Chapter 48: Golden Whip
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The old man’s body begins to bulge unnaturally. This wasn’t the first time I’ve seen this happen, he was about to transform like how he did on the bus. His skin was turning black, his muscles bulging in strength, and two horns are protruding from the side of his head.

From below the wall, the tower of zombies finally catches up to us. Goldie was still fervently holding onto Mary’s arm. Half of her right arm had turned black but the green veins in her body were slowing down its progression.

The tower appears in front of the old demon and his large claws slash into it. The tower was separated into two and the lower half without Mary crumbles down. Its attack had slashed at both Mary and Goldie and they were flung towards the car. I rush out of the back and catch them.

“It hurts! It hurts, Mommy!”

Mary was crying at the pain. I wasn’t sure if she was crying from Goldie’s bite or the demon’s attack, but I knew it made me feel uncomfortable. Seeing a little girl cry made my heart ache, it was reminding me of Eva.

“It’ll be fine. Don’t cry, I’ll protect you.”

I don’t even know what I was saying anymore. She was just chasing us trying to kill us but I want to help her.

Goldie had let go of her hand when both of them were thrown away. His body was injured and it seemed like there were countless scratches all over his body. None of them seemed to have been severe but there was one injury that looked serious. There was a large gash on the side of his body that was bleeding profusely and I could even see parts of his ribs. He must have protected Mary from the demon’s attack.

“Fifi, can you heal Goldie.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“He’s undead. If I try to heal him then it’ll just do more damage to him.”

I don’t understand the principles but it seems like undead can’t be healed with Fifi’s healing magic. While I was thinking, Goldie began to lick my hand. It was like he was assuring me that it was fine.

“Jude, what are you doing!? Let’s get out of here.”

“Get back in.”

Gorou and Jill were urging me to get back into the car but I can’t. That demon was definitely after Mary and I won’t let him eat her. I already told her that I’ll protect her so I’ll protect her.

“I’m sorry for being selfish but I’m going to protect this little girl. I’ll come back so don’t worry about me.”

I carry Mary and Goldie before running away from the car and the demon. I’m sure Mako and Lisa are going to be worried about me when they wake up but I’ll survive. As long as I come back alive, they won’t have to worry about me. I run along the wall and I could hear the demon’s footsteps behind me.

“Fifi, is there any way to defeat that Demon.”

“No, you can’t defeat it. Why are you always so reckless, Jude!?”

“Ahaha, sorry, Fifi. It’s just how I am. I wanted to protect this little girl so I’ll protect her. I know I’m being selfish but thank you for coming with me. I feel much safer with you around.”

“Humph, of course I’ll tag along. You are technically my master after all and I don’t want you to die. We still have so many things to do in the future and you still haven’t bought me any donuts yet!”

“Yeah, I’ll buy as many as you want.”

I’m grateful to have Fifi around. My body’s shivering just from the presence of that demon but having Fifi around makes the situation seem less dire. I’ll treat her to whatever she wants after all of this.

“A foolish boy who steals my food. A beggar and a thief, that’s what you are. Give me back my food.”

Its voice was deep and menacing. It was piercing straight through my soul.

“Be careful, Jude. He’s trying to use magic to control you. Create a barrier around yourself.”


I create a barrier made of wind but I could still hear the demon’s voice. It was whispering into my ear trying to force me to do things. It was uncomfortable and felt like a fly buzzing around my ear. I look at Fifi and see that she was using magic to protect me.

“Mommy, I’m scared! Where are you Mommy, Daddy!?”

I could tell that Mary’s body was also shaking in fear. She calls out to her parents but neither of them are here. Goldie seemed to be trying to calm her down but that also wasn’t working.

“Don’t cry, Mary. I’ll take you to your Mommy soon.”

“W-who are you Mister?”


She must be feeling anxious so how should I cheer her up. I guess this is the perfect time for Active Experience. Let’s see, I don’t have experience with young kids besides Eva. What did Eva like? She was happy when I pretended to be her father but I’m sure that wouldn’t work for Mary since she is conscious of her surroundings.

What did I like as a kid? If I try to remember then maybe it’ll help me cheer up Mary. I loved my parents and my grandparents but I can’t be that for Mary. Hmmm, I can’t seem to remember much about my childhood. Bits and pieces of memories appear here and there but nothing that would distract her from her fear.

The clearest memories were when I played with my parents. I would play a hero who defeats the villain, who was my dad, who kidnapped a princess, who was my mom. Other roles I played were the son of a benevolent dragon, the villager who became a hero, the hero from another world, the kind knight who becomes the hero, or even the hero king. Dad’s scenarios were really weird, weren’t they?

Just remembering these memories made me feel happy even though I was in a dangerous situation. The fear I felt from the demon was washed away. I could feel myself smiling uncontrollably.

“Hahaha, you ask who I am, little girl! I’m the most selfish hero in the world!”


“Pffftt, what’s with that, Jude! Ahahaha, I can’t stop laughing! The most selfish hero in the world!”

Fifi was laughing at me and that made me a little annoyed. How can she laugh at me when she introduced herself as the greatest fairy in the world when we first met. My intro wasn’t that much different from hers.

“Ahahaha, you’re funny, Mister.”

Mary was no longer crying instead it was replaced with a smile. I’m glad she was smiling. A little girl her age should be smiling in joy instead of being depressed.

“Jude, jump!”

I use earth magic and send myself flying into the air. Looking down, my pillar of earth was slashed away by the demon’s sharp claws.

“Jude, fly!”

Fifi asks for the impossible but I try my best to follow her instructions. I shoot Fire Blasts out of my feet and direct me in a different direction. I landed on the ground and thought I was safe but I began to feel a sharp pain shoot through both legs. It was like thousands of needles were being pricked into my legs.

I looked down and could see that it looked like a shadow was wrapping around my leg. This was the first time I’ve ever felt dark magic and it was painful. I couldn’t help but scream out.

I hold onto Mary and Goldie tightly but Goldie struggles out of my grip. He falls to the ground and I try to catch him but I couldn’t. He lands on the ground and nothing happens to him. Goldie nips at my legs and the pain starts to disappear. A few seconds pass and the dark magic was gone, it was like Goldie had absorbed all of it.


Fifi finished her chant and healed my legs. They had felt numb but they recovered after Fifi healed them. I have to get Fifi to teach me how to use healing magic.

“Mary, do you think you can help me fight.”


“Yeah, if we beat that monster then we can go see your Mommy.”

“Ok, I want to see Mommy!”

I didn’t want to ask her to help me fight but she’s stronger than me. In our situation, any help I could get would be necessary. We couldn’t run away anymore because the demon had trapped us.

In the short time that I was stuck in its magic, the demon had created walls around us. The only places we could run to was up or towards the demon. If I tried to fly up then we would be shot down by the demon since these walls were absurdly tall. The only option left for us is to fight. If I was by myself then I would lose but I have Mary, Goldie, and Fifi here with me.

“Mary, can you summon your friends.”

“Ok, Mister but it’s going to take some time.”

“It’s fine. I’ll buy you some time.”

I tell Fifi my plans and I pat Goldie on his head. It seems like he understood what I was trying to do. He was just as determined as I was to protect Mary.

“Blowback Bullet x10”

I create bullets from the wall and begin to shoot at the demon. It doesn’t even bother dodging them and lets them hit his body. Some of them hit and some exploded along the way but those that did hit did no damage at all. I guess makeshift bullets weren’t going to work. I need something stronger.

“Fifi, is there any way we can damage it?”

“If you get close and damage its eyes or mouth then you may hurt it. I’m not sure it’ll kill him though.”


All I needed to do was buy Mary some time. If she could gather those zombies and combine their strength then there’s a chance we can defeat this demon. Even if she’s unable to defeat him, it’ll give us some time to run away.

“Let’s go, Fifi, Goldie.”

Goldie was injured and I didn’t want to push him but I had no choice. Only Goldie could prevent that demon’s dark magic from affecting me. The two of us rush in while I start shooting more Blowback Bullets but none of my makeshift bullets were able to damage him. I could try to make proper bullets but that would take too much time.

“Jude, jump!”

Fifi warned me but I was too slow to react. Black tentacles wrap around my legs but they immediately disappear as Goldie bites them. Fifi heals the numbness away and we begin our charge again

This time I create spears and begin throwing them at the demon. Again, they don’t do any damage at all but that wasn’t what I was aiming for. The multiple spears that I threw explode and a cloud of dust covers the entire area. I run in while Fifi gives instructions on where to go. She could see through the dust so this made it easier.

“Don’t go any further. Jump back, duck, and then jump before ducking again.”

Fifi gives out a flurry of instructions and I was barely able to execute them. I couldn’t see through the dust but I could hear the sounds of something flying by me every time I dodged. The dust clears up and I could finally see what was trying to attack me. The demon was standing there with his arms crossed and beneath him were dozens of tentacles. He was standing there menacingly.

“Weak, too weak! You’re not even worthy of being a snack for me. Come back later when your blood has ripened!”

Tentacles begin flying towards us and I could do nothing but dodge with Fifi’s instructions. Even if I can’t get closer to injure him, this is good enough for me to buy time for Mary. That was when my vision turned completely black.

I look around for Fifi or Goldie but I couldn’t see anything. It was completely dark but it wasn’t the same as the room my mana pool was stored in.

“Damn, it’s true. Look at the scars on his body.”

“That’s hella gross.”

What!? The scenery around me looked familiar, it was the locker room at my high school. Looking around, I could see the stares of disgust all around me. I was changing out of my shirt and they were whispering about my scars.

“You know what would be a fun idea?”


“Do you want to see how it feels to burn someone with a cigarette? It’s not like anyone would know if we gave Lightning Boy another scar.”

“Dude, that sounds fun.”

The scenery changed again, this time I was being held down within one of the school’s restrooms. I remember this, that person over there is Perma. If I remember correctly, they’re going to leave several burn marks on my body. These are my memories.

“Stay still Lightning Boy. We can’t have you alerting the teachers.”


My mouth was covered as I began to feel my back burn in pain. I remember, these assholes would torment me every day for fun. They didn’t even have a reason for bullying me, they just did it because they were bored. I won’t let this continue! I’m different now, I’ve become stronger.

“Have you?”

I turn around at the sound of the demon’s voice and the scene changes again. This time it was of Tod’s body being eaten by the prison monster. His corpse was being toyed with.

“I know this is your magic, I won’t let it affect me!”

“I don’t know about that. It seems like you’ve buried a lot deep inside of you.”

The demon was using some sort of illusion magic but I won’t fall for it. He must be trying to break me down mentally but Fifi will definitely save me.

“Are you sure about that? It seems like that fairy of yours is hiding more than you think.”

Scenes of Fifi silently thinking to herself begin to replay in front of me.

“I wouldn’t trust her if I was you.”

“Shut up! What do you know about her!?”

“Hmm, I could say the same about you. What do you know about her? Do you know her origins, do you know her life, do you know her age, and you don’t even know the reason why she’s helping you. Not once has she ever said anything about herself, has she? That means she doesn’t trust you at all.”

“S-shut up!”

This demon is just trying to create doubts in my mind, I shouldn’t listen to anything he says. Fifi and I have been through so much together. We’ve risked our lives to save one another, I can trust her with my life. W-we just haven’t had time to get to know one another.

“Do you really think she’ll tell you the truth about herself? You’re too naive. Every being has a black and white side to them. On the surface, she may seem nice but she could be plotting behind your back.”

“She wouldn’t do that!”

“Whatever you say, Jude, but deep down, you know it’s the truth. Even you have been hiding your life from all of your new friends, haven’t you? Do they even know a single thing about you? No, they don’t. You haven’t made the effort because you’re afraid, aren’t you? Afraid that they’ll learn about your past and how disgusted they’ll feel about you.”

I need to stop listening to this demon, he’s trying to get into my head. Mako, Lisa, Jill, Gorou, and Fifi are all my friends, this demon’s just trying to make me doubt myself. They are my friends. We’ve been through so much together and we’ve become friends, or am I wrong. Is this just my one-sided view of things? Do they consider me their friend?

I cover my ears to keep the demon’s voice out but I could still hear him. My surroundings change again, this time I could feel the cold rain battering against my body. Thunder was roaring in the distance and a flash of lightning lights up the dark skies. I was in a forest.

“No! No! Stop, please stop!!”

“Why are you covering your ears, Jude? Didn’t you say you’re stronger now, so why can’t you face your past.”

This burnt smell, this cold rain, this dark sky, it’s the day my parents died. In front of me was the burnt corpse of my mom. I can’t look at it so I begin to run away.

“Are you running away again? You’re abandoning your parents a second time.”

I remember now, back then I had discovered a body but I ran away because I was afraid. Their burnt hand reached out towards me but my body was overcome with fear. The scene was too gruesome for me but it was my mom I had abandoned in that cold rain. It was only when their bodies were retrieved that I found out that it was mom.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry for leaving you, Mom. I won’t leave you this time.”

I come back and hug the body of mom but I could tell it wasn’t her. This warmth, this shape, and this aura weren’t hers, it was all a part of the demon’s magic. Even if he could see through my memories, he could never recreate my parents but It doesn’t matter if this was real or fake, I won’t abandon mom again.

“I’ll never forgive you!!! How dare you abandon me!!!”

Even this voice wasn’t hers. Her hands were wrapped around my neck but I don’t resist. Maybe it's because I feel guilty but I don’t have the energy to resist her. Maybe mom really felt this way when she was dying.

“Don’t you dare touch him!”

“What, I’m being pushed out!?”

The demon exclaimed in shock as the entire area was lit up in a purple light. My fake mom’s hands disappear as my body tries to get as much oxygen inside of me. I look around but that purple light was too overbearing. It was just a brief second but I caught a glimpse of whoever just saved me.

She had a black tail that extended into a heart shape, black wings, and blonde hair. I couldn’t see her face but I’m grateful that she saved me. That purple light had washed out all the icky feelings the demon planted inside of my mind. It must have been that demon’s magic that made me feel so weak, mentally and physically.

“Wake up!”

I could hear Fifi’s voice calling out to me. I follow her voice and the purple world around me shatters. The demon was still standing in front of us with its arms crossed but he looked somewhat disturbed. Fifi was floating by me and Goldie was standing in front of me with even more injuries on his body. I must have caused the two of them so much trouble.

“How much time has passed, Fifi?”

“About 5 minutes or so.”

“I see.”

I’m furious right now. I haven’t felt like this in a long time but I’m burning with anger from the bottom of my soul. How dare this bastard mock mom like that! I want to destroy every single cell in his body and I want him to suffer during the process, but I can’t right now. I’m still far too weak and I have to think about protecting Fifi, Goldie, and Mary.

“Mary, how much longer?”

“Almost there, Mister.”

I just need to buy her a little more time. I guess this is the perfect opportunity to test out my new magic that I’ve been working on these past few days. It’s pretty powerful and will use up all my remaining mana but I’ll be fine once my container breaks. Once it breaks, there’s a brief period where my mana pool greedily replenishes by sucking mana from the world so it’ll be fine for me to be reckless.

“Lonely girl lost in life and death, find your path and become happy in the afterlife. You’ve been abandoned by your family and left in the cold but don't let that hold you down. Our bond was something that was created by accident but maybe it was created by destiny. Accept my mana as an offering to warm your body. Ice Palace of Eva.”

The demon’s surroundings begin to turn into ice but his black tentacles continue to swat them away. My magic wasn’t perfect but it was at least inconveniencing the demon. My mana continues to drain as the Ice Palace of Eva builds itself up but I’m still too weak. The image in my mind was a giant ice palace like the ancient palaces of Kurope or Grome, but there are only shards of ice appearing from the ground.

From inside my mind, I could hear glass breaking and it was probably my mana container breaking. My body was rapidly replenished with mana again but I don’t think that’s going to help in this situation. The demon was still standing there allowing his tentacles do all the work. He wasn’t even taking us seriously.

“I’m ready, Mister.”

I increase the amount of mana being used for my magic and the ice grows faster. The tentacles slightly slow down when suddenly the side of the wall breaks down and hundreds of zombies begin to pile on top of the demon. There were so many zombies that the demon’s large body couldn’t be seen anymore. Sounds of bones being crunched could be heard but it definitely wasn’t the zombies eating the demon.

“Mary, get your friends away!”

“I-I can’t, they won’t listen to me!”

If it’s eating the zombies then it’s going to replenish its energy again. It didn’t take long for us to be able to see the demon’s body again and he was covered in blood.

“I was observing you after what happened in your head but it doesn’t seem like that girl can affect the real world. Thanks for the snack, by the way, now it's time for the main dish.”

The demon charges through the zombies and heads for Mary. Both Goldie and I get in front of Mary and so did her father. I don’t know where he came from but he must have been with those other zombies. I’m sure he was shot in the head but it seemed like he was perfectly fine.

The demon punches with his left hand and I try to restrain his arm with earth magic but he breaks through. Goldie tries to bite at his leg but he was grabbed by one of the black tentacles. Our last line of defense was Mary’s father and I knew he had immense strength but even he was blasted away by the demon.

I try and create more walls but the demon’s fist doesn’t stop. The last thing I could think of was to use my body to block the attack and just like Mary’s father, my body slams into the wall behind us. Even after all of our efforts to stop him, it still felt like I was hit by a truck.


I could only lay on the ground as the demon reached his hand towards Mary. I cough up some blood and I could tell that many bones in my body were broken. Fifi was healing me but it was going to take time until I’m healed to the point I could move.


Goldie escaped from the tentacle and bit at the demon’s arm but it didn’t do any damage. Goldie’s teeth were special and could destroy the demon’s dark magic but it didn’t do anything against the demon’s tough skin.

“I’ll eat you first if you want.”

“Don’t eat Ricky!!”

“I finally found you!”


The demon tried to eat Goldie but he screamed in pain as a golden rope wrapped around his neck. No, it wasn’t a golden rope, it was a golden whip and the person using it was that angel from the bus. His blonde hair was still flowing freely and his white wings were still as white as snow.