"First of all, let me officially welcome each of you. I know these first few days in your world have been extremely chaotic. Now, however, you are among your peers. Everyone, please introduce yourself. Once we have done so we shall have a short discussion and convene tomorrow." With this statement, Nessa looked to me.
Everyone turned to look at me and I felt my cheeks flush. "Ah, good evening. My name is Lira, I look forward to getting to know you all."
The woman across from me with golden hair made her introduction next. "Good evening, I am Isabella."
The man adjacent to her went next and introduced himself as Isaac while the man immediately to my left stated his name was Peter.
“Alright,” Nessa continued, her tone softening as if bracing us for something heavier, “let’s go over expectations. While this is a place for you to learn and grow, certain protocols must be followed.”
She paused, scanning the room briefly, ensuring she had our full attention before continuing.
“Every morning, you’ll meet here to discuss the day’s agenda and share breakfast. Once we’ve covered our plans, we’ll each move on to our tasks. However,”—her tone sharpened slightly now—“there’s one important rule: no leaving the embassy grounds for the time being.”
A quiet murmur rippled through the room.
“Meals will be delivered, and you must be in your rooms by dusk. Once you’re educated on our culture, you’ll be expected to follow those practices without exception. Remember, you are to become leaders among our people. That means setting an example at all times.”
That was not something that was shared with me. "Wait, you said we cannot leave? Surely, we are allowed to interact with everyone else. I understand you do not trust humans but some of them are our friends. We need to be able to communicate with them." My voice escalated slightly, my mind thinking of Myra and Katrina. The others protested in agreement.
Nessa’s eyes hardened, and a loud bang jolted us as we turned around. Rael stood there; his long blade embedded in the floor. He spoke firmly, "My lords and ladies, this is not open for discussion. We understand your situation and the precarious position we’re all in better than you realize. Listen to us when we say to stay put. We won't hesitate to use force for everyone's sake. I apologize for the necessity."
I felt my anger rising
"Is that the only reason we're kept here?" I asked, my voice sharper than I intended. "How many others are being asked this same thing? How many will refuse to obey? What if we are right, and you’re wrong?"
Nessa’s eyes narrowed, but she kept her composure. “You think this is a simple matter of restriction? It is for your safety, as well as theirs. The embassy has enemies, many who would see it fall if they knew we were gathering people like you.”
I frowned. “People like us?”
“Leaders," she corrected, but her words hung heavier than that. "Those with potential to unite. What you don't realize, Lira, is that the world is fragile right now. Even one mistake, one misstep, could lead to far-reaching consequences."
I opened my mouth to argue, but she raised a hand. “The Felinor have survived near extinction because we protect our own. I cannot afford to let you go wandering into situations you don’t fully understand. Whether you wish it or not everyone here is my responsibility, and I take my charge very seriously.”
As she spoke, the light outside dimmed, casting long shadows through the ornate windows. The sky, once bright, now shifted into a soft gradient of orange and deep purple, signaling the day's end. The weight of the conversation pressed down on me as heavily as the sunset that marked the passing of time.
“If you don’t believe me, you will see for yourself,” Nessa continued. “But for now, I need you to trust that this is necessary. It is time to retire to our rooms. You will each find a tablet with some more information on who you are. We will see you all here bright and early tomorrow morning. Good evening." With that Nessa stood up and left the room, leaving us together with Rael.
"Well, my lords and ladies, let us retire for the evening. You'll find information neccesary for tommorow on your desk about our expectations for the next day. If you have any questions, hold them for tomorrow." He said. With that he tapped his sword on the ground twice and motioned his head letting us know it was time to leave.
As we left one by one Rael made me wait until the others had left the room. Only after they had left did he allow me to exit with him behind me. We walked out onto the balcony that surrounded the courtyard, and everyone retired to separate rooms. All of them looked similar except one that was decorated in the middle of them all. Once they had done so Rael motioned for me to follow and took me to a sliding door.
"This is your room. I suggest staying put at night until you have learned more of our customs. I know this isn't easy or fair. It will get better though as soon as things settle down. If you need anything at all there is a rope next to the door, pull it and it will ring the servant's quarters below. I will see you in the morning." Rael said.
I looked at him and I could see what looked like annoyance and exhaustion. With the sun setting and his current condition plus his change in attitude I decided not to push the issue further. I had spent most of the day asleep and while I had felt unwell this morning, I now felt much better. With that being said though I still felt some fatigue and decided I wouldn't mind laying back down.
I nodded. "Fine" for now I thought. I opened my sliding door and went to step in when I heard a door down the way slide open. As I peaked at who was coming and going, I saw Father Elric step out of the ornate door before sliding it back into place. Rael motioned for me to go into my room and slid my door gently closed. I could hear his footsteps beeline in that direction.
As I surveyed the room. It was fairly large but had very little inside. There was a table, chair, and a large mat that must serve as a bed. I went over to it and saw it had clean blankets and pillows. On the table was a tablet rolled up. I walked up to the desk and unrolled the tablet to read its contents. The characters of the writing were not ones I recognized but somehow, I could still understand the text.
It read as Follows:
To Lady Murasakikiba, Esteemed Ruler of Li Shaun and Its Surrounding Lands,
As you take your rightful place at the helm of the Murasakikiba family, I write with great respect. You inherit a legacy rich in duty and expectation, serving as a leader and a vital link between the Felinor Empire and the Human Federations to the west.
Master our customs, where honor and loyalty are paramount, as the Council of Elders will observe your actions. Equally, learn the ways of the humans, who value strength and order. Your interactions will require skillful diplomacy and understanding of power dynamics.
The hierarchy is essential. At the peak lies the Emperor’s Court, where royal heirs vie for influence. You now stand among the Noble Houses, and the Provincial Lords will seek your guidance. Remember, the people are the lifeblood of our empire, often voiceless.
Tomorrow, Nessa will accompany you to your first lessons in Felinor history and culture. Approach them with humility, for the path ahead demands both grace and strength.
May you proceed with wisdom and purpose.
Yuki Torakami
As I finished reading the tablet I thought about what it meant. I was apparently a part of this Murasakikiba family and set to inherit an entire region? Land? or maybe a city? It really did not clarify. Also, it seems the Felinor form of government has an emperor so maybe it was more of a feudal based society. I did catch also that the royal heirs seem to compete with each other which did not usually bode well if history was to be believed. Hmm, I could ponder this if I hose to but either way there was a whole lot being said but nothing I could really delve in on. I did not see any resources I could utilize in my room so would be reliant on learning more tomorrow.
"I guess that is that." I muttered to no one in particular. My eyes feeling heavy. As I got up from the desk I laid down on my matt. I figure I can take the scroll in tomorrow to make sure I get some answers. Maybe I could take some time tomorrow to learn the layout of the place. After all, I would need to find some discreet way out so I could see my friends again.
Interesting, it had only been a few days but I was already considering Myra and Katrina friends. Usually, I would much more reserved and hesitant. Perhaps this new body has caused my personality to change as well? I sighed, a wave of tiredness sweeping over me.
As I lay down, sleep pulled me into a memory—a place I hadn’t been in so long it almost felt like a dream itself. I was back at that bar, surrounded by the familiar noise of friends and coworkers. It was the night I met Emily. She was unforgettable. Her hair, almost white in the dim light, her piercing blue eyes, and that effortless smile—it all seemed so perfect. I was completely taken with her, from the very first glance. I spent the night tripping over myself, trying to make her notice me, trying to win her over. I made a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t help it.
Weeks passed, and finally, she agreed to that first date I’d been longing for. Everything felt right. We laughed, we talked, and for a while, it was like the world had opened up just for us. But then… it started to fall apart. Slowly. Bit by bit.
I saw it coming, but I couldn’t stop it. I kept trying, kept holding on to something I knew was slipping through my fingers. And then, one night, she just... walked away. She left. Just like that. Emily was gone, and I was sitting there, alone at the bar, staring at the empty space she left behind. The bar felt darker, quieter. My glass was empty, just like me. I tried to drown the pain that night, throwing back drinks, trying to numb myself. But nothing worked. I was still left with the same hollow ache in my chest.
I’d given everything I could, but in the end, it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough. And even now, in the dream, that feeling of her walking out—the way she left without looking back—it stayed with me, lingering, reminding me of that deep, unbearable loneliness. No matter how hard I tried to forget her, I couldn’t let go.
It was in that moment that I wished I could just disappear or be anywhere else but there. I had stumbled home soon after, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting there in the open field.
A faint sound stirred me from my thoughts—a soft sliding noise, like a door moving open. I blinked, slowly waking, and my heart leapt in sudden alarm. The doors here didn’t creak; they slid. I shot up from my bed, my mind immediately racing to the warnings I’d been given about my safety.
My eyes darted to the source of the noise, and there, in the corner of my room, was a small figure. A young Felinor girl with stark white ears and a tail, barely visible in the dim light. She was hunched over, trembling, her chest rising and falling in quick, shallow breaths. She looked so frail, pale, and terrified.
Before I could speak, I heard footsteps rushing past my door, voices whispering urgently. "Find her."
My gaze returned to the girl, and up close, she couldn’t have been older than ten. Her small frame was huddled tightly into the corner, clearly frightened. Her breath came in ragged gasps as if she had been running for hours. She didn’t look well at all.
Just as I was about to approach her, the door slid open again, and Rael stepped into the room, flanked by two Felinor guards and Father Elric. Rael’s eyes softened when they landed on the girl, a gentle concern flickering behind his otherwise stern demeanor.
Rael knelt down closer to the girl, his voice soft. "You must stay in your room until you're well," he repeated gently, but the firmness in his tone remained. "It’s the safest place for you right now."
The young Felinor’s shoulders began to shake, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as tears welled up in her eyes. "I... I just want to go home!" Her voice cracked, and the sobs came, wracking her small body.
Rael’s eyes softened even more, his empathy clearly visible in the way he looked at her. But he didn’t move to comfort her, even though I could sense that he wanted to.
Father Elric stepped forward, crouching beside the girl. His hand brushed gently over her forehead. “She’s burning up,” he murmured, concern etched across his face. “We need to cool her down quickly.”
Rael stood up and gave a few brisk commands to the guards. “Prepare a cool room and fetch cold cloths. Move quickly.”
The guards immediately responded; their actions swift as they lifted the girl from the floor with surprising care. Her sobs didn’t stop, but she was too weak to resist. Father Elric followed close behind, his robes sweeping the floor as they all left the room in a hurry.
Rael hesitated at the door, his hand resting on the frame for a moment before he turned to look back at me. I hadn’t realized until then how hard my heart was pounding, how much my chest ached with concern for the girl.
“Will she be okay?” The question slipped out before I could stop it, my voice tight with worry.
Rael sighed, his gaze heavy with the weight of uncertainty. “I don’t know.”
Anger flared in me at that, frustration bubbling up at his lack of certainty, but it was overshadowed by my sudden emotional investment.
Rael’s expression hardened again as he straightened up. “Forget what happened here tonight. For her sake, I know you don't understand right now but I promise you eventually will. For now, she needs to just be well and focus on her recovery.” I stared at him and finally nodded. "Get some rest."
And with that, he turned and left, sliding the door shut behind him.
How high of a noble is she? Provincial lords are under her, so is she a Marchioness, maybe a countess or Duchess?