Chapter 4 – Contract
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Chapter 4 - Contract


“It’s fine, speaking of which. Can you hear me?” I asked as she nodded while looking at me curiously before suddenly my whole body was lifted up in the air.


What’s happening, why am I up in the air? I shouldn’t be that easy to lift, I am 48 kilograms you know. I am four times as heavy as a gold bar! I thought to myself as she looked at me curiously.


“What should I call you, book?” the girl asked as she placed me at the same level as her eyes. What did you just call me, book?! There is in no way I am a book right, I am a genuine human girl, an awful one at that.


“Are you there, book?” the girl asked as my body suddenly felt like it got poked, that hurts you know, and also stop calling me book. I am… wait, who am I exactly? I don’t seem to remember my name, what’s happening?!


Book is somehow dead, I am alone again.” the girl said as her face turned gloomy again. Wait, I am not dead! I am alive, I mean I think I did die before but I am A.L.I.V.E


“Should I bury this book?” the girl said before I sensed a threat coming as she placed me down on the ground and starting collecting some dirt from beside her. Wait, she can see properly now? Wait, that’s not my priority right now! I need to speak first otherwise I will be buried alive!


“Wait no, stop burying me!” I yelled while she was throwing soil at me before she stopped and looked at me in surprise.


Book came alive again.” the girl said as she wiped off the soil she threw at me a few seconds ago, rather stop calling me book. I am not a book okay, I am genuine human!


“I am alive, so stop burying me!” I yelled as she nodded, great. Now the question is, why is she calling me a book when I am a hundred percent sure that I am a human.


“Then, what’s your name, book?” she asked as she looked at me while tilting her head, that’s another question I have. I don’t have a name, that I remember.


“I don’t have one” I replied after trying to recall my name for I don’t know how long.


“Is that so, then how about Althea, just like the Goddess of Love and Kindness!” She said with excitement, is that so but I don’t think I deserve a name similar to a Goddess who is kind and loving especially after how many people died because of my incompetence.


“Is it bad?” She asked as her face turned gloomy once again. Wait, it’s not bad! It’s just I can’t use it at all, after all, that’s a Goddess of Kindness’s name unlike me who is cruel with hands that have been stained.


Book, are you there?” She asked as she poked me again. I am here, stop poking me, it hurts! I should probably speak more otherwise I will die from being poked!


“The name isn’t bad, it’s just that I am not fit to have the same name as someone very kind.” I replied as she stopped poking at me before tilting her head to the side.


“What do you mean?” She asked.


“I mean, I am not kind nor am I loving. My hands are stained with the blood of others.” I replied as she tilted her head even more. Wait, stop tilting your head! Your head might snap!


Book is kind, you know. Book saved me.” She said as she held me up in the air once again before caressing me, I don’t remember being tiny nor do I remember being so light and stop calling me a book!


“Do whatever you want” I said as I pouted inside my mind, I still don’t think I am deserving of using a Goddess’ name, especially one that is known as Kindness and Love. Those are traits that I clearly don’t have for sure!


“Mm, you are Althea from now on.” She said as I felt a soft hand caressing my head. Stop patting me, I am older than you! Speaking of which, what is her name?


“I haven’t heard of your name yet.” I replied before poking her cheeks as she looked at me before opening her mouth.


“I am Alisha.” She said, Alisha what a cute name, it really fits her. By the way, wasn’t her eyes cloudy back then? Why are her eyes as clear as diamonds now, I thought before shaking my head as I couldn’t come up with a theory.


“Well then, nice to meet you Alisha.” I said as she nodded before smiling brightly.


“Nice to meet you too, Althea.” She replied as the feeling of a head pat occurred once again, stop patting my head and put me down, it’s embarrassing being held up in the air by someone smaller than me and also, why did she call me a book a short while ago?


“Hm, because you are a book?” She replied while tilting her head. Wait a minute, you can read minds? I have way too many questions than answers in my mind right now!


And also, what do you mean I am a book, I should be a human you know. A genuine human, like you! I am not a book that can be thrown at any time, I thought as I looked at her eyes once again before seeing my reflection.


“Wa-! I am a book?!” I yelled before she dropped me on the ground as her finger starting bleeding somehow. What happened? I thought when suddenly, a drop of her blood fell onto me as a golden light filled the whole jungle once again before I went unconscious.


I don't feel good about this chapter since it's 99% dialogue well, not that the original was any different but still. Well, at least that's another chapter completely rewritten. Chapter 5 is probably when I stop for the week before I continue rewriting next week!