I do.

Lets be honest, I decided "Lets write a story" and decided on what genre and tags the story was going to be, as I was picking them. I only know a rough location of where this might be happening due to all my stories being part of the same universe. The main character, the plot and the whole story is currently unknown even to me, which is fun every time I start a story. He won't even get a name till he meets another person probably.

For those wondering, yes this is a shorter chapter then I would usually write but I could also bring up that I haven't written much recently when it comes to stories and I've had no excuse to write in my favourite atmospheric/descriptive style I used to love doing in school years ago.

As for the world this story is set in, funnily enough it is tied to another story I'm writing and has ties to my D&D campaigns I run. So there is a lot of background in the world, although I doubt this story will end up in those places. I have another plan for this main character.

I suppose I should put in a poll of "Should I shut up?" because I know some don't care for authors notes. That moment when the notes take up half your word count... I'll add a bit more. I'll probably try out a few features pretty early on just to see how they work for later.

As for release rate for this book, depends on my mood and the amount of interest it gets.

Disclaimer: The poll options are all references to a game. I'm not entirely crazy, but I thought I'd spice it up a bit instead of just 'yes/no' answers.

Do you care about authors notes?
  • I shall undertake your dark tutorage! Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Silence this sermon! Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You must be talking to someone else. I am not here. Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 1 · This poll was closed on May 29, 2020 02:29 PM.