Chapter 22
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Xu Chen could see the relief on Ma Tian's face as he turned the car back on and pulled onto the road. They didn't converse during the drive, but the atmosphere between them wasn't tense or awkward like it had been during lunch.

The arcade Ma Tian had hired was located in the mall and Xu Chen walked beside the tall man through the crowded building. He noticed how a lot of people would openly stare at them or Ma Tian and he even noticed some people whispering. Xu Chen didn't understand this since Ma Tian had long sleeves on, so you couldn't see his tattoos and they weren't holding hands like normal couples. Ma Tian thought Xu Chen would walk a little apart from him after seeing the people staring at him but instead, the boy stayed close to him while obviously confused. To stop Xu Chen from being so confused, Ma Tian explained briefly.

"I was on the cover of a business magazine with my Father recently. That is why people are staring."

At the Arcade ,the manager unlocked the door for them and gave Xu Chen a card. The machines and games no longer took coins or tokens and instead used cards to hold points. Ma Tian had already made sure that there would be more than enough money for Xu Chen and they set off in the empty room.

The arcade was huge, holding both old and new games as well as a separate area for claw games. Xu Chen felt as if he was a kid in a candy store and a little overwhelmed too as he didn't know what to choose first. At the entrance of the arcade, they were standing near a motorbike racing game so he chose to race Ma Tian. While getting on the bikes, Ma Tian smirked at Xu Chen while saying.

"Do you want me to go easy on you since you don't have a license?"

"No, let's make it a competition and see who can win the most games."

"Hmm, Okay but what's the prize for the winner?"

On the spot Xu Chen couldn't think of a suitable prize so shrugged and said the winner picks what they want. Ma Tian slyly grinned as he straddled the stationary motorbike, waiting for Xu Chen to get on and scan the card. Just like the racing game on Ma Tian's phone, Xu Chen wasn't great and ended up losing, he was so bad that the game clocked out before he had even finished his last lap.

Ma Tian pulled out his phone and triumphantly wrote down the score, at first Xu Chen had been too flustered since he didn't know how to act on a date, but after playing one game, his competitiveness took over and he scanned the room for a game he knew he would be good at. Ma Tian had finished writing their names and the first point for him when Xu Chen was already waiting at another game.

"Hurry up Tian Ge!"

The next game was a timing game where you needed to hit the targets once the ball on the screen passed over them. Xu Chen made Ma Tian go first since he didn't want Ma Tian to go easy on him and let him win. He watched seriously at the side while Ma Tian focused on his game, Ma Tian was completely focused when he quickly glanced at Xu Chen and lost his game from being too amused by the boy's serious glare. He couldn't even comment before he was being pushed aside.

"My turn, my turn. Your score was 86 remember that"

Ma Tian chuckled as he stood off to the side, Xu Chen was concentrating more than Ma Tian had ever seen and he was shushed multiple times when he would start chuckling. Xu Chen's turn lasted around the same time as Ma Tian's before he slipped up and pushed the button too early.

"Ah, 85. What was your score? I can't remember it."

There was no hesitation or change in expression when Ma Tian answered 84. Xu Chen jumped excitedly and punched the air as he thought that he had beaten Ma Tian, after his jumping he hurriedly made Ma Tian pull out his phone and put his point in. Again, he ran off to find another game while trying to hurry up the man behind him.

A couple hours passed by quickly and their points were even. Xu Chen decided they should take a break from the games and pointed to a photo booth. Ma Tian followed in behind Xu Chen and waited while Xu Chen chose the filters. The first one was a cute bear filter, animated bear noses and ears appeared on their faces while small cute bears covered the background. In the booth, Ma Tian had to duck down because he was too tall and Xu Chen shuffled closer to him to get a better angle.

Next was a beach background with a filter, however Xu Chen didn't realise there was a filter. Ma Tian's torso was soon covered by a naked chest with a six pack while his was covered with a bright red bikini and big breasts. Ma Tian laughed loudly as the picture was taken while Xu Chen was staring in horro at his chest.

In the last series of pictures Xu Chen didn't apply a filter as he wanted to add stickers afterwards. During the picture Ma Tian lifted his arm to hang around Xu Chen's shoulders loosely. Xu Chen hadn't noticed at the time of the picture being taken but when he was placing cupcakes and sweets stickers around their faces, he saw that Ma Tian was looking at him instead of the camera. Once everything was printed, they stood outside of the booth looking over all of the pictures.

"What one do you want Tian Ge?"

Ma Tian didn't even need time to think and he took the bikini picture out of Xu Chen's tight grasp. When he looked at the picture again, he burst into a light laughter and Xu Chen tried to snatch the picture back.

"You can't have that one, pick a different one."

"No, I like this one. You keep the cute ones."

Even if he begged, Ma Tian would refuse to give up the embarrassing photo. All Xu Chen could do was quickly stuff his own photos into his wallet to keep them safe. With the photo's put away, both men didn't want to play the usual arcade games anymore and headed towards the crane games.

There were two rows of games in this section, the boxes had a range of small plushies and large plushies, as well as hidden prizes and electronics. Xu Chen chose to try his luck at a hidden prize crane game because it seemed more exciting.

The first try he couldn't get anything, the second try the crane picked up the small box but dropped it a second later. On his third try, he missed completely. Xu Chen was becoming frustrated and went to go again when Ma Tian lightly pushed him to the side, he then took the card from his tight fingers.

"I'll try."

Like Xu Chen's fist try, Ma Tian missed but on his second try, he was able to pick up a prize. They thought the crane would drop their prize since the angle of the box looked too awkward but the prize was dropped into the hole where Xu Chen collected his winnings. While Xu Chen crouched down, Ma Tian hurried him.

"See what it is."

Xu Chen pushed his hand in to pull the small box out and he quickly ripped it open. Inside was a small keychain of a fried egg. Ma Tian was disappointed with the ugly thing but Xu Chen thought it was cool ,but he didn't have any keys to hang on the chain so he handed the cute thing over.

"Here, you can use it for your car keys."

Un. Even though the prize was ugly, Ma Tian still accepted it happily and moved his keys over to the cheap thing, the contrast of having a crane game key chain holding a luxury car key was a little too much of a difference, but Ma Tian didn't care as he stuffed his keys back into his pocket. Next they moved on to where the large plushies were. There were four in total and since Xu Chen was so competitive, Ma tian had an idea.

"How about the first to empty a box of the large toys, wins a point."

Un. Xu Chen liked the idea and ran to the crane game closest to him without warning. Ma Tian tried to get the card from Xu Chen but the small boy kept moving his hand away, laughing loudly as he hit the button of his game. Ma Tian ended up tickling Xu Chen's waist in order to snatch the card away, afterwards he ran to the last crane game with five different coloured bears and started playing. Xu Chen then ran over to Ma Tian to get the card back so he could continue playing. In the end, Xu Chen came up with an ultimatum because he was getting tired from running back and forth.

"To make it fair, put the card on the free machine between us after swiping it."

"Oh, you care about being fair now Mr Cheater."

Ma Tian got one bear on his first go while Xu Chen had to scan his card five times, each scan allowing two turns. Inside Xu Chen's game was a mix of large barrel shaped animal plushies, his first win was a big pig and he set his eyes on a ginger cat next. Ma Tian was working at a faster speed and he quickly grabbed his second bear.

At first the game seemed fun and simple, but after 15 minutes it was obvious it would take a while to empty a whole box. Even with there being less plushies because of the size. Ma Tian was becoming a little impatient since he was down to his last toy and thirty minutes had already gone by. Xu Chen however, seemed as determined as when he had started, he hadn't checked in the beginning, but realised halfway through that Ma Tian had chosen the game with the least amount of plushies, while his box had seven toys.

Xu Chen wasn't going to complain or negotiate but Ma Tian offered to change the rules and said first to five wins. Currently, Ma Tian was glaring at the pink bear on the other side of the glass as he muttered to himself.

"Come on you pink fucker."

More time went by and Ma Tian was becoming angrier by the minute. He felt as if the bear was mocking him with it's pink face and was tempted to punch the glass in order to win the bear. His profanities kept coming under his breath, that he didn't notice Xu Chen standing next to him with two arms full of plump plushies. The shorter man didn't say anything as he watched Ma Tian try and get his fifth bear.

"Mother~ Fucker~~"

Finally after five more minutes, Ma Tian was able to proudly take the bear from where it dropped but when he smugly turned to look over at Xu Chen, the smug expression turned to surprise as he saw Xu Chen struggling to hold his five plushies. He was holding so many his face had been mostly covered. Xu Chen turned sideways so he could see Ma Tian fully and smiled happily as he jumped up and down.

"I win~~."

Ma Tian scoffed in amazement and picked his pile bears up then they moved back to the main area of the arcade. Xu Chen sat on the air hockey table with their winnings while Ma Tian counted their points. He hadn't expected it but admitted defeat.

"Fu~ You win Xiao Chen."

"Hahaha. See I told you to not go easy on me. Haha"

Xu Chen clapped his hands as he reveled in his win. Ma Tian clapped too and congratulated him before he asked what X Chen wanted as a prize. Xu Chen actually hadn't thought of what he wanted if he had won and held his ginger cat while he came up with something. Ma Tian waited patiently but Xu Chen said he couldn't think of anything.

"There's no rush. Let's get dinner. We spent five hours here and I'm starving now."

They didn't go to a fancy restaurant like they did with lunch, instead Ma Tian took Xu Chen to a small noodle house. After their late dinner, the sky was pitch black and Ma Tian helped carry the ten plushies once they arrived at Xu Chen's apartment. Ma Tian was expecting to be invited in since it would be easier to set the large toys down, but he was told to place them on the carpeted floor in front of the door instead.

Ma Tian did as he was asked then stood in front of Xu Chen, even though the day hadn't gone how he had expected, he enjoyed the result more. With Ma Tian standing in front of him, Xu Chen couldn't meet his gaze at first but after a few deep breaths he looked up at him with a flushed face, Xu Chen spoke quieter than a mouse but Ma Tian could still make out what was said.

"I thought of the prize I want Ge."

"Tell me."

"A-Another date... If you want to."

The flush on Xu Chen's cheeks felt extremely hot as he said the words and he watched as a large smile appeared on Ma Tian's face. Xu Chen suddenly felt like life was moving in slow motion as a pair of large hands glided up his neck cupping his face gently. Ma Tian rubbed his thumbs over the burning cheeks tenderly before he slowly bent down; he didn't press his lips with Xu Chen's, but with their faces so close together, their breath mingled together, making the sweet moment warmer.

"I want to."

Ma Tian dipped his head down and kissed Xu Chen. He had intended it to be a tender and loving kiss but once their lips touched, he couldn't help using one hand to move to the back of Xu Chen's head. The other hand glided down to Xu Chen's slim waist, pulling the shorter man into his embrace firmly while he slid his tongue into the slightly opened mouth.

Xu Chen had never been kissed before and struggled to keep up with Ma TIan as his mouth was invaded. The feeling of having someone else's tongue in his mouth was electric and he unconsciously leaned into the strong man kissing him. He wished the kiss would never end when the front door was ripped open.

Wang Li had thought he heard voices outside his front door and went to check by peeking through the peephole. In Xu Chen's mind the kiss was amazing but all that Wang Li saw was the evil Ma Tian trying to devour his friend.

"Stop that you liar!"

Because Xu Chen hadn't ever kissed someone before he was out of breath when they broke apart, Wang Li brought him into his embrace and patted his head while glaring at Ma Tian.

"I've been waiting all day for you. Why did your lunch last so long?"

Ma Tian always couldn't help but laugh at whatever Wang Li had to say, he tried to gently rubbed Xu Chen's cheek but his hand was quickly slapped away. All Ma Tian could do in the end was say his goodbyes then turn to leave, but before leaving properly, he spoke to Wang Li from the elevator.

"I told you I had already wooed Xiao Chen DiDi~."

Xu Chen giggled at this as he tried to hold his best friend back from running after Ma Tian. Once the elevator closed and Ma Tian's laughter disappeared, Wang Li helped carry in the large amount of plushies. He demanded to know everything that happened too.

After hearing the details of the date, as well as listening to why Xu Chen agreed to go to the arcade, he was less angry. In the end, he realized Xu Chen really liked Ma Tian and not only because he was Martian, but because he was good to Xu Chen. To be a little more optimistic, Wang Li thought carefully before saying.

"Well I guess since you're the wife of my so called brother in law, that means we're officially family now."

Wang Li and Xu Che laid on the plushy filled bed as they discussed possible double dates, Wang Li even talked about how far he and Kong Da had gone in their sexy times. They talked for hours until Wang Li fell asleep. Xu Chen took the opportunity to message Ma Tian and set up their next date.

Chen Chen: Ge when will our next date be?

Martian: So eager? Tell me when you're free next and we'll do something together

Chen Chen: Let's have breakfast together on wednesday, I don't have class that day.

Martian: Okay, you pick the place and I'll pick you up

Xu Chen quickly sent a few more messages before saying goodnight, both young men didn't notice Wang Li's phone vibrating under one of the large plushies. Ever since Kong Da had been asked to remove his boyfriend from the restaurant, Wang Li had given him the silent treatment. Kong Da had tried to let him cool down for the day and thought enough time had passed for Wang Li to calm down, but he didn't get a reply.

King Kong: Xiao Li are you still angry?

King Kong: Baby don't be angry, Tian really likes Xiao Chen

King Kong:Okay, sleep well then