Kigal-Note/Monsters/Beast: Polaursa Kumacub
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Name: Polaursa Kumacub
Rank: E
Type: Beast (Bear)
Lifespan: 120 Years
Attribute: Ice, Space
Traits: Beast, Bear, Stellar Monster, Child Monster


The Polaursa Kumacub is the child of a monster said to govern the ice-cold moons that orbit Terra Sol. 

This monster is still young, but they have a promising future. They sometimes appear within shooting stars that have been affected by the remaining aether of its parents when the shooting star is being metamorphosed into Meteorite Iron. 


The Polaursa Kumacub looks like a bear cub covered in snow-white fur, a black nose, and several crystals that could be mistaken for ice decorating its fur. Its ears are adorably round and cute.


Average HP: E+ Average MP: E Average SP: E+
Average STR: E- Average VIT: E Average MAG: F+
Average RES: E Average SPD: F+ Average DEX: F+
Average INT: C Rarity: A+ Danger Rank: F-

The Polaursa Kumacub have impressive stats for their rank and age, but they are yet to exhibit their true potential. Even so, it is strong enough to K.O. a grown human man with one punch.

They are immune to the cold, nor do they need to breathe. However, they are simple-minded and are easily trapped, especially when honey or salmon is used as bait.

Revi's comment: Grr... I will definitely pet that child!!

Iron's comment: No way. Give up. And live strong.