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"Once upon a time, on the planet of EGO resided a visionless young girl from a poor village, the village she resided was a tiny village named Arina which was exceptionally wealthy on wheat harvests; despite the village being poor it could nonetheless provide its people properly."


"That was until darkness engulfed the entire planet with climates declining by a large margin, and with the climates being harsh along with a lack of daylight, the yield of the village slowly decayed as food scarcity rose in the village."


"It didn't take long for people to start perishing from starvation with the young girl's family gradually becoming incapable to provide each other as they took a verdict among themselves."


"This verdict was to forfeit one of their youngest, in which after an entire night of planning, the little girl's family agreed on who shall be thrown away before leading the elected one to a jungle in the guise of hunting."


"The elected one was naturally the visionless young girl who had no value in the family other than being fed, after electing a sacrifice, they soon led the elected one onto a jungle where they embarked deep in the jungle before the visionless young girl was abandoned alone, after an unidentified period of time, the young girl discovered that she had been abandoned as she wept alone with all her might."


"Mother, Father, why did you abandon me, please don't leave me alone, the little girl pleaded alone as she staggered on the ground."


"After wailing for an entire day, with no food, no water, the blind young girl submitted to her fate and agonized as she awaited her death as the remaining hope in her heart disappeared."


"This world is vicious, the little girl kept mumbling as her mouth dried up with her whole body going numb, before the little girl finally thought 'is this finally it, am I going to die?' as her eyes leaked one last tear."


"Suddenly, a feminine voice reverberated inside the young girl's mind "It's not over yet, you can still live!" The voice shouted with all its might."


"That was how the Goddess of Kindness along with the Grimoire of Love met." A young mother with brown hair and unusual pink eyes said as she closed the book with reminiscing eyes and placed the young girl which was on her lap onto her bed.


"What happens next, mom?" The little girl asked.


"It's all up to your imagination, the ability to imagine is after all the strong point of humans." The young mother said in a rough voice as she smiled with apparent tears in her eye.


"Remember this, little Althea, you must never forget that no matter how harsh life may be, never lose hope and faith. Live with the intention of caring for every single being, okay?" The young mother said as she brushed the little girl's hair.


"Okay, mother!" The little girl nodded before going to bed.


A month later, the young mother had taken her last breath leaving the young girl alone crying as she recalls her mother's last words.


"Appreciate every moment." The mother mumbled as her last words.


A year has passed ever since the loss of her mother, the young girl is now playing with her friends from an orphanage at a park when suddenly a large aircraft came crashing down from the sky.


Seeing the aircraft falling from the sky, the little girl shouted with all her might to her friends but it was all too late as the aircraft crashed onto the park slaying hundreds of people except one.


The little girl, being the sole survivor, was traumatized in her hospital bed as she recalls her mother's last words along with the tale about Goddess of Kindness and the Grimoire of Love.


"I wish I could be as useful as a grimoire." The little girl mumbled in her bed as she drew her last breath from her wounds.