Kigal-Note/Extra Skills: [Airgetám – Arm of Silver Light]
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Skill: Airgetám - Arm of Silver Light
Skill Type: Extra Skill
Attribute: Light, Holy, Purification, Silver
  • [Sword of Silver Light]
    • Enhances the special abilities of the sword by [20 * skill level]% while this effect is active.
    • Adds non-resistible Light-, Holy-, Purification-, and Silver attribute damage to the swords, plus increasing the damage inflicted on Evil-type creatures.
  • Can create replicas of any sword in the skill holder's possession.
    • Replica swords will have an ATK and MATK equal to [Skill Level * 20]% of the original sword.
    • Replica swords will copy the special effect of the original swords based on this skill's level:
      • Lv.1: Normal
      • Lv.2: Rare
      • Lv.4: Epic
      • Lv.6: Legendary
      • Lv.8: Extra
  • Increases proficiency-gain with other sword-related Skills.


An Extra Skill that can only be obtained by completing the [Trials of Nuada] Quest, where someone that has obtained the [Master of Swords] tile has to face several challenges related to swordsmanship while having every sword-related System Assists negated.

The skill drastically improves any sword-related weapons the skill holder is using, increasing the weapon's ATK and MATK while enhancing the sword with purification-type enchantments that also increases the damage inflicted to evil-type creatures, such as undeads and demons.

This effect takes the shape of covering one of the skill holder's arms in silver light, giving the appearance of the skill holder having a gauntlet of silver on that arm. 

Another ability of the sword is to generate copies of whatever sword one has at the moment. These swords will have reduced status values, and all their special effects are replaced with the skill's Light attribute effect. 

Mira's comment: They're lying! It's not that the bonus from [Swordsmanship] and Swordsman classes are negated: it's freaking reversed! Someone with a class dedicated to swordsmanship will NEVER be able to clear it!

Alf's comment: That sounds harsh. Anyway, good job getting it. Like, seriously.