Chapter 10: Identity
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It took me forever to go to sleep last night. I was fully conscious of the woman lying next to me and I just couldn’t get her out of my head. At one point I just rolled over and watched her. ‘Oh my god I’m turning into a psychopath,’ I had thought to myself. She was just so… beautiful. Her hair, her ears, her eyes, her tail, her muscles. I could almost feel myself drooling over her. AAAHHH!!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!?!?!

In the end, I only got about five hours of sleep. I woke up groggy in the morning as Heather shook me awake. She was sitting over me in her tank-top and underwear. Wait… WHAT?! I quickly turned away and covered myself with the blankets. Why was she dressed like that?! Lewd images popped into my mind and I quickly shook them out. Ugh… this was so embarrassing. My cheeks were on fire!

“Whoops!” Heather said with a slight chuckle, “I’ll put on some pants,”

I was freaking out a little under the covers. Did she do that on purpose? What if she did? Does that mean…

“I’m dressed,” she said. I slowly began to work my way out of the covers. She had put on a pair of red athletic shorts.

“Sorry about that,” she said with an apologetic smile, “A little bit of a habit since I used to live alone,”

“It’s alright,” it definitely wasn’t alright, but I didn’t want to admit that.

“It’s seven o’clock right now. We leave in an hour. Find something to wear… I’ll make breakfast,”

Heather closed the door behind her. The bags of clothes were at the foot of the bed. I grabbed a white button-down blouse and a long black skirt for today. My underwear was just simple. I didn’t think I was ready for anything more than that. This wasn’t the first time I put on underwear, but it was nice to have ones that fit me now that I had actual boobs. We had also bought some shoes for me since the only ones I had were a pair of Heather’s old flip-flops. There were a pair of white sandals so I chose those. I could hear something sizzling in the next room. Was she making bacon again?

To my surprise, she was actually making sausage patties. The toaster on the counter had toast heating up. Eggs had already been made and were sitting in a covered bowl. I watched as Heather cooked. Her unkempt hair and tail swayed behind her as she shifted the pan around. I sighed, when was I going to get over this feeling? I swear I had been so flustered since yesterday and nothing has changed. That walk only helped until we went to bed.

After eating our eggs, sausage and toast, we headed back into Seabrook City. Heather had put on black pants and a white t-shirt. Our destination this time was the Department of Identity. We had to take a subway this time because the distance was too far to walk. The building itself wasn’t that big, but there were guards standing outside making it seem impressive.

When we entered the building, we walked through a metal detector. Then walked up to the front desk. There were two men sitting behind the counter in security uniforms. One had cat ears and the other was shorter and had a lot of hair. The looked up to us as we approached.

“Do you have an appointment?” the cat eared guy asked.

“Yes… it should be under Jackson,” Heather told them. He started tapping on the computer.

“Alright. Head on up to the second floor, third door on the right,”

“Thank you,” Heather said as we walked over to the stairwell. When we reached the doorway, we entered a waiting room. Another desk occupied the opposite side of the room. We walked up to the fiery haired woman sitting at the desk. When I sat fiery, I mean her hair was literally on fire.

“Name?” she asked.

“Heather Jackson,”

The woman looked at her computer and said, “Ah… Do you have the sapient slime with you?”

“She’s right here,” Heather said as she gestured to me. I raised my hand to say hello.

“Okay then. Have a seat and fill out these forms,” The fiery woman handed Heather a clipboard. We sat down and I began filling it out. It was mostly just general information about myself. Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. A couple minutes after I finished the form, a woman with horns called for us. We walked in to an office and sat in chairs on the opposite side of a desk.

“My name is Aku Silver. I’m one of the identification certifiers here,” she said with a smile. I could see her canines were fangs when she opened her mouth. She reached her hand out for us to shake.

“Heather Jackson,”

“Celeste Lowe,” I said as I shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you both,” Aku said as she sat down in her chair, “So, Ms. Lowe. I’ve heard your story from Lee over in the SBCPD, but I’d like to hear it from you. Can you tell me everything from the beginning all the way up to the assault yesterday?”

I began feeling anxious as I was about to start, but I suddenly started feeling relaxed. It was an unnatural, but comforting feeling.

“Don’t worry about feeling anxious,” Aku said softly, “I’m here to make sure you are comfortable. I’ll make sure you can tell me without any interruptions,”

I took a deep breath and began the story. I told her about how I was from another world, how I woke up as a slime, how I met Heather, how I figured out how to change into a human form, my slime transition, and how yesterday I fought the orc. Aku put her hand to her chin,

“Quite the interesting story. It’s been about fifty years since a traveler has arrive in Freidia. Also, congratulations with the transition! I bet you feel a lot more comfortable,”

I nodded. It was amazing how much better I felt since I had transitioned into a female body. Before, I felt stuck and not moving forward. Now, I was the way I wanted to be and it felt so right.

“Now there are some concerning factors with your story,” Aku continued, “One is the fact you can change you form at will into anything you’ve seen before. The second is the amount of force you were able to exert against an orc,”

It took me a moment, but I understood. I was strong enough to punch something probably over 200 pounds twenty feet before it hit the ground. That’s not even the limit. I could also have a perfect disguise as anyone. It could be used and cause major security breaches.

“We will have to give you a marked identification. These are usually given out to chameleon beast-men, changelings, gorilla beast-men, and other significant individuals including travelers. It doesn’t limit the things you can do; it just provides different circumstances when dealing with authorities. You’ll also need to come in every six months for the next ten years to report. It’s just a check-up to see how you’re doing,”

“Why do you have to do that?!” Heather stood up and began shouting, “She’s just a girl! Why do you need to keep check on her like she’s on a government watchlist?!”

Aku sighed, “Ms. Jackson. Do you know why they chose me to do this job? It’s to deal with troublemakers who feel entitled to conditions that they don’t meet. Do you know what some of those people do when they learn I can’t meet them?”

Aku leaned stood up and leaned close to Heather. A black, heart-tipped, skinny tail popped out from behind her and large, leathery wings unfurled from behind her. Her voice was growing louder and serious. The atmosphere became heavy and extremely dark.

“Why do you think they need a succubus to do this? It’s to make sure people don’t go on rampage in this office. Now… I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want me to make this an unfortunate experience for you. So please… sit back down,”

Heather’s body had change when I looked at her. Her skin had grown fur, her face had elongated into a snout, and her hands had claws. She was growling intensely. I grabbed her arm to calm her, “It’s okay Heather… I’m fine with this. You don’t need to say anything. I’ll be okay,”

Heather looked at me a moment and her face relaxed. She returned to her normal self and sat back down. Aku smiled as she furled her wings back and retracted her tail.

“Thank you, Ms. Lowe,” Aku sat back down, “Now let’s proceed with the identification process,”

We sat as Aku began typing on her computer. It took a few minutes and a couple more questions before she handed me two cards.

“Here is your ID. It doesn’t do anything other than give you an identity for the moment. The other card is one you should keep at home. It’s similar to the ID, but it has more information. And with that you’re all set,”

I stood up and shook Aku’s hand, “Thank you so much,”

“You’re very welcome,” she said, “Welcome to Freidia,”

We exited the building and I took a look at the card I had. The picture was of myself right now.

Name: Celeste Lowe

Race: Sapient Slime

Gender: F

Current Age: 19

Additional Notices: Superior Strength, Shapeshifting abilities, Traveler

This identification card certifies the above individual as one of Freidia

This identification card was distributed by the Seabrook City Department of Identity

This identification card will update itself when necessary

I could feel myself smiling as I looked at the card in my hand. This was the first ID that had my chosen name and gender. The last line made me think that the card was magical and updated itself with time. That was so cool! I was slowly beginning to love this world more and more.  

Our girl finally has her ID! Unlike me... Either way, another chapter for y'all, another happy moment for me! Thank you all for reading!