0-1 Prologue
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“Where it all started”

“Everyone evacuate at once! That monster is coming for us!”

Amongst the turmoil a man shouted to all the villagers in the vicinity to evacuate at once, Because before them is an escalating destruction that keeps on spreading, Just because of one woman that got irritated by one of those villagers.

This woman is seven or so called the “harbinger of destruction” with her menacing aura, overwhelming destruction powers, and prowess in battle she had been sought by a lot of countries.

But because of this she got mad by the relentless persuasion and request for her to join a country, Thus she left a devastating mark to each countries for them to no longer pursue her.

“Ha... This is so irritating can everyone just leave me alone”

To think that these people were the ones who were looking at me with hate and now they are running for their lives. More or less this reputation of mine is also  in a state of good and bad.

The good thing is that the people will surely fear me and try to stir away, and the bad thing about this is mostly the disturbing roars above it seems that the gods are finally taking an action against me.

Seven is a human woman born with extraordinary gifts. Since the gods favored her mother Selene since she was a great believer, and a great servant of the gods thus they also think that her offspring will surely follow after her thus they gifted her daughter with these gifts:

“Magic mastery”

“War god”

“Godly blacksmith”

“Wise mind”

With these gifts she was surely to be a great addition to the servants of the gods. Being born in this world with extraordinary gifts, she used all of her gifts efficiently.

Thus she created a vast amount of popularity and renown throughout the continent. 

In her 18th birthday the gods had finally asked her to answer to them and serve them. “Are you joking? Why would I serve some gods that are even worse than the  worst humans themselves?”.

Thus with this shocking statement the gods had tried another way to keep her in check. 

So it ended with the gods asking their believers from each country to try and recruit Seven for their own. In the gods mind there is no best way to make sure to keep her in check.

Thus from what they have seen they didn’t foresee that she would exhibit a devastating magic to each country that had tried to recruit her. 

With these alarming recent events the gods had their first time of experiencing fear, that they haven’t thought of having created a human that can very well contend with them.

Due to her surprising growth and power they believed that she should be subjugated as soon as possible. Thus they spoke unto the minds of the people that should be called heroes unto the future.

I order to subjugate the “harbinger of destruction” with their blessings unto them and with their each created equipments that are called “divine relics”.

But from what they did not know seven had already foreseen their conclusions and their objectives. 

Thus in subjugating her she created a clone of herself with her exact appearance, and prowess in the arts of destruction, and battle this clone of hers will surely be thought that it is the real her.

With the villagers already evacuated and the whole vicinity of the village destroyed. With the smell of ashes still lingering in the air she had created her battleground. 

That this will surely mark her great plan into her end in the eyes of the gods and the so called heroes that are coming for her.

Hi guys! This is my first time writing here so i would be happy to know your thoughts about this so please comment thanks!