We were back out on the street when Heather asked, “Anything else you want to do while you’re here?”
I thought about it, “Not really. I’m a little tired and just want to go home right now,”
“Fair enough… Let’s get going,”
Heather put her arm around my shoulder as we walked down the street. Yet again my brain turned to mush around her. She had that effect on me and I loved it. When we reached the end of the block, I thought I saw a familiar face. This list of people I knew in this world was relatively small so it didn’t take long to figure it out.
“Ms. Silver?” I wasn’t completely sure if it was, but she turned around and saw me.
“Oh!” it seemed she instantly recognized us, “Ms. Lowe and Ms. Jackson. How lovely to see you two,”
Aku Silver, the woman who gave my identity here in this world. She was dressed casually today rather than the business suit she had worn before. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail as well adding to the casual look.
“How’ve you both been… I see you finally managed to get together. How long did that take?”
“None of your business,” Heather sneered. I squeezed her arm and tried to calm her down. She clearly didn’t like Ms. Silver, but at the time she was only doing her job.
“Do you not work today?” I asked.
“Yes, I have the next two days off as well. I don’t often get many break days and my shifts are mostly in the mornings through midafternoon. It gets pretty tiring after a while so this is a blessing for me. Are you two busy? Do you want to get some drinks?”
“Sure! We’d love to!” I said before Heather could object. Ms. Silver seemed like a good person and I wanted Heather to see that. Right now, all she saw was a person in charge who oppressed people like me. I was actually not oppressed at all and I completely understood where Ms. Silver was coming from when she handed me the ID with the marks.
“Coffee? Tea? Beer?” Ms. Silver asked, “I know a lot of good places around here. My treat,”
“Tea would be nice. We still have to drive after the train… Thank you very much Ms. Silver,”
“Don’t mention it. Also, you can call me Aku. I’m not an official right now,”
I was glad she was okay with all of this, “Okay then, Aku. You can call us by our names too,”
“Thank you, Celeste. Let’s get moving. Lucky you chose the tea shop; it’s just down the block,”
We walked over to the tea shop. It was a quaint little shop that had baked goods to be served with the tea. Catchy tunes were playing quietly over the speakers inside. There were only a couple people inside. One was a woman with oddly pink hair tapping away at her laptop. The other was a blue skinned man who was reading a book in the corner.
“Aku!” the elf behind the counter called, “Been a while since you’ve been here. How’s work?”
“Same as usual Sherry. Day after day of paperwork. I finally got a break after months of endless suffering,”
The elf named Sherry looked over to me and Heather, “You snagged a couple now? Just how many are you going through?”
What kinda business was she doing? She was a succubus so… I decided I didn’t want to think about it. Aku sighed, “It’s not like that today. They’re just a couple friends. We actually came to sit and chat,”
Sherry nodded, “Well, the upstairs is free today. Want to place an order? We’ll bring it up when it’s ready,”
“Thanks!” Aku said cheerfully, “I’ll have peppermint and two chocolate eclairs,”
Sherry turned to both of us, “Take your time. There’s no rush as you can see,”
I always crumbled under pressure. When I had to choose something at a place I’d never been to, I’d panic and become indecisive. I could feel myself relax suddenly.
“Geez, do you really get anxious at the simplest of things?” Aku called from the stairs, “I was feeling a bit bad for you so I thought I’d give you a little dose of comfort,”
I thanked her and continued to look at the many options in front of me. Eventually I settled on…
“Uh… Chamomile and a slice of mousse please,”
“Mixed berry and three sugar cookies for me,” Heather said.
“Coming right up!” Sherry said with a smile as she began getting things together. We walked up the stairs to the second floor. Aku was already sitting at a table next to the window. Heather and I took seats next to each other.
“So,” Aku began, “I’m glad you two finally got together. Honestly, when you both stepped into my office, I wondered just how long it was gonna be till it happened,”
“What do you mean?” This time it was Heather asking a question.
Aku smirked, “I’m a succubus. I know a thing or two about love. When I saw you, I could see the aura of affection you had for each other. I knew you two weren’t a couple yet, but to see it come to fruition so soon… ahhh… young love,”
“Young love?” I was curious what she meant by that. She looked not much older than us.
“Well… we succubi live for quite a long time,” Aku told us, “A lady doesn’t tell her age, but I will say… I’m a lot older than you’re thinking,”
Huh… how about that? I wonder how long slimes lived. I’d have to look that up later. Sherry came up the stairs with a platter filled with tea bags, small tea pots, and the sweets we ordered. The tea was poured and we flipped the little hourglass.
“Ugh… do you mind if I just vent to you guys a little?” Aku asked.
“Sure. I’m a pretty great listener if I say so myself,” I said.
“Thanks…” Aku laid her head on the table looking totally wiped, “Work has been rough lately. I’m the one who has to deal with all the super strong people and it’s just tiring. You two were probably the easiest for me in the last twenty years. People that are strong usually let the power go to their heads and then they do stupid shit. When they do stupid shit, or mess with magic too much, the ID usually breaks and they have to get a new one. I don’t know why we haven’t changed the material for the cards yet. Apparently, they’re really good conductors for magic so it’s the material we use,”
Our tea had finished steeping so we took care of it and Aku continued,
“Ya know how I told you that you have to report every six months. Well, a lot of the times those people don’t show up which means more paperwork for me. That paperwork begins to pile up and suddenly I’m three weeks behind and working overnight. All that time is wasted so I can’t even go out and have fun. The first thing I did when I got this break was find some guy to fuck… god it felt so good,”
Ugh… did not expect to hear about her sex life…
“Having to use my magic is also really tiring! If someone goes out of control in the office, I have to calm them down and it uses a lot of my energy. Sometimes my magic isn’t enough to stop them so I need to trap them and make them cum. Ugh… I need to find a different job,”
Heather’s expression seemed to soften once Aku began rambling. I guess her opinion of her changed a little. Of course, the… sexual comments irked her a little, but I think she was beginning to see Aku wasn’t that bad of a person.
“Sherry!” Aku called with her face still planted. Sherry quickly came upstairs. Aku lifted her head from the table and began whispering to Sherry. Once she was finished, Sherry went back downstairs and Aku had a satisfying smile.
“Ah… Thank you both for listening to me,” Aku said.
“No worries. We should finish our tea before it goes cold though,” Heather said. The mousse was so chocolatey and cakey, it was heaven in every single bite. Sherry cleaned up and we began to leave. =
“Wait a minute,” Aku stopped us before we left. Sherry handed her a white paper bag from the other side counter, “Here’s a little gift for you,”
I took the bag, “Thank you so much. And thank you for paying as well. I guess we’ll have to treat you next time,”
Aku giggled, “Well, let’s hope there’s a next time. Also… save the bag for after dinner. It’s much better that way,”
Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and went home. We spent the rest of the day continuing our binge from yesterday. Leftovers were just as delicious as the day they were cooked. Eventually, we got to dessert. I got the paper bag and opened it. Inside were two chocolate eclairs.
“Guess she really likes eclairs huh,” Heather commented.
“They are pretty good,” I said. Before I could take a bit of it, Heather spoke up.
“Hey… I’m sorry for being an ass about Aku. You were right… she wasn’t trying to hurt you,”
“Of course, I am…” I sneered, “Now let’s dig in!”
We each took an éclair. The cream inside was so sweet it was almost too much. With the chocolate, it made a decadent combination. I could see why Aku liked them so much. I had a funny feeling once I finished it though. I dismissed it as it was probably because of the sweetness.
As our evening wound down, I began to feel warm. It was like something was heating up inside me. Ugh, I felt stuffy. I looked over at Heather and she seemed to be sweating a bit as well. Why did she look so hot right now? I felt like I was falling for her even more than usual. This was really weird, but it felt nice. I felt like I wanted to kiss her right here.
Heather must have noticed my gaze on her right now. Her face was flush and red. I wanted her right now. I leaned over and began to kiss her. This was the first kiss that I had ever initiated between us. It felt like sparks were flying in my head. I wanted more. Apparently, the feeling was mutual because Heather pushed me down on the couch. Oh, my goodness, every bit of her was standing out more than usual now. I wanted her to use the muscles she had and pin me down. We were quickly kissing each other over and over. Each kiss sent a signal throughout my body telling me to do more.
Heather suddenly stopped, “Do you want to do this?”
I nodded. It made me a little nervous, but I let the mood take me. Heather picked me up and brought me to the bedroom. We kissed again… and again. Each time, we were stripping off what we had on. Soon, we were both naked lying on the bed. We were like animals in heat. I could feel my insides ache… they wanted something. Heather went below my crotch. In an instant, she was on me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Lightning crackled throughout my body with every single movement. My body thrashed as I grew closer to something… In a moment, fireworks struck all across my body. I was arched on the bed letting the euphoria wash over me. Heather looked at me hungrily from below…
Morning light shone through the window. It felt like I had a huge headache… could slimes get headaches? When my eyes finally cleared, I saw I was wrapped around Heather. Every inch of my body ached. What happened last night? Slowly, memories came flooding back about last night. Holy cow… what a time. Heather was awake as well. She looked around with messy hair that made her look super attractive. We looked at each other and realized… the eclairs. I got up and walked over to the paper bag on the counter. Inside was a small note.
Hope you enjoyed my little parting gift!
Heather was behind me as I read the note,
“Know how I said I was okay with her? I take it back,”
Grats on #1 trending today.
Honestly I didn't think it was possible for such a small story
*sigh* who else saw this coming from a mile away? *sigh* that’s why kids, you do not injest things given to you by a s*x demon
I am totally with Heather. Aku is kind of an ass.
the venting seemed off, like more explaining than venting. IDK maybe really old succubi have trouble venting.
Ugh… did not expect to hear about her s*x life…
technically, that's her diet.
I'm with Heather... that is NOT cool.
Give us some t*ntacle action