Chapter 71 – Waaa?!
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Chapter 71 - Waaa?!

After the Pizza shop, we immediately headed towards the first destination which was the World Tree... and what we saw was absolutely stunning; a tree that goes way beyond the skies, with ten times the width of the widest tree on Earth... added with its beautiful leaves which changed every second, just by staring at the tree, you could feel nature hugging you; a single stare at the tree, fills your whole body with energy together with the extremely soothing smell that the tree emits, it was a very amazing place to be in.


We stayed around the World Tree for a while before heading towards the Ego tree where a beautiful tree stood alone; the tree was in the form of a trident, with ocean blue leaves that didn’t belong to this world... the smell emitted from the tree made you feel like you were in the sea, according to the stone tablet that was placed before the tree, the effects that the tree gives by staying around for a few minutes is: hydration, relaxation and finally, a boost in the ego which I somehow can’t feel for some reason, oh well... it seems like it works for the others though.


After the Ego tree, we went towards our second to the last destination which was the Saturn Stone which was simply, a large rock that was larger than a normal tree; the rock was yellow in color just like Saturn, but what was unique about this rock was it had rings made out of very tiny rocks... the rings contained no mana which was strange as it orbited around the rock.


“This shouldn’t be possible...” Iris muttered as she looked in awe at the rock... as she said, this rock simply breaks the laws of the world... not a single mana can be felt on it but still, it displayed a scene that cannot be described without it; it was like Saturn itself, something that doesn’t make sense for the people in my previous world.


We inspected the rock for some time, from all sides before coming to the conclusion that, it simply broke the laws of the world. The rock was made out of a material that clearly didn’t belong to this world, it was an undiscovered material, even the rings were made out of another material that really didn’t belong to this world.


“Let’s move to our final destination now?” Iris asked as we nodded before heading towards the final destination, the World Stone.


We soon arrived at the location of the World Stone and what was shocking was the pressure it gave off; a single slab of stone stood in the center, filled with mysterious blue lines... the stone was enclosed in a circular barrier that didn’t allow anyone to enter, the only information that we know is the two words on the barrier, “World Stone”.


“Should we try entering?” Alisha asked as Iris poked her cheeks before nodding as the two of them soon tried passing by the barrier before being knocked back by a mysterious force... what was that I thought as a Namiyan went towards them and said, “It’s useless trying, no one has been able to enter the invisible barrier since it arrived there”


“Is that so?” I asked as the Namiyan nodded... that makes it more interesting, I wonder if I can enter it since according to the book, grimoires are creatures that break the laws of the world themselves. I thought as I walked towards the barrier before suddenly, my whole surrounding distorted as I suddenly arrived inside a white room; the room was all white and empty, except for the stone slab which was standing in front of me, the stone slab was made in some kind of material like diamonds, with blue lines that actively move around it.


Are you calling me? I muttered as I was slowly dragged towards the stone slab before my hand touched the slab itself as the whole surrounding changed once again; the scenery this time is not something a normal human would like to see, it showed a lonely blue planet like Earth with a single bright star far away from it.


Is this the universe?” I thought as a blue hologram appeared in front of me; the blue hologram was filled with symbols that I could clearly understand and is familiar with... it was the English language from my previous world.


What was written on the hologram was a simple sentence, “New Creator, Althea”.... what do you mean about that? Why is my name there, and what is New Creator, isn’t that something like a God... I don’t understand, I thought as more and more holograms popped out; the holograms were filled with cheats.


Did I accidentally stumbled on the World’s Console... wait, that doesn’t make sense, why does a world have a console? Is this world simply a game itself, then what about Alisha, is she just a character of this world?


It can’t be right... after all, this world is way too real; I thought as my finger accidentally touched on a hologram... the hologram was the one with the word, “Creator Mode”


Oops... f me, I thought as my consciousness returned to where Alisha and the others were... but what was shocking was, the faces they had.


Althea, who is that fairy?” Iris asked as the other Namiyans immediately kneel down to the ground as they prayed towards me... “What fairy?” I asked when suddenly, a tiny creature with rainbow wings flew in front of me with a smile as she said... “Mama!”.! WAAAAAAAAAAAA?!