Hazing Bra – 1 (Caught)
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Hazing Bra 1 - Caught 

"Come on...come on!"

Thomas shivered...

"Come on...come on, wimp. You just go in there, grab a bra, and put it on. Then you gotta walk around. Easy! We've all done it."

A slight boy, Thomas had missed out on sports. He heard about the Manly Brothers Club from a friend of a friend who took pity on him. 

That wasn't its real name, it was some bastardized Latin which got past the Administration but everyone in it was cool. He had finished a physical gamut of hazing up to this point. This was the last thing. 

They were in the trees just beyond the girl's lockers. The door was open and, while a few girls had entered, all was quiet for the moment. 

He'd been given a silky, compact blond wig to wear and some tennis balls to tape to the inside of his jacket. Enough to not get caught five seconds in.

The guys kept needling him. It was easy. Grab a bra, wear it outside, and his manly brotherhood would be proven forever. 

Holding his breath, he started walking, even though his legs didn't feel like his own. He stepped through the doorway just as a girl was turning a corner with her bag over her shoulder. 

He felt himself getting woozy and sweaty and the balls weren't sticking anymore. But the girl didn't look up from her phone.

The rest of the way he just moved between rows until he came to one without any girls on the bench. A locker had been left open.

Darting his hand inside, Thomas came out with a bra that slipped around in his grasp, as glossy and soft as satin with lacy, pale trim over the top of the cups, and a ribbon in the middle. But those cups. They were enormous! His hands could scarcely cross their expanse. 

He reconsidered. This was going to be ridiculous. But he had a bra. And the strap was already done. He could just slide it on. He ignored the voices from the nearby lockers and just peeled off his top. The tennis balls plopped to the ground. The bra had a shimmer, like it had been splashed in glow-in-the-dark paint, but Thomas was too preoccupied to care.

Swoop. Swish. Tug! He slipped it on awkwardly then straightened it, so it looked as normal as possible. It didn't feel crushingly-tight. As he shifted to zip himself up and dart out of the lockers, he felt a rush of cold against his warm body. Two points on his chest crinkled and swelled with a warmth that radiated from his toes to the tips of his wig. 

His pulse quickened but he stayed frozen in place as the points pressed out against the fabric. He could feel the soft material tracing against his chest as more and more flesh strained to meet it. With trembling shock, he watched his body not only fill out the contours of the cups but arch above them into an impossible landscape of cleavage that obscured the rest of his body.

He'd never had hard lines but the pulses took away his boyish shape. His tongue touched unfamiliar teeth in an altered skull as he panted to keep from passing out. His gym pants were long gone, replaced by a silken skirt with fluttering pleats. Underneath that...his mind wasn't ready to consider. But just standing felt strange now. 

Girls walked over to his row, but no one looked up with surprise or alarm when they saw him. They just laughed and toweled off their hair. Creeping over to the bathroom mirror, he locked eyes with a girl whose short, blond hair was a soft puff around her head and whose legs looked cold and lean. Wincing with her unfamiliar face, she scrambled for the latch on the bra. 

"Come on...come on!" She begged.

In all her preparation she hadn't thought about how she would take this darn thing off!

Art by Bethany Weaver
Story by MajorKerina