It’s been three months since my trip back home and Heather’s fight with her father. Her injuries have fully healed and she’s back at the gym. I cuddled with her a lot more frequently. We kiss and hug each other more frequently too. It felt like things were starting to get back on track.
That was until I forgot about work one day. Heather was out early doing a training session so I had to wake up by myself. My alarm clock didn’t go off because I forgot to set it. I only woke up when my phone started ringing. I groggily picked it up.
“Mm… hello?”
“Did… did you just wake up?” Lily said on the other end.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Um… your job?”
I looked at my phone… it was 9:15. SHIT!
“Sorry! I be there as soon as I can!”
Lily sighed, “We’ll only be able to do 4 hours today. Your pay will be cut accordingly,”
“Sorry chief,”
“Just… get here,”
I got out of bed and jumped into pants and my sweatshirt. Grabbing my backpack, I ran out of the house. Recently, I managed to get a car. We couldn’t park it in the driveway since due to the apartment contract. It was just a minivan… nothing special. I made it to the train just before it left. Letting Lily know I was on my way, I watched as we passed by the river.
Rushing out of the subway, I realized that I got off a station early. I couldn’t wait for the next train so I just ran for it. Running by, I almost didn’t hear the sounds of a struggle. I looked down an alley, there were some dudes in hoodies trying to wrangle a girl. Did all alleys in this city have crime? What the hell were people looking at?
Deciding that I needed to act, I ran towards the kidnappers. They began to panic when they saw me. The kidnappers managed to get the girl into the back of a black SUV. Why was it always black SUVs? They started to drive away, but I slung my arm forward like a rubber-band and stuck it to the car. As the car moved, I was dragged along behind it. After a couple minutes, I managed to get on top of the car. What’s with the perfect timing low traffic? This car was speeding through lights and everything!
I slowly made my way up to the front of the car. The guy driving was surprised to see me there. I lifted up my arms, increased their size and density, and slammed down on the hood of the car. Immediately, the driver lost control of the car. To prevent major damage to people, I used my slime to form a net around the car and bring it to a stop. Increasing my density, I ripped the car door open and beat the shit out of the kidnappers. The girl was tied and gagged. I got her out of the car and freed her from her restraints.
“Thank you! Oh my gosh thank you so much!” she said very quickly. I reached to my phone to call the police, but for some reason, I couldn’t get myself to push the button. I was suddenly reminded of Heather’s brothers. ‘Why am I thinking of that? Is this what they call a gut feeling?’ I changed to Aku’s contact and called her.
“Hey Celeste! What’s up? I’m on a lunch break right now,”
“There are kidnappers in the middle of… East Main between 11th and 12th,” I told her calmly.
“What?! Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yes… I don’t know why… but I decided to call you instead of the police. Something just stopped me and made me call you instead,”
“I think I understand. I’ll send some guys I trust to clean it up. I’ll call you if we find anything interesting,”
About three minutes later, a couple police cars showed up. The one who stepped out of the first one was none other than Officer Lee Percus. He noticed I was there and came up to me.
“Ms. Lowe. It’s good to see you again,” he said.
“It’s good to see you too,”
“Now can you tell me what happened?” he asked both me and the kidnapped girl. I relayed my side of the story to him and he gave an impressed smile.
“You sure are interesting Ms. Lowe,” he chuckled. He turned to the kidnapped girl.
“My name is Aria Wave. I was just walking home when I was cornered by those… thugs. They didn’t even say anything. When she was saving me, they started to panic. It looked like they were really terrified of her,”
“Interesting,” Officer Percus noted. He scribbled something down at the bottom of his pad and ripped it off. The piece of paper he handed me had a number written on it.
“If you need something for situations like this again… this is my private number,”
“Thank you, Officer,” This would make it a little easier if something complicated came up again.
“Please, call me Lee,”
He left the scene and I was left there with Aria. She was shorter than me, and her hair was a beautiful blue. Her eyes were a nice sea blue.
“Thank you so much for saving me,” Aria said again.
“Oh! I-I-It’s alright! I just did what anyone would do!”
Aria shook her head, “A lot of people wouldn’t these days, especially to the extent you did,”
My phone rang again, Lily was calling again to scold me… probably.
“Sorry! I gotta go! I’m late for work!” I said turning around to run to the studio.
“Wait!” Aria called. She grabbed my arm and began to write, but the ink got sucked in. It left a very bad taste in my mouth.
“Um…” she snatched the piece of paper Lee had given me and began writing something down on it. She thrust it back in my hands and backed away.
“I want to see you again! Please call me!” she said.
I made it to the studio at 12:30. Lily was waiting at the entrance to scold me. I explained the situation and she instantly gave me a hug.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” she asked separating herself from me.
“I’m a slime… I don’t really think I can get hurt,” I told her bluntly.
“Okay… There are only four hours left of shoots. Your payment for today is cut in half,”
“C’mon! I just saved a girl from kidnappers and you’re cutting my pay?”
“That’s the reality of business. Now let’s get moving,” Lily said. She was oddly serious today. Once I finished my photo shoot, I realized just how exhausted I was. The trip home wasn’t the most excited. I got chewed out some more by Manager Lily. Outside of work, she was just as bubbly as usual. It was like a switch was flipped and the modes were Business and Play.
“We will make a nation that will unite all species!” the politician said on the TV screen, “All will be equal in the eyes of both the community and the law!”
“Who’s this guy?” I asked Heather.
“Don’t know… not really interested in politics,” she simply responded.
My phone rang interrupting us. It was Aku. I walked to the bedroom and closed the door. Making myself comfortable on the bed, I answered the phone.
“Hey Aku… what’s up?”
“Celeste…” her voice was super serious, “You were right to call me. We got some info out of one of the guys. This wasn’t just a simple kidnapping,”
“What do you mean?” I started getting nervous.
“The people behind this are one of the biggest criminal organizations in and around Seabrook city. The Chimeras. They run a huge drug ring that the government has been trying to pin down for over a decade. We were able to get the location of one of their hideouts in Seabrook,”
“Holy shit…”
“Officer Lee and some of his personal men are going to do a raid. The whole thing is dangerous… simply put, I want you to be there too,”
from a "simple" kidnapping rescue to joining an assault on a drug ring, that escalated quickly
No problems, whatever you need to not burn out! I'm not into dark stories personally though.
Okay I’m a little confused. Are cars in this world crazy expensive? If she’s getting $12k a photo shoot then in this world she’d be able to buy a brand new car in 2-3 photo shoots with cash as long as she got something reasonable.
That was a lot packed in to one chapter
I swing between loving fluff or dark stories, so will definitely check it out later. Really enjoying this so far.
Oh that seems interesting. Definitely gonna check that out! Hope you start feeling better!
And thanks for the chapter