Chapter 4 – Final Flame
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He jumped back to gain distance but Raaja rushed towards him to land a finishing blow but something hit her body hard and she flew towards her left and landed on the ground with her side.

The attacker was Nanaha’s blue soul orb. With her mind, she ordered the orb to attack again. Raaja rolled towards her left and dodged the orb with finesse.

“Soul of Berserker!” she yelled as she looked at Nanaha with a hellish grin.

Raaja's hair flew upwards, the nails in her hands stretched and largened into claws. Fangs grew and appeared out of her taunting grin. The orb attacked again when she gained a stance on her legs. But Raaja twirled around the approaching orb like a lightning bolt and avoided it.  

Realizing the dangers she was about to face Nanaha yelled:

“Portegius soulo”

A blue light glittered from her body, it formed a new layer of energy to protect her. Raaja pushed the ground hard with her right leg and in a moment, blasted towards Nanaha with extreme speed.  Nanaha pulled the orb towards her sister with her mind but with a single backhand punch, Raaja knocked the orb away and punched Nanaha’s stomach with her free hand.

Nanaha let out vomit from her mouth. She felt all her strength and vitality vanish as the force of the punch threw her backward and she landed on the ground with a thud. Her body froze and she couldn’t get any air. Her vision blackened, her ears rang and her body shivered. Raaja walked slowly and arrived on top of her sister’s twitching body and pale face.

Nanaha watched her sister with shaking eyes as she waited for the final strike to end all misery. But Raaja could not move. Her body somehow froze and refused to obey her commands. But she did have the strength to turn her head backward to see that Heinessen was crouching on the ground with his hands on the road.

“Heh. Don’t underestimate me, girl” mumbled Heinessen almost to himself.

A metallic link had manifested on the ground that glittered blue light from it. It spread forward and connected with Raaja’s legs.

“Troublesome old buffoon” hissed Raaja as she slowly pulled her body and turned around.

Heinessen was pouring all that he got into this techno-magic. He always wished he would mingle less with pure-blooded mages. But the life of a policeman proved to be less than what a person desires. He looked at Raaja with a sarcastic smile, waiting for the despairing moment that she may break out of his binding techno-magic.

But sudden volley of electronic bullets that hit her startled Raaja. She looked at the corner of the steel fence to see that two policemen and one policewoman were standing there, aiming their electro guns toward her.

“Tch. Hellso Portalus” said Raaja with scorn. 

A flame emerged from under her legs and wrapped her whole body in an instant. And at the very next second, when the flames subsided, Raaja was gone. Nowhere to be seen. The policewoman ran and helped Heinessen to her feet while the two policemen surveyed the area as they aimed their electro guns around.

One of the policemen quickly sat down beside the frozen Nanaha and patted her cheeks.

“Nanaha, Nanaha, are you okay?”

Even if her vision had become blurry she could still make out the sound. A voice that’s friendly yet brimming with confidence.

“Joshua?” she muttered.

“It’s okay. We made it in time. Even if the citizens complain about our inconsistency, we do come when it matters the most don’t we, haha” said Joshua with a smile.

She couldn’t help but nod. Tears started to appear in the corner of her eyes as she stretched her arms towards her savior. Joshua happily gave her a hug. He then placed his arms under her body and pulled her up from the ground.

“You okay, Nanaha?” asked the female cop.

Nanaha’s vision was starting to get better and she soon identified who those cops were.

“Luna, Krimson?”

“Yeah, who else would we be” said Krimson the male cop with a smirk on his face.

“Don’t let your guards down. They might still be around” said Heinessen as he scanned his surroundings with narrow eyes.

“Let’s search for where the bastards might be at" yelled Krimson confidently.

“Safety is first. That blue-headed bimbo is a hell of a crazy strong mage. I’ll call for reinforcements and the ambulance. And let the two perpetrator go. We can't catch up to mages anyway” said Heinessen.  

Standing still they waited cautiously. Soon police sirens resounded throughout the alley and two police cars came into the vicinity followed by an ambulance truck.                                                 
The investigator was the first to get out of the car followed by the other policemen. Soon the medical team emerged from the back of the truck with a wheeled stretcher.

The medical team quickly rushed and brought the stretcher for Nanaha to be placed upon. Afterward they headed back into the truck while carrying her.

The investigator discussed with Heinessen for a brief moment then went into the back of the ambulance truck to speak with Nanaha.

“How are you feeling?” asked the investigator.

“Bad…really bad” said Nanaha.

“No wonder. You still feel fine to talk?”

Nanaha nodded but the medical man interjected:

“She is acting tough. There is a severe injury in the abdominal area and she is bleeding internally. But don’t worry. We can heal her in no time”

Even with the last sentence to relieve her, Nanaha still felt uneasy that she was bleeding.

After what seemed to be a thirty-minute bumpy ride the ambulance arrived at the hospital and Nanaha was carried in.

“I hope she is alright” said Joshua as he nervously strolled around the corridor with white walls.

“Relax. She is a tough girl you know. But I guess she does become gullible whenever you’re around” said Krimson sarcastically.

“Worrying won’t help anyone. Won’t you just sit down” said Luna.

The door opened and the nurse exited the room and looked politely towards the three policemen.

“The patient is ready to welcome you”

Hearing those words the three enthusiastically entered the room. Nanaha greeted them with a warm smile on her face.