Ch. 41 – Whirlwind
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“Wow! Really?” Snooze asked, staring at the new Chief Administrator’s hand for a moment too long. The woman kept smiling and then allowed her eyes to flick down to her outstretched hand as if she felt it would be too awkward to mention.


“Ah!” Snooze exclaimed, and then grabbed the woman’s hand with both hands and pumped it in a vigorous and unnecessary shake before releasing it. “Sorry! I just… you surprised me, is all!”


The woman withdrew her hand, seeming amused by Snooze’s nature and nodded with a chuckle.


“I am the one who should be apologizing!” Grotto said, “I accidentally snuck up on you.”


Snooze made a ‘pffft’ sound with her mouth and shook her head.


“No worries at all! I’m excited to meet you! You seem a lot… different than the last Chief Administrator.”


Grotto nodded, bouncing her shoulders back and forth as if she felt like she had an awkward explanation to reveal.


“Yeah…” she said, making an “oopsie” expression by drawing her lips back. “That was a whole mess. Real sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re not under the impression that that is the usual way QUACK’s operate. Xol--er-- the former Administrator has really caused some problems Upstairs. We had to launch a brand new celestial relations campaign just to smooth over some of the issues that arose because of their actions.”


She let out a huge sigh, leaning forward to emphasize it and dramatically wiped her brow.


“...and believe you, me--there were a LOT of issues.”


Snooze enjoyed the exaggerated actions and expressions that Grotto used when speaking. It reminded her of a Broadway actor, with “big” movements and emotive faces. It was extremely engaging.


“Why did you refer to yourself as a quack?” Snooze asked, puzzled.


Grotto smiled and nodded, looking pleased and pointed at Snooze.


“That is an excellent question,” she said. “A QUACK is what we called the Quadrant’s Administrative Chief Keeper, the official title for what we sometimes called the Chief Administrator.”


Snooze smiled.


“It’s funky,” she said. “I like it.”


“I do too! It’s kinda…” Grotto began, and closed an eye, looking up in the air with the other as if searching for the word in the sky while wagging her index finger. “...quirky.”


Snooze chuckled. She really liked this new QUACK, a term she was going to use a lot more often.


“So, you’re going to be in charge of this area from now on?” Snooze asked.


“Oh, celestial heavens no,” Grotto said with a laugh. “You’re in charge of your things. I am just here to make sure things run smoothly, and well… I’m not your permanent replacement.”


“You’re not?” Snooze asked. “That’s unfortunate.”


“Aw, thanks,” Grotto said with a dorky smile and sway as if she was terrible at accepting compliments. “I’m only the interim QUACK while things get sorted out. However, I plan to be pretty hand-off for the most part, so don’t worry about me meddling or anything like that. Though, if you do need help…”


She lifted her finger and a tiny bauble of light appeared in front of her. It glowed intensely for its size and was the same pale yellow as her skin.


“Here,” she said, and blew on the light, forcing it to leave its perch on her fingertip and gently float through the air until it was floating in front of Snooze. Then it stopped glowing and as Snooze put her hand toward it, it transformed into a tiny yellow stone with three curved lines carved into it.


“What’s this?” Snooze asked. 


“Oh, that’s my Relay,” Grotto explained. “You just squeeze it and it’ll let me know that you need some assistance. Then I can come as soon as I’m able.”


“I’ll try not to abuse it,” Snooze said. “Like, only for emergencies. For instance if I need to know what your favorite kind of pizza is.”


“Or, if you see a weird looking creature with a funny walk,” Grotto offered with a laugh. “Seriously, don’t worry about bothering me. I’m always down to help. That’s what I’m here for!”


Then the QUACK’s eyes widened and she snapped her fingers.


“Shoot!” she said, giving a pained expression. “Sorry Snooze. I’ve gotta go, but I’ll swing by in a little while and check on you, and make sure you don’t need anything. Until then…”


“Stay out of trouble?” Snooze offered.


Grotto gave her a look like she thought she was crazy. 


“What? Absolutely not. Get into as much trouble as you can. You’re a god, not a kid at a private school!” She chuckle again. “Later days!”


“Later days!” Snooze responded stupidly as the woman disappeared with a snap.


Snooze stood there a moment, just reflecting in the afterglow of the hurricane of personality that was Grotto the QUACK. She smiled huge and turned back to her planet.


“Alright, let’s figure out this Twick sitch.”