Chapter 12: Work
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Two weeks ago, on my birthday, I told Heather I liked her. When she told me it was reciprocated, I was probably the happiest girl on Earth. We started doing more things together after that. I realized just how much of an affectionate person I was when I noticed I hugged Heather at every opportunity. Sitting on the couch? Jump next to her and cuddle. Cooking? Sneak up behind and hug around the stomach. Just standing around? Hug her and don’t let go.

We’ve gone out on a few dates as well. There was the arcade, the pizza restaurant that we got the amazing pizza from, a movie, and the one where we went shopping for new video games. Today, we got takeout and were binge watching a TV show Heather liked. In the middle of our eighth episode, I got a call from Lily.


“Celly. You don’t have a job yet, right?” Lily asked impatiently.

“Yeah. I mean, I’ve been thinking about working at a grocery store. I was actually going to send in an app-”

“Forget that,” Lily caught me off guard, “I’ve got a job offer for you and you’re hired immediately,”

“Hold up,” I tried to stop her, “You can’t just say I’m hired before you’ve even told me about the job,”

“Tomorrow at 9:00. Be here. I’ll text you the address,”

Lily hung up before I could say anything. A few seconds later she texted an address to me. What the fuck was she doing? Even for Lily standards this is crazy.

“Who was that?” Heather asked.

“Lily. She said that she had a job offer and immediately hired me. I didn’t even get a chance to say anything. She just texted me this address and that was it,”

Heather sighed, “Her family… they run a clothing advertisement agency. It’s one of the biggest around too. I don’t know what she wants, but a job like that’ll pay you way more than a grocery store,”

I figured it was worth a shot to see what kind of job she was hiring me for. If it was something I couldn’t handle, I would turn it down on the spot. I just hoped she wasn’t going to get me into anything too crazy. The address was in Seabrook… I prayed that I would survive this…

The next morning, Heather dropped me off at the train station. After taking a train to the terminal, I jumped on a subway that stopped nearby the address. I was tense the whole train ride for what awaited me next. When I got to the address, it was a huge building. There was a sign out front that said, Fair Advertisement Agency. This must’ve been the place.

As I stepped inside, I saw Lily come out of the elevator and run towards me. She enveloped me in a hug and I was almost tipped backwards.

“Celly! I’m so glad you came! Welcome! We’re going to be heading up to floor 17 Michelle!”

The woman at the desk, who I guessed was named Michelle, nodded and pushed a button to open the elevator. Lily grabbed my hand and dragged me in before the doors closed.

“Lily… I need you to tell me what you plan on making me do,” I was starting to feel really anxious, “What is this job you wanted me so desperately to do?”

“Just wait and you’ll see,” Lily giggled hysterically. I was really not looking forward to this now.

As the doors opened, I began hearing a lot of clicking. It sounded like the shutter of a camera. I looked around the corner and saw a whole photoset. There was a cat girl standing there in fancy summer attire and a bunch of people stood around her with cameras and lights.  What was I doing here? Lily grabbed my hand and brought me over to a door on the other side of the studio.

“Okay,” Lily began. Finally, I was gonna get some answers.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked once more.

“I want you to be our latest model!” she said loudly. She was practically jumping up and down with enthusiasm.

“What the hell?! Why do you want me to be a model?” I did not want to do this. It felt way too embarrassing.

“C’mon! It’s not that bad! You just put on the clothes I choose, you shape yourself the way we want it, and then you’ll be rolling in money by the end of the week!”

I was really embarrassed with the whole thing, but something caught my ear, “How much money?”

Lily could tell that I was becoming interested and clearly wanted to hook me, “For photoshoots each day you get $12,000, a lingerie shoot is $25,000 each day, and the runways are $30,000 for each day including rehearsals and fitting,”

I mulled it over for a couple minutes. That was a lot of money and I could help Heather with that much. I was a person who wanted to stay as much out of the spotlight as possible. If I were to change my face I could look like a completely different person and therefore not be noticed. Then again, there was the sheer embarrassment of doing some of that modelling. I finally reached an answer to Lily’s proposal.

“I’ll accept on two conditions,” I told Lily, “1: Never use my real face in the modelling and 2: I don’t want to do runways. I might change that later, but I make no promises,”

“It’s a shame about the runway, but I’ll accept those terms cause’ you’re my friend. Let’s get you changed and in action!” We walked into the room and Lily began picking out clothes.

“The photoshoot that’s going right now will end in about an hour! We’ll fix you up in the meantime!”

I looked at Lily while she was frantically searching through shirts and blouses, “So… what kind of model should I be for this?”

“Let me choose the clothes and then we’ll decide,” Lily said as she pawed through for another minute. Eventually, she came across a red, backless top.

“Alright, for this one we’ll need something with wings…” Lily rested her chin on her hand as she thought to herself, “Have you ever seen a female devil?”

“Yes,” I told her bluntly. If I wanted to get through this as soon as possible, I needed to answer quickly and act fast.

“Perfect. I need you to become one and put this on. Oh! Wear this black skirt, and these sandals too. I think you’ll look good with these sunglasses as well. You’ll need new underwear as well when you transform so here,”

She handed me the things and I just stood there like a statue.

“C’mon move it!” she yelled at me. Geez, this was a new side of Lily.

I began by putting the skirt, shirt, and panties on. The shirt fit loosely and the skirt was falling off of my waist. They were both too big, but I could fix that. I slowly began to form myself into a succubus. Wings sprouted from my back, horns grew on my head, my skin began pinkish, I grew about eight inches, my hair became silky, pitch black, and grew down to my butt, and a tail curled out from behind me.

“Oh my gosh that’s perfect!” Lily cried with glee. I was a little embarrassed by the compliment. She was now about five inches shorter than me. It was weird seeing the world at a different angle. Lily handed me the bra and I changed my shape to fill it out. Next, I changed my feet to neatly fit the shape of the sandal.

Standing in the mirror now was a 6’3” (190.5cm) woman with full lips, pink skin, black leathery wings, silky black hair, horns that extended 6 inches (≈15cm) wearing a red, backless blouse, a short, black, pleated skirt, gold-colored, flat sandals, and leopard print sunglasses. Holy shit she was hot… and this woman was me! Damn… I can see why Lily wanted me to model here so badly.

Now came the hard part… the photo shoot. We were on in fifteen minutes and I had no idea what to do.

“Just relax, you can do this! It’s easy. Just pose as naturally as you can,” Lily said trying to comfort me.

“Speak for yourself, I’m an anxious mess,” I refuted. There was no way I was going to be able to do this.

“Look, you can just do one picture and then you can go home,” Lily said trying to bargain.

“No! I can’t do this! I have literally zero confidence in myself!” As soon as I said that last sentence, Lily shot up and walked away. I probably drove her away with how selfish I was. ‘Geez, how am I going to make this up to her?

Lily came back with two coffee cups.

“Drink this,” she said as she handed one to me.

“What is it?”

“A confidence booster. Drink this and you’ll feel like you can do anything. You’ll definitely be able to get through this. I promise,”

She held out her coffee cup and we clinked cups. Confidence booster eh? Well this was a magical world so it was probably possible. As I drank whatever it was in the cup, I began to feel a surge of energy. Yeah… I could do this. I could definitely do this photo shoot. More confident that I had been a moment ago, I stepped up to the plate and was ready for the shoot.

Everything came naturally to me. I posed the way I thought would look right and got compliments all around. Everyone was amazed by how good of a model I was even though it was my first time. Not once did I feel a hint of embarrassment, I was queen of this world and these photos were going to prove it.

After four hours of photo taking and wardrobe changes, I was feeling better than ever. Lily came over with another cup to congratulate me.

“Nice job! You were totally rocking everything!” she told me.

“Yeah! There’s no doubt people are gonna look at those pictures when they see them. Doesn’t matter who they are…” I downed the cup and chucked it in the bin from afar, “Or where they’re from,”

“That’s the spirit girl! I’m proud of you!”

Almost immediately after that last cup, my energy levels started dropping. Wait… wait a minute… what was I doing? I felt like I wanted to curl up into a ball and hibernate until my existence was forgotten. Why was I so confident just a minute ago? I began to realize what might’ve just happened. The confidence booster had worn off and now I felt all the shame from before.

“Ugh… why did I drink that stupid confidence booster,” I said to quietly to the ground. Lily began snickering. She was probably having a grand old time because of that little stunt she pulled. Eventually, her snickering turned into a full-on belly laugh. She looked like she had just heard the funniest joke in history that nobody had heard of.

“Hey Celeste. I forgot to tell you. There was nothing in that cup before!”

I stared at her in disbelief… what did she say?

“Are you telling me… you gave me a placebo?” If that was the truth…

Lily nodded and began laughing again. Holy shit… I collapsed into a nearby seat. That means… everything I did… it was all me. There was no confidence booster. I had just fooled myself into thinking I was more confident because of a stupid drink! It did feel nice though… I just learned that I could do all that with my own willpower.

“Alright… when’s the next shoot?” I asked hesitantly.

Lily excitedly grabbed my hands, “You’ll keep coming?!”

I sighed, “Yeah. I guess I will. Just keep feeding me the, ‘confidence booster,’ and I think I’ll be okay,”

“Alright! Now, I’ve got a little surprise for you,” Lily opened the door to the changing room and inside was Heather.

“H… Heather?! What are you doing here?!” I asked.

“I invited her to watch the last half of your shoot,” Lily told me, “There were a few moments I had to hide her in the elevators so you wouldn’t run into her. She’s been here for the last two hours,”

She had a devilish smile on her face, “I’ll leave you two alone,”

Lily pushed me into the changing room and closed the door. It was now just me and Heather. The last form I had taken was the succubus from the first set of clothes. Heather was now a couple inches shorter than me.

“I’m liking the look,” Heather teased, “Hard to find a girlfriend who’s taller than me,”

I turned back into my regular human form. The sudden change in height made me a little dizzy. I was about to fall over when Heather caught me.

“Easy there, little slime girl. I’ll help you out,” her voice was so sexy. Somebody help… my girlfriend is too hot and I might die from her overwhelming hotness.