C2 – The robotic voice of a demonic god awaiting your downfall [???]
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[Issue involving audio input resolved. Users default language has been set].

"Who? Who's there?" his voice rang out against the cold corridors, his eyes unable to properly focus as they darted around searching for the person who spoke.

[Connection to database damaged, processing request. Processed: I am a tool used to assist please choose one of the previously listed options if you require anything.]

"What?" he questioned on reflex. Pushing his back to the wall helping him stay on his feet as he focused on slowing his breathing which was going at a record pace.

Glancing around again trying to figure out where the voice is coming from he tries. "So you said, Conditions? Was it?"

[Request acknowledged, your current condition is as shown]

[Whole body - Dehydration, minor blood loss, malnourishment.
Head - Mild Trauma, concussion, multiple cuts, possible fracture, Recovering from process X-4325.
Torso - Multiple lacerations.
Limbs, Multiple bruises, possible fracture in left humerus, multiple scrapes and cuts.]

"So you are telling me I'm fucked then and now I'm left here to die?" he exclaimed at this strange voice as it broke down the whole situation into simple steps as if any moment it could be solved.

[Suggested course of action, find a medical professional. Error, outcome impossible.
Alternate suggestion, use whats left of the hospital gown User is wearing and make bandages for major wounds and to bind feet to prevent further damage when travelling.]

The first suggestion seemed to be mocking him, him and his inability to solve his situation. The moment it suggested using some of the gown he was wearing he bent down and started tearing at the hem of the bottom, made easier by the numerous cuts and holes in the material.

[It is further recommended to find water in the next 17 hours and food within the next 8 days to guarantee future actions.]

Further mocking him it suggested items under time limits. It took a second to realise those timers weren't just a joke but a timer, ticking down till death.

Gathering all this strength he decided to go out fighting. Fighting the nausea as he stood up he finished bandaging himself at the suggestion of the voice.

Every room was devoid of people and life, surfaces covered in dust, windowless rooms. If it wasn't for the trail he was making in the dirt and grime as he trekked forwards he would have thought he was travelling in circles.

He decided to test his luck one more time with the voice, "So how do I get out of here then?"

[Building layout unknown. Using additional measures. Airflow detected from small vents. Invalid path. Water flow detected, suggesting to follow to source. Possible fresh water at source.]

Resigned to his ghostly guide commanding his path he trudged forwards, slipping a few times because of the dust and water mixing into a black slippery paste.

The darkness seemed to recede as he got closer to the source of the water, rounding a corner the water was flowing stronger than before down some steps with a green light beaming down lighting up the tunnels.

A muted trickle calling him forward as he stumbled automatically towards the water, his body craving it.


After spending what felt like hours face down in the water he finally took a deep breath, lungs no longer tight from lack of water. He took this chance to clean some of the wounds and his feet hoping it would lower the chance of anything getting infected.

[Condition: Dehydration removed, Stamina recovery stabilising.]

It was at this point after buying additional time with the water he sat down at the bottom of the stairs next to the small pool to rest.

So interestingly I'm undecided if I want to just release a chapter every 12 hours for the first week of this or not. I am writing every chapter basically against a time limit, none of this is pre-written although it might be smarter of me to make a backlog.

Either way, hope you have fun with it all and I'm ending the notes here. Kinda wish I knew what timezone this website is in since I really can't tell for the scheduled releases. So here is a chapter 2 hours early

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