The Kingdom of Fairies and the Birth of the Queen Grimoire.
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The Kingdom of Fairies and the Birth of the Queen Grimoire.

On a far away land from the New Alverost Kingdom, sits a mysterious kingdom—with little information known about it, the kingdom in question is the Fairy Kingdom—not to be mixed up with the Exiled Fairy Kingdom.

The Kingdom has two Queens in the throne—Queen Elizabeth and Queen Yulia—the two Queens holds all the power of the kingdom, from the rules, traditions and religion. These two Queens are rumored to come from the Ancient Golden Magic Era and have survived the Ancient War of The Divines.

With these two Queens in the throne—no one dared to fight against the Kingdom, their powers were described to be as powerful as the Divines, with knowledge that far surpasses the ancient Sages—but what the world didn’t know was…

Hey, what’s with this book! Too much exaggeration!” a tiny fairy with orange hair and blue eyes shouted as she threw an ugly brown book that had the title, “History of the Fairy Kingdom”.

True, it does have too much fake information… who wrote it?” another fairy with yellow hair and cold white eyes asked as she sat beside the orange-haired fairy while hugging her.

Uhh—Your Majesty, it was Prince Harold who wrote it!” a fairy that had white mustache as well as white hair, wearing a butler suit said as sweat dripped from his forehead furiously.

I declare that Prince Harold shall be exiled from this Kingdom, immediately!” the yellow-haired fairy shouted as the butler fairy froze in place.

But—Your Majesty, Prince Harold is the crown prince!” the butler retorted when suddenly a black orb appeared in front of him.

Do you dare doubt my words? Crown Prince or Princess—it doesn’t matter, if you tell lies in this kingdom—you will be normally executed, this is already the highest amount of forgiveness I can give for such blatant lies! Now, go tell the guards to get him out of this kingdom!” the yellow-haired fairy shouted as the glasses of the room shattered into several pieces all at once.

Yes, Your Majesty!” the butler shouted as he ran out from the room in panic while closing the door gently as screams echoed from the other room.

Isn’t that too harsh, Yulia?” the orange-haired fairy asked while hugging the yellow-haired fairy.

If you think that is too harsh, then you probably forgot about how Mother used to do things—one lie could lead you to death, this tradition of Fairies having to be honest really locks us from doing a lot of stuff,” the yellow-haired fairy sighed while hugging the orange-haired fairy.

True, if only there was a change in this world—one that could possibly move the fate of the continent, and change the rules of the world,” the orange-haired fairy said as the two of them stared up in the ceiling before suddenly, a bright pink light shone brightly from the Southern side as hope rose inside their hearts.

At that time, the two fairies witnessed a legendary event—an event that will change the rules of the world, that event was “The Birth of the Queen Grimoire, the one who rules the Life and Death—Love and Kindness and the Fate of the World”.