An Update
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Hey Y'all! It's your friendly neighborhood tanuki Ashley here.

This is an update on the current situation of... everything.

First, I just want to say... Thank you all so much for reading this series. The series is not coming to an end. Recently, things have just been a little rough on my mind. Motivation is low and depression/dysphoria is high. Mostly I've just been wallowing in self-pity and playing Persona games for the past few weeks. I don't know when the next update to this series will happen, but it will happen. I have a very bad habit of starting a story and never finishing it because I had another idea. Though this might happen, I am determined to finish this series for you all. It might take some time, but it's going to happen.

Anyway I hope you all are having a good day out there. Stay safe and healthy!


- Ashley