I woke up as groggy as ever this morning. It’s been about eleven days since I first woke up in this world. Quite a lot has happened since then. Lily came by a couple more times to use me as a model. I learned the hard way that I could absorb liquids and solid that would be harmful to humans… like soap. I mixed up some bottles and ended up drinking soap. Basically, I can drink whatever the hell I want… it just tastes really bad. I’m gonna stick with the tasty food stuff.
I’ve spent most of my time recently doing research on this world and slimes too. While I’m not invulnerable, I can survive quite a lot of things humans wouldn’t be able to. My core is as fragile as glass so the more water I have the better. I tried soaking myself in the tub once, but after a while I became sluggish and it made me want to vomit. It turns out, there really is a limit to how much liquid I can stomach before violently throwing up some of it.
I got out of and put on a pink t-shirt and white denim shorts. I’ve finally gotten used to sleeping in the same bed as Heather. As I exited the bedroom, I noticed Heather wasn’t around. On the counter in the kitchen was a sticky note that read,
Heading out for a bit!
Feel free to do whatever you want in the meantime.
Try not to drink soap :)
See you later tonight – Heather
“C’mon that was one time!” I complained to the air. I giggled and stuck the note in my back pocket. In the cabinet was a box of cereal that Heather must’ve bought for me. Since Heather is part wolf, she prefers meat and protein to carbs so she rarely got cereal. After I finished, I sat down on the couch and began watching the news.
“…among the recent kidnappings includes 14-year-old Jessica O’Conn. She was last seen in Seabrook City five days ago, May 29th. If you have any information on the serial kidnappings please call the Seabrook City Police Department at…”
“Yeah, yeah… boring. What else is on?” I said as I flipped through channels. There were a lot of sports channels and movie channels, but I wasn’t particularly interested in those. I switched the input on the TV to the game console and started playing. I started playing a game series called Earth Emblem a couple days ago. It seemed it was the counterpart to one of my favorite series in my world.
“Haaah… I’m bored,” It was noon now and I had done nothing but play games. I missed Heather. She was around me almost all the time. It was really comforting having her near me. She was just so… amazing. I loved spending every minute with her. The last few hours of the day were spent continuing to play games. I could feel myself falling into a depressed state.
“I’m back!” Heather announced as she entered the apartment. I jumped up from the couch and ran over to her.
“Welcome back!” I was so happy to see her. My face lit up with a bright smile the moment I looked at her. Heather walked over to the counter and set down a large box, a very large bag… and pizza?
“What’d you get?” I asked. Heather put her finger to her lips and winked at me. I don’t know if it was on purpose, but the way she did it was so seductive.
“A little something for later. I got some pizza so let’s eat!” We began digging in to the pizza and it was heavenly. The pizza was fluffy, the cheese didn’t fall off, the sauce was just the right amount, and the crust was baked to perfection. This was better than all the other pizzas I’ve had! Halfway through our meal, the doorbell rang.
“I was wondering when she was gonna show up,” Heather mumbled as she answered the door. Lily practically burst through the door as she entered.
“Hey there Celly! How’ve you been?” she asked as she ran up and hugged me. I was still sitting down eating my pizza so it was a very awkward hug. She was also holding a bag so it was twice as awkward.
“I’ve been doing okay. How about you?”
“Fabulous!” Lily said with a smile, “I’ve been busy with work lately, but you’ve helped a lot too by modeling some clothes,”
“Want to eat with us?” Heather asked, “There’s an apron if you don’t want to get your clothes messy,”
“Oh my god I haven’t had pizza in so long. Yes please!” Lily licked her lips as she dove in.
We chatted while we ate. It was nice having the three of us together. I cleared our plates and began washing them. Behind me, I could hear Lily and Heather bustling about a little. What were they doing? Once I was finished, I put the dish gloves to the side and the lights went out.
“Whoa,” I said as I turned around. Standing in the middle of the room, Heather and Lily were holding a cake. The candles flickered as they began singing.
“Happy Birthday to you!” My cheeks were hot as I bore a surprised smile on my face.
“Happy Birthday to you!” They brought it closer and sat it on the counter. It was a vanilla frosted cake with sprinkles and blue lettering. The top of it read, ‘Happy 20th Celeste!’
“Happy Birthday dear Celeste!” The singing was a little uneven, but it still made an impact on me. This was the first birthday I had with my name… my true name.
“Happy Birthday to you!” They began clapping as I was laughing. There was a tear in my eye as they turned the lights back on.
Heather ran over to me and gave me a hug, “Happy Birthday Celeste,”
“How did you know?” I was completely astonished, “I didn’t even remember it!”
“The day we went to the ID Department, I took a peek at your paper. I panicked a little when I realized it was gonna be today. Lily helped me with the last-minute planning,”
I brought Lily in for a group hug, “Thank you so much. Both of you,”
Tears were beginning to fall down my face now. I was so happy to be able to spend this day with these people. They were almost like family for me in this world. Both of them meant everything to me right now.
“Let’s dig in!”
The cake was vanilla and it was divine. I could eat the whole thing if I wanted to, but I didn’t because I wanted to savor the deliciousness. We laughed as we chatted over the cake some more. Once we finished, Heather took care of the dishes.
“Oh yeah! Presents!” Lily shouted. She grabbed the bag she was holding before, “Here is mine!”
Inside the bag was a small box. I took it out to reveal a new smartphone. It looked like it was the latest design, and very expensive.
“A phone?” I asked.
“Yep! Since you didn’t have one, I’ve had to call Heather so many times, to get in touch with you. Now, we can keep in touch without a middle man!”
I hugged her and thanked her for the phone. It felt nice to have a piece of technology that was mine. Next was Heather’s turn. She came over to me with the very large bag she was holding before.
“Here. Happy Birthday,” she said again.
There looked to be a piece of fabric inside. I grabbed it and it just kept on going. When it fully unfurled, I gasped. It was a gorgeous dress. The fabric was a dark blue that was combined with sparkling, silver dots. Together, it made the dress look like it was taken right out of the night sky. A bit of fabric in the form of a rose stuck out at the top of the strapless dress.
“It’s…” I was absolutely stunned by it’s beauty, “I don’t know what to say! It’s so… beautiful. Thank you!”
Lily looked very proud of herself for whatever reason. Heather sighed as she looked at her, “Lily helped me pick it out,”
“And I did a damn good job now didn’t I?” Lily grabbed my arm and began leading me to the bedroom, “C’mon! We’re putting that on you right now!”
“W-w-wait!” I stuttered, but my refutes were useless. Lily began to undress me and I just stood there as awkward as ever. I got rid of the acne scars before she did anything else. Once I was stripped, she made me put on a pair of black panties and a black strapless bra. Immediately after I was done, she began putting the dress on me. As she zipped me up, I noticed just how well the dress fit me. It perfectly fit my form down to every last detail. I was about to look in the mirror when Lily stopped me.
“Not yet. I’m gonna touch up that pretty face of yours,” She brought out another bag full of makeup and hair supplies. Oh dear… Lily began to work her magic and I just sat on the bed. It was really uncomfortable having someone put makeup on me, but it’s not like I haven’t had this done before. One time, I went to a makeup artist to get advice on covering up. I looked so different afterwards. It felt like it took forever for Lily to be done. Before I could stand up, she began putting heels colored similarly to my dress.
“Wait! I’ve never worn heels before!” I told her.
Lily reassured me, “Don’t worry. Here hold this,” She handed me a magic crystal. It glowed pink for a moment, then became an opaque grey.
“What was that?” I asked.
“Something to help you in a moment,” she said as she gave me a sly wink.
I stood up… and I was fine. It felt completely natural, like I had worn heels for forever. If that was from the crystal, that was insane. I walked over to the mirror and was shocked with what I saw. My lips looked bigger and were colored crimson, my eyelashes were longer, there was deep blue, sparkling eye-shadow, my cheeks were slightly redder, and my hair had been made super fluffy and wavy. I was stunning to say the least.
“We still have more to come. Let’s go!” Lily opened the door and pushed me out into the hall. As I rounded the corner, I saw Heather standing in the middle of the room in a suit. She… she was… so hot. I felt my mind go to mush the moment I saw her. There was nothing else that mattered right now except her. Right now, she couldn’t see me because she had her back to me. Her tail was swishing angrily.
“Lily, why did you make me dress in a suit and move the furniture to the side?” Heather called over her shoulder.
“Just turn around, you’ll see,” Lily teased. As Heather turned around, her focus was on me. My focus was on her too. The way the suit fit her so nicely, she looked so… dreamy. Lily pushed me forward into Heather’s arms. Ball music suddenly started playing from the speakers.
“C’mon! Dance you two!” Lily was obviously having a good time watching us. Heather looked down at me, and I could feel myself swooning even harder than before. She was so handsome and pretty. I heard her sigh ever so slightly.
Her hand reached up and brushed my hair, “You look so beautiful,” she said softly and sensuously.
“You look… amazing,” I could barely utter the words. Before I could do anything else, Heather grabbed my hands and we began to dance. Damn! How was she this smooth?! I had actually never danced before so I guessed it was an additional feature of the crystal. We looked in each other’s eyes as we danced. It was hypnotizing. Her yellows eyes, sharp like they could stare into your soul, but soft like a worried mother’s. I wanted to fall into her arms right there and have her take me.
“I think I like you,” I heard my mouth say. Heather looked at me and smiled, “I like you too,”
“I mean ‘love you’ like you,”
“I know,”
Holy crap she knew. I think it was that moment on the train that we both confirmed our feelings. I thought I was moving too fast, but if she felt the same way... Fuck it.
Heather gave me a seductive, beaming smile, "Happy Birthday my little slime girl,"
In that moment, Heather bent me over, leaned down, and we shared a long and deep kiss.
It was really late when I read up to chapter 9 originally and was too tired to comment but since I've remembered I'll say it now.
I'm glad you chose to write this and more so post it on Scribblehub. In part because it allowed me to find this novel but even more so after reading the comments. Certain other sites wouldn't have had such kind positive feedback. The tags don't really prepare you for this as most are either a forced gender bender for laughs or for smut.
This novel contains feelings that the reader picks up on and gets drawn in by. It actually reminds me of a manga I read years ago. The story was about a feminine guy, his family, his friends and his school. His identity crisis and eventual s*x change. It used a phrase to describe it in such a way that by the time I realised it was essentially a boys love(shounen-ai) story, it was far too late as I was hooked. Unfortunately, I have long since forgotten what it was called.
It was a topic I would have never of read knowingly but the way it was written was so good it just drew you in. This might be the first since then that I've read something that would normally be outside my comfort zone but loved it. So well done author and of course thank you as well.
Thanks for the chapter!!
“among the recent kidnappings includes 14-year-old Jessica O’Conn.” something tells me this might be relevant for the future
I panicked when I read that line. I was seriously worried Heather would have been kidnapped and not return that night. Well, I still worry it will happen after all you are a failure of an MC if you don't find yourself getting caught up in such events one way or another.
awwww cuuuuute !!!! aaaa what a cute chapter and a dreamy birthday :3
I have a wife and I wish that was me. f*ck!
Lily got a good show there at the end
Thanks for the chapter :)
I need more
Thanks for the chapter that was sweet enough to require insulin
So sweet. Thanks for the chapter!
Ah, but she could still go the harem route rescuing a Jess or two...