Chapter 1 – Reincarnation.
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Chapter 1 - Reincarnation


“Where am I?” I thought to myself as I tried to recall what happened before, previously I was bedridden on my hospital bed after a plane smashed down onto us, and then… I must be dead huh?


If I am dead then is this what they call afterlife, I thought as I tried looking around only to notice, I couldn’t look around. It was as if my head was removed.


“What happened to my head?” I muttered to myself as I tried moving my hands and my feet but got no response at all. It was as if they had disappeared, what happened to them? I panicked as I quickly thought of several possible reasons, one is either I am now a soul or two, my body parts were ripped off which is impossible, all of these reasons are impossible, right?


Hahaha! Why am I even trying to escape from reality, I am already dead. There is no afterlife, there is no heaven, there is only darkness after death huh, I thought as something inside me cracked.


I wonder if this is what Mom is seeing right now, just simple darkness. No stars, no light, just darkness. It’s so lonely here, you can’t move, you can’t feel, you can’t touch, I wonder what this place has in store for me, I thought once again when suddenly an inadequate voice reverberated on my mind.


“Is this the end, am I finally going to die?” The voice said as a certain nostalgia struck upon me, where have I heard this line, why does this line feel familiar to me?


“Mom, Dad, why?” The voice murmured, where is this feeling of nostalgia coming from. I don’t remember anything about this... is it from that tale?


“Can’t I just die quickly?” The voice said as it became rougher, should I stop her? Wait, that’s not the real question here, the real question is whether I can actually stop her. I wonder if I can even speak, probably not.


What am I going to do, what would my Mom do in this situation, I thought as the voice slowly became weaker with every second that passed by. It’s probably worth trying right, it’s better than having another person killed by my incompetence right?


I mean, not that a single person would add more burden to my whole life, after all, the deaths of a hundred were caused by my incompetent self, I thought as the feeling of a heartache crept up.


Well then, let’s try then, I thought before I tried to recall how it feels to speak, what should I say again, let’s just go with the words from the tale then.


“It’s not over yet, you can still live!” I tried speaking but as I expected, there was no reply or rather, my voice didn’t come out. It was similar to a vacuum in space, no sound can pass through.


“I am hopeless huh.” I muttered as my heart cracked or rather, it’s just my brain thinking of such things if I even have a brain to speak of.


“Who?” The voice which I gave up on, suddenly responded but the voice was dry, it was similar to mine, a voice that had no one to talk to. A lonely voice, filled with sadness. A voice just like mine, unheard, I thought as I felt a connection with the voice.


“Can you hear me?” I asked as a sickly cough responded instead.


“Who are you?” The voice responded as it coughed once again but this time, it was even worse.


“Are you okay?” I asked as a weird feeling crept up, it felt like it was telling me to help this person as if it wanted me to assist it but the problem is, how am I going to help her when I can’t do anything at all?


“Are you sure you can’t do anything at all, please look at yourself more clearly, understand yourself more clearly!” A voice suddenly reverberated in my mind, the voice was angry. It was as if a deity had suddenly descended to deliver divine punishment onto me.


What do you mean, understand myself more clearly? I am myself, I understand myself more than anyone, more than you of course! I replied back when suddenly the feeling of being slapped in the face came, how is that possible?!


“You are clearly an idiot, look at yourself. What a disaster, are you still the same person who wished to help people?” The voice responded, who are you? I am me, I am who I wish to be, not what others wish me to be, I responded before a giggle resounded in my mind.


“I wish I could be as useful as a grimoire.” The voice said when suddenly plenty of information entered my mind, from my memories of a child to my final words. Hahaha! Who am I joking, I clearly am strayed away from myself.


I thought as I felt the voice smile inside of me before it faded away as plenty of information came to my mind, information about simple magic, very simple spells that probably had no use but there was one thing important among them, the information carried two spells, Restore Vision and Contract.


Restore vision is as straightforward as it can be, it can restore my vision meanwhile Contract is also as straightforward as it can be, with the ability being able to contract with a single person for eternity.


Contracting with a person has benefits of its own, such as a human form but this human form carries another disadvantage, it reduces my actual power by one fourth which if you compare it to the advantages, which is the ability to move, it’s worth it, I thought when suddenly a loud cough reverberated once again but this cough was more worse than it was before.


“You abandoned me as well huh,” the voice said as it laughed.


This chapter has been rewritten, blob.