Kigal-Note/Warrior Classes: Rage Warrior
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Rage Warrior
Type: Warrior Class
Rank: Intermediate
Unlock Requirements:
  • Having completed the Quest: "Senseless Rage".
  • Have the [Rage] skill at Lv.10 or higher
  • Alters the growth of mentioned stats:
    • HP growth increase [Small]
    • STR growth increase [Small]
    • VIT growth increase [Small]
  • Improves proficiency with skills that makes oneself go berserk.
Skills obtained by advancing in the Rage Warrior Class:
Obtained from Main Class only: [Frenzy Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.1: [Brute Force Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.1: [Close Quarters Combat Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.10: [Sadistic Constitution Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.20: [Armor Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.30: [Battle Continuation Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.40: [Intimidation Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.50: [Energy Warfare Lv.1]


Rage Warrior is an Intermediate-tier Warrior class whose M.O. is to inflict the Rage ailment on themselves to drastically improve their physical strength at the cost of their sanity.

They gain great skills for battles at close range right at the beginning, then they keep on gaining abilities that will let them endure the damage from their own onslaught. 

A Rage Warrior can only advance into the Berserker class, so any Rage Warriors are advised to train their endurance-enhancing skills before advancing their class.

Mira's comment: Rage Warriors and their like are too barbaric for poor, fragile maidens like us to imitate. Let them go crazy on their own and take a good kilometer's distance from that ground zero.

Garami's comment: Ground zero? Don't tell me stuff like those in this world...


An updated version of this chapter, which includes explanations regarding the class skills, can be found here. Be aware of slight spoilers.