Kigal-Note/Titles: Dungeon Ruler
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Title Name: Dungeon Ruler
Acquisition condition:
  • Create a Dungeon of your own and have the [Dungeon Master] title.
  • Destroy 3 or more Dungeon Cores.
  • Add 3 or more hostile Dungeon Territories to your own Dungeon.
  • Improves natural recovery abilities while in your own Dungeon. [Huge]
  • Improves natural recovery abilities while in a hostile Dungeon. [Normal]
  • Allows advanced management of your own Dungeon. 
  • Bonus reward for the title owner's Dungeon. One of the following options:
    • One new Sub Attribute for your Dungeon.
    • One new, additional Dungeon Type to your Dungeon.
    • One new Monster-line for your Dungeon.
    • 3 Dungeon Points (DP).

Crap, this guy can rule, destroy, and conquer any Dungeons... I mean, good job! But please, don't harm any more of my poor Dungeons!! 

Further Information:

A title rewarded for a true ruler of Dungeons. It drastically improves one's recovery abilities while in a Dungeon, either one's own or a hostile one, and more advanced options for managing the Dungeon under one's own command become possible.

One can name the Dungeon and also name the different Territories, as long as they share the Dungeon's main name. It also becomes possible to allow Sub-Masters to create new subordinates for the Dungeon and allow them to use some functions, including Random Creation.

Mira's comment: Banzai! Banzai! Banzai for the Ruler!!

Garami's comment: ......You know that the odds for you being picked as a Sub-Master fell considerably right now.

Mira's comment: .........*White-eyed*