Chapter 53 – Calling a bluff
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Feeling extremely wronged. I started slowly walking towards the edge of the 'airship'. I wanted to escape before it was too late. This long haired one was beyond my understanding. I had no idea what evil schemes flashed through her mind that would cause her to giggle in amusement. But as I stood with the head in my hands while looking at the vines I needed to use to get down. I suddenly found myself in a bind. There were no way I could keep my prey and use the vines to get down.

Looking towards the two beasts I suddenly shuddered. So scheming... They clearly knew that I was screwed!? That's why they played around with me and casually answered my questions! Now the long haired one's giggling suddenly made sense... I needed to plan my next move wisely...

Somehow I needed to escape down. But the jump was too far and I did not have the courage! I could climb down... But I needed to release my prey! This truly was unprecedented! Looking towards the two beasts. The old one just silently looked at me with an puzzled expression. While the long haired one had slight tears in her eyes... I could not gather any useful information from these two.

I could probably carry the head in one hand and climb down with the other one... But they might launch a surprise attack on me and free the head before I reach the ground... Wait.

Suddenly looking down at the head in my hands I froze. I don't know when... But my prey had escaped somehow?! It was clear like before and the beast had escaped somehow... I tried to bring him back by using my mana but it just kept blinking... My mind worked overtime to find a way to escape this extremely bad situation. I had suddenly lost my prey and now I had nothing to threaten the beasts with anymore... Maybe they haven't seen it yet... Making a split decision I pulled the round headless object under my plantfur and looked solemn. This was my last act. Hopefully they'll not realize what happened.

Turning back around I looked at them with an serious expression.

"You'll let me go right? I haven't done anything..." I tried my best to look strong and powerful. Puffing up my chest and looking them in the eyes.

The long haired one apparently couldn't take it anymore and started laughing loudly. The old one just looked at me like always. But a faint upwards curve on his lips did not escape my keen sight. I had a feeling that they might have seen through my scheme. I felt my face cramp as I tried to maintain my serious and confident expression. 

Suddenly. Out of nowhere the long haired one flushed red. I felt immediate danger as she started moving towards me with some sort of weird expression on her face. It truly reminded me of Mother deity when she licked me after I've done something.

Luckily the old beasts stopped her and shook his head. He whispered something to her. Apparently whatever he said helped and her expression somewhat eased. I took a step back and dropped the round object on the ground. It bounched a few times and rolled to the old beasts feet.

Now I've really done it...