001 Prologue
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"Jay, its 5! Let's get off work, we've been here for days and haven't taken a rest." Anne said to her colleague, Jay, a little worried that he might asked them again for an overtime.

"Thanks Anne, you go and have a rest, I'll be working overtime. Just a bit more and our project will be done." Jay said, determined to finish the work tonight. Anne sighed with relief after being granted rest, then said her goodbye and left him alone in the office.

Jay Matthews is a computer geek and it's been his dream to create a VR console and game to usher a new era of playing full dive / immersive games. Him together with his team's name will go down in history as the founder of virtual reality!

With this as motivation, he worked for half a year with little rest and as they entered the last phase of the project, he used his remaining strength to finish the work.

Just twenty more lines of long codes and the VR will be complete, when suddenly his eyes turned hazy and he had difficulty breathing, he slowly closed his eyes to rest, missing a ball of light come out of his laptop into his head and not knowing that when he open them again, will give him a different environment.

Jay woke up in a room, pure white walls, white bed and blanket, "huh? I'm in a hospital?" He thought then he remembered how he got dizzy and had difficulty breathing before he closed his eyes to rest. 

"I guess I fainted, thank goodness someone sent me to the hospital, l wonder if its Anne?" Jay curiously thought as he haven't seen anyone since he opened his eyes. Suddenly, he got a terrible headache for half a minute, that felt like years, before it was gone. A flash of memories entered his mind which left him dumbstruck, as he slowly digests what happened to him.

Apparently, Jay Matthews, his former self, died of heart attack because of over working. As such, he transmigrated in the body of Jay Agsen, a doctor, surgeon and massage therapist who also suffered from the same fate. And he, from now on must live as him.

This world is also modern world much like earth but with slight deviations in the technology. Some are advanced, some are not.

And the room he is in right now is not a hospital but his resting room inside his own clinic. The original Jay Agsen just came back from the hospital he was affiliated with after operating ten patients since yesterday then giving a full body therapeutic massage to his patients in the clinic, exhausting himself and dying while he rested in his room.

The most heart breaking thing is that they both died virgins. Dedicated their whole life to work only to return to dust forgotten by history. But since he was given a second chance at life, he will make sure to balance work and leisure and live life to the fullest.

Jay stood up and went to the entrance of his clinic and turn the sign to "Closed" as he locked the door and went back inside, enter the bathroom to freshen himself. 

His eyes opened like saucers as he stood in front of the mirror, unlike his ugly face and fat body as Jay Matthews, Jay Agsen on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He had a head turner face that makes everyone stop on their tracks. 

Soft tousled and slightly disheveled dark brown hair, mesmerizing gentle hazel eyes that lights up when he smiles, eyebrows that slope downwards making him look serious and noble, perfect lips and tall nose and a height of 6'3". His body, a toned living work of art and whoa! his Jay Jr can rival or maybe bigger than those rumored big black cocks in his last life. An aura of masculinity bursting from his body when he's serious and an aura of gentleness when he smiles.

He was mostly serious than smiling, because of work, he ignored ladies throwing themselves at him and think them to be clingy and bothersome, causing his sad death as a virgin.

After appreciating his good looks, Jay took a quick shower and got dressed before going back to his room to plan what he should do to start balancing his work, rest and leisure time.

Combing through the original's memory, he was a child in the orphanage, adopted when he was 7 by a lone old retired doctor to accompany him in his remaining days. Although it was only the two of them, both of them found the love and care of a family in each other. 

This is also the reason Jay became a doctor, influenced by his adoptive father. Jay also studied and learned therapeutic massage too, to ease and lessen his father's muscle pains due to old age.

Very appreciative of his son's care, he helped him open a clinic near the city center and recommended him to some friends. Sadly, his adoptive father died and six months after the original soon followed, giving him the chance to occupy this body. The original owner's goal is to become one of the richest man to be able to assist orphanages that care for a lot of kids without their parents.

"Sigh... To become one of the rich... If only this is a game and I have the VS, I will be able to buy recipes for medi-" Jay's deep soothing voice was interrupted when the word VS left his mouth and a screen appeared in front of him.

His mouth can fit an egg making him look handsomely silly in his shock as the screen in front of him looks exactly like how he designed it in the game in his last life that is supposed to be paired with the VR console.

He wanna shout "impossible!" but refrain from saying it after remembering himself as a transmigrated person which he thinks is also an impossible thing to happen in his last life.

The screen appeared with the title Virtual Store, an all category store where he and his team input anything they can think of, from different items to skills to pets to slaves etc. that can be used by players, but only accessible by the Developer (Jay's Team), to be slowly integrated into the game.

It has a new exchange system converting from real money to virtual points. And also a virtual wallet which is currently zero.