Chapter 11 – Nanaha’s rage.
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But it is hard for you to imagine unhappiness in a rich and wealthy society. Because of the poverty created by the Emporer and the Council you are constantly hoping for a better future. You people go on dreaming and craving for wealth. And since wealth and prosperity are all in the future your mind plays a trick on you. It tries to make it look like everything would be fine once you gain cash, a big house and lots of other useless bullshit.  

Only very exceptional minds can see that gathering and hoarding junk isn’t all there is to life. There is nothing wrong with wealth. But that is not the only thing important in life. And wealth has nothing to do with the happiness I am talking about. When people get rich on the outside they realize that they lack the richness of the inner. But the outer richness cannot be condemned because the outer and inner richness are linked.       

Those SaintTerra priests want you to believe that the poor who work hard will go to heaven. But that is nothing but a consolation for the poor, it is a way for the government and priests to cash in on their hard work. In reality, the chances of a wealthy person being truly religious are very high. Because only the wealthy man has time to ponder about life, the time to see the ridiculousness of everyone’s desires. And a wealthy man has already reached all there is to reach when it comes to outer richness.

Now the only exploration left is of the inner. Meditation, the key to discover the inner richness. Just by observing the thoughts that go in your mind without identifying yourself with any thoughts. Not judging any thoughts because judging a thought means getting identified with the judgemental thought.

This is the simplest method. With this simple technique, you will achieve the ultimate. Your eyes will open to reality, to truth, because now you are deconditioned from your mind, deconditioned from dreams and memories. Now you know that the observing self is different from your mind that is dreaming. And by and by when you keep on looking, the eyes of observation will change the mind.

When you were unconscious, your mind was just a dreaming machine that constantly distorted your reality with dreams.

When you are conscious and observative, meditative, the thick fog of your projections disappears. Your mind simply becomes device that reflects reality. And the truth of this reality will be revealed to you. The truth that you were always happy. And unhappiness was something that was illusionary, unnatural. But it will take long. It may take a while because you were dreaming for many lives, for thousands and thousands of years you were asleep”.

The crowd silently listened to all this. Luna and Heinessen were frowning and pursing their lips, their masks hiding their expression. Nanaha was also not convinced.

Is this what my sister was getting into? This cult? This bullshit? And the man just said something about many lives. Did Raaja seriously believe this old man’s tales? And believed that the soul was immortal? so that it is okay to kill?

The flames of rage took hold of her whole being. She jumped up to her feet and asked with a shaky voice:

“Hey, mister Maitreya. I have a question”

Her three teammates all noticed the spark of anger in her tone. The other masked men did not seem to approve of her attitude as well.  They couldn’t tell her expression cause of the mask, but they still noticed that she was being emotional.

“Yes, what is it?” asked Maitreya with a compassionate tone. There was still lovingness in his eyes.

But to Nanaha, they looked fake. She couldn’t tell if this was the so-called mind projection or not, she didn’t know. All she knew was that she wanted to throw everything that was building up within her towards the old man.

“M-my sister…killed all of our family because of you. Because you said that the soul was immortal, death is just a temporal sleep. That's why she did it. All-cause of you. So tell me. What makes you so goddamn different from all those religions who promise heaven. Aren’t you just like them?”