C3 – A tunnel to be lit by the first of progression and pain. [???]
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Lets be honest, I hate writing third person. The previous two chapters was me attempting to do it and it just doesn't feel right for me. So lets go back to normal.
As a side note, all characters have no plot armour, none of my character do. Don't expect them to survive stupid things.

[User is advised to keep progressing.]

That annoying voice again buzzing in my head waking me up. I push against the damp ground beneath me, careful not to slip on any moss around the edge of the water as I stand up to observe my surroundings.

The junction I'm stood at goes in three directions, plus the stairs going upwards making 4 directions. A light wind accompanies the small spots of light shifting as the plants blocking the stairway up top say in the breeze.

Deciding the only way is up I start moving one foot after the other slowly up the stairs, using my right arm which doesn't hurt as much as a shield against the light so I don't fall.

When I get within arms reach of the vines I can hear sounds outside causing me to pause, two different sounds, one a low growl and the other sounding like the screeching of a bird.

Making myself as small as possible I peek through the ivy at the bottom attempting to view everything without disturbing the whole wall.

At this point I'm glad I was speechless at the sight because my other reaction would have been yelling.

There is some sort of red and yellow wolf on a pile of bodies, some looking human and some looking like other creatures and aliens. The red on the wolf seeming to dance around as it moved. Sharp eyes darting around now and again staying alert as it bears its sharp teeth at its competitor.

The other creature looks like a mix between a dog and a bird. Its small body covered in a dark blue and wings which it seems able to fold into its back. It seems to be waiting for something before it attacks.

Suddenly the wolf suddenly looks up to the sky before trying to grab some of the bodies in its mouth and running off much to the annoyance of the dog-bird which lets out a sharp cry as the wolf flees.

After a few moments the sky starts getting darker before a countless number of dog-birds fly in towards the pile of bodies.

Stood there watching as they fight and tear the bodies apart, what little blood remaining in the bodies flying everywhere as they start devouring each chunk they can find, some fighting over the fresher corpses. A few content to lick up the blood pooling around the pile instead of fighting over flesh.

Its then I make eye contact with one of the bodies. They are staring at me with a look of terror on their face as I stood there watching in horror.

A scream echoed out from the pile causing all the dog-birds to stop eating and turn towards the noise. Someone seems to have been trapped in the pile who let out a scream when one of the dogs sank their teeth into their flesh. Fortunately it is on the other side of the bodies so I don't see it, but those screams of pain and strings of words I don't understand sounding gargled before a wet crunch causes a sudden silence.

Feeling sick I step down a few steps and then a few more for safety. Heavily breathing as the image and sounds are imprinted in my mind.

[User is advised to find a source of food.]

The voice rings around my head almost mocking me. Without the energy to insult it I go back to the pool of water to drink again in an attempt to focus on something other than the pile of bodies which were torn apart by some savage beasts.

Hmm, looks like I still have some testing to do to make the scheduled release work. I was trying to see if I could set it to scheduled release but this whole 'published while still a draft' confuses me.

Rewrite the first two chapters to fit my first person writing style?
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