Chapter 8 – Overarm Spear Training
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Chapter 8 - Overarm Spear Training.


"Okay, get up now. It has been enough time, if you won't get up then I won't help you cook your food again, do you dare?!" I said as she shook her head rapidly as she shivered... did I do it too much, I hope not... as I wouldn't like it if she stopped carrying me... I mean, I am more scared of the monsters here; soon, she stiffly stood up like a soldier while carrying her branch which was now sharp on its edge for some reason... most likely from the thrusts?


"Good, now let me explain to you the purpose of overarm grip... as I said a few minutes ago, overarm grip is another method of gripping your spear, it is usually accompanied by a shield of some sort and is great for striking enemies that have shields on them or throwing the spear onto a point...", I explained as she slowly nodded despite not understanding anything; well drowsiness is the only thing you can see on her face as her eyes were drifting around the place... most likely not listening to anything I say right now.


"For this training, we won't be using a shield of some sort, instead we will be focusing on the method of how to throw your spear; this is important as it can act as a replacement for long-range weapons, it can also be used to sneak up to fast enemies like rabbits and the likes... do you understand?" I asked as she nodded with her eyes drifting around to nowhere as usual; I wonder if she really understands but I'll take it as she does... maybe I am too harsh, I should prepare a gift after this...


"Well then, similar to underarm grip... you have to first place force onto your feet similar to stomping... both techniques are similar in this manner so you should be familiar with it... now position!" I said as she nodded mindlessly before stomping one of her feet on the ground as the foot shook probably from the amount of force she is inputting... I wonder if I can do something like that once I have a human form... come on, unlock the seal already!!


"After that, you then position your spear in an upwards position, you have to align it perfectly otherwise the spear will go back to you and kill you!" I said as she looked at where her shoulders were before carefully moving her spear in an upwards position with no target set; her "spear" was aligned in a way that it didn't hit any skin of hers... I wonder where the spear will hit... I hope it won't hit her...


"Now, transfer the force from your foot to your hands as you throw the spear, releasing all the force that was kept", I said as her hand pulled back before it started shaking like her foot as she threw the spear with as much force as she could, creating a loud swoosh sound effect before ending up on the trunk of a large tree.


"Good, now get the spear and try to hit the same spot again, keep repeating it until you hit the exact same spot again!" I said before she glanced at me with a tired face but still obeying what I said... soon, she kept rehearsing her actions by herself with each failure ending up with her staring at the branch of wood which we call "spear" for a few seconds before trying once again... it didn't take long for her aim to become accurate, with each throw getting slightly closer to the target... but still not there; suddenly, her eyes shone as if she had realized something and repeated the usual activities but this time she threw the spear with a controlled amount of force; after the spear was thrown, it struck at the same spot which it hit at the start before she happily screamed, "I finally did it!" she said as she hopped around before limply falling down to the ground once again as she tried her best to catch some breath.


"Congratulations, now you can finally kill a rabbit by yourself!" I said after she stared at me waiting for some kind of reward; sorry, I have no candies to give you, I thought as I smiled inside... after hearing my words, her cheeks started to become a pufferfish once again before a loud "puff" sound can be heard as she looked at me angrily.


"Of course, we will cook a rabbit for dinner today but first you have to find a rabbit and kill it yourself!" I said before her face twisted after realizing she fell into my scam... well, you could call it a scam but you still got something which is the ability to throw spears!


"Can't you get it yourself?" She asked me with a wry smile.


"I can't transform into a human myself sadly...", I replied before she resigned to her fate.


Time slowly passed when a certain hopping sound can be heard, immediately hearing the sound, Alisha took her spear and looked at the origin of the sound. She listened closely at the direction of the sound while carefully watching the surroundings until tiny white ears popped out from behind the root of a tree. Seeing the white ears, she put her training to work and performed a perfect throw striking straight at the rabbit before rushing towards it while holding it towards me with a face that says "cook it!".


"Fine, go get the branches and do the same thing again," I said before she nodded happily, soon after we started cooking the rabbit, as usual, using branches of wood before she ate it happily; the cooked rabbit this time looked more like a block of charcoal which is definitely not a good sign but it seems like she still loved it for some reason... people have weird tastes that one thing, I thought as time slowly passed before the girl, Alisha, finally fell asleep on the rough dirt.