Introduction Arc- Badge- 11
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Sometimes, I just feel I write and post my stories too slow, but the other me tell this me, we on the right path.

'Wait. What?' 

Confused, I look around me, no other student seems surprised like me. 

"Captain Salvas, is there a problem?"  

Seeing me turns my head, Colonel Maresa asks me, 

"Yes, Colonel."  

"What is it?" 

"Colonel, it hasn't been more than 2 hours since we came to school, and we are getting a leave already. Shouldn't we be having an introduction with the other teac- Colonels, and get to know other Captains present here?"  

"Well, yes, you would, but after today you all will be living in the school for 5-8 Days per Week, so we thought to give the first day a breather for you all."  

All the students gasp when we hear it. It is the first time, we hear about it.  

"Don't worry. Your seniors will also join you within the next month. And Captain Salvas, we wanted you all to meet your other teachers today, but an emergency meeting came up, so only the homeroom teachers came to attend the class and give the news and basic information to you all."  

Colonel Maersa says, 

I look towards Nicky to see if she knows about it, but she beats me by looking at me.  

"Okay, Captains, before you leave, take these Badges with you. It will tell everyone in the school or outside the school of your association with us and your positions, so make sure to keep it in a displayable place."  

Colonel Maersa says that and goes near her seat; places some cases in the table. Then she sits on the chair and takes out a tablet, and types something on it.  

Saeline is the first one to move, she gets near the case and picks a badge for herself, soon the other students rush to get theirs.  

Within a few minutes, every student has the badges in their hands.  

Nicky, Jimmy and I have formed one group, Alex and the other 2 Members of Lux Platoon have one group; Saeline has the remaining members cluster near her.  

I look at the Badge, it's a hexagon badge, with the edge being crimson red color, the inside part being gold, the logo of the school in the center, and it is transparent. 'Captain' is written just below it. On the back, it was plain, no pin, or anything. So, when I try to apply, the 'Energy' that's inside my body. The badge glows, and the school's logo color changes to the Green.  

Seeing what just happened, Nicky and Jimmy follow me, to which their logo also changes, while Jimmy's turns purple; Nicky has two colors, white and green, with the white showing its dominance to green.  

Nicky gasps at it, the other students instinctively look at her, and finding our badge to be different than theirs, one of the guys of Alex's group says,  

"What the hell, man. How come they have a different badge than ours?"  


Saeline laughs,  

Seeing her laughing suddenly, everyone turns to her, Saeline who keeps on laughing wipe the tears forming on her eyes, she raises her red badge and speaks,  

"It's not she got a different Badge but that she knows how to use it."  

The guy lowers stare at her for laughing at him, but when the others follow, he lowers his head. 


Colonel Maersa claps her hand, which gets the attention of all the students, excluding Saeline, every other student stops laughing.  

"Okay, so for those students who couldn't guess what to do with the badge, let me inform you guys on how to use it." 

She grabs one badge lying on the table and speaks, 

"Have the Badge on your hands-"  

She waits for everyone to do it.  When everyone does it, she says, 

"-now try imagining, that the energy inside you is following from you to the badge. For every person it is different, for some, they feel like they are giving direction to the sea, for some, it's the lava that moves inside them, for some, it is love, for some, it's hate. Find that something inside you, and you should be able to utilize it. Go on, try it."   

The other Captains quickly try to replicate what Colonel Maersa said,  

The Captains who could do it without any guidance are,  

Janvas Karledo>Nicolette Carol>Jimmy Nickwell>Saeline Dreaklord>Maximus Rorbus>Sundra Mortha 

While the rest needed some assistance, with Alex being the first one to do it followed by others.  

"Okay, it seems all of you were able to do it."  

Colonel Maersa then writes something in her tablet, then closes it; stands up,  

"Captain Nicolette."  

She motioned to Nicky to give her badge to her; when Nicky does, the badge automatically goes back to Nicky,   

"And with mixing the technology and Something, we are able to create this badge, which will go back to its Eliage if it's farther than 1 Feet. And Captain Nicolette, why don't you put the badge on any place of your uniform."  

When Nicky place the badge on her wrist and leaves it, it stays there, and when I follow after her, it happens with mine too, even if I placed it on my chest, it doesn't fall.  

"After your Element touches the badge, the badge activates, and it shows your affinity with the Elements, as it has a magnetic effect it will follow the Eliage it connected with wherever they go; making it attach to your clothing with ease."  

After saying that, Colonel Maersa picks up her bag and tablet then heads to move out of the class.  

"Remember, from tomorrow, your real school starts."  

Saying those words, she leaves the class.  

At the same time, Nicky grabs my hand and pulls me out of the class, with Jimmy following us.  

"Nicky...Nicky... watch your nails."  

"Oh! Sorry."  

She leaves my arm and looks at my hand, which now has her nail imprint.  


"Ahh... Okay, but why did you have to drag me out?"  

She hits me on the head and makes a (Think idiot) face,  

"Because Saeline and Alex are in the room."  

I answer, 

"Yess! Let's move quickly."  

She drags my arms, and we quickly get in front of the room GGα, we don’t have to wait for long, as both Serra and Jeremie come out of the class quickly, they also had badges on them, but the one they have is different, as it’s having blue edges on them, maybe to distinguish the Beta's from Alpha. 

"Morning, Corporal." 

As I see Jeremie I call out to him, 

Spotting us, Jeremie runs up to Nicky, and Serra grabs Jimmy's arms; they both say in unison, 

"Make us your Corporal." 

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