Chapter 2 “Answers, kind of”
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"Ughh" I groaned as I woke up. All I can see is a blurry green. "Well this seems very familiar" I say. Only this time I hear a child's voice.. "What!?!" I yell out. I sit up and rub my eyes. I have human hands. "hehehe" I just start giggling like a lunatic. "This is absurd. Just what is going on?" I look down and little human legs and body completely nude. I stand up and look around... "It's the same place." I'm where I was when I was a pup. The same clearing in the woods next to the pond. It's definitely a pond. I can see better now that im taller.

I look down at myself. I'm very small, maybe the size a 2 year old? Idk, I've never had anything to do with children. I feel something on my lower back, I reach back and feel something fluffy. I grab it and pull it towards the front of me so I can look at it. Its a tail, completely white... "I have a tail?" I start rubbing my eyes again. This is just too unbelievable. "Hold on." I reach to the side of my head to touch my ears and nothing is there... I move my hands up until I feel them, my ears. They feel big, furry and come to a point. I drop my hands to my hair and grab some of it and pull it forward. Its silver almost gray, not white, strange. Its also long. It come to the middle of my chest. Long for me at least, I'm a guy...

"Wait." I reach down in-between my legs. There's nothing there, well there is just not what I thought it would be. "Shiitt." What is going on? I was a pup now im a girl? Just calm down. What was the last thing I did as a pup? I drank out of the pond and was thinking about how much easier it would be to be a human... and then pain. I remember the pain. "hmmm" Man, it would be so much easier if I was a boy. I waited, and waited, but nothing happened. "Fuck!" Well that just echoed out across the pond. Oops...

I think i'm going to put the whole "i'm a girl now" on the back burner for the moment. I look at my hands and I notice that my finger nails come to a point. "Well shit." I whisper. I sit down and look at my feet my toe nails are the same as my finger nails. The pads on the bottom of my feet are not normal. The bottom of my toes are wider like an animals paws but only slightly. It makes me wonder if there is a in-between state. Like more animal then I am now, but not all the way like before. Something else to think about one day.

I walk to the nearest tree and scratch it with my right hand. It does a surprising amount of damage. "Huh." I kick the try tree next and my toes pierce it. My foot is now stuck in the tree. "heheheh" I start giggling again. I try to pull my foot out and it comes rather easily. "I have an idea." I start to climb the tree. Slowly. I blame my small body. Still its fun. I always enjoyed heights and climbing. I get to the nearest branch and sit down. I look out over the clearing, but there is nothing new to see. I decide to climb back down. I have things I need to figure out. When I reached the bottom [Ding] [Ding] I heard two chimes. "What the hell was that?" A weird bird? It's possible I guess.. 

Anyway, enough distractions. Why did I become a human with wolf features when I was a pup? "What kind of Hocus Pocus magic is this?" Wait. Magic. Real magic? As i'm thinking about these things my gaze gradually goes up to the sky for the first time... there's three moons lined up in a row. At least I think they are moons, I mean I can look directly at them, but it doesn't seem dark out. One of them is purple, one is red and the last one is green-ish. "I'm not in Kansas anymore." I whisper.