Chapter 04: A world of sword and magic (Part 1) (Edited 07/30/29)
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"Who are you!? And where are you!?" not being able to calm, he looked around but found no one there he's the only one there.

"I'm the system that will help you, Alice, you can ask a question, and I'll answer them."

While a voice resounded again and he tried to calm down to start asking questions.


"I-I see then first where I am, and how did I get here?" he asked the system on his mind.


"You are in a world of sword and magic called 'Leagrinon.' You got here by the magic circle you saw below before you came here," the voice of an inorganic woman says. Silence... ssiiiipppp~~ phewww~~~


" I see" I replied while calming down.


"Then you said that this is a world of swords and magic, can I use them too like magic?" he says, trying to confirm what Alice the system says.

"Yes, Kuro-sama you can use them too, first try thinking and saying  'fire'"

"Okay-"Kuro began to think about fire and poof~~ a small fire is floating on his hands. Startled that he might burn himself, he began waving his hand furiously, trying to extinguish the fire...

"You have learned fire magic."

"Congratulations, Kuro-sama, you have learned magic, to try to see what kind spells you have or skill and info, try saying 'appraisal' to yourself."

Calming himself down, he began to say 'appraisal.'



Name: Kuro Shirokami

Race: Human

Level: 1

Age: 18

Strength: 3

Mana: 2

Intelligence: 5

Stamina: 3

Fire: lvl1

Skills: None

OtherWorlder, Language Comprehension.


Hidden titles:

The strength of libido, The Aroma, Berserk, Calm Mind, Survivor




"HMmmm...." While Kuro is looking at it, Alice began to talk again, "If you want to know more about your titles, etc. try staring at them and say 'appraisal' again." "I see, then I will do that 'appraisal.'"


Strength: A body constitution that as the level goes up, the higher power you have.
Mana: Mana is the source of magic stored in your body, the higher the level, the better the control.  
Intelligence: The higher the level, the better the ability to have a better mana efficiency and includes the way you think.   
Stamina: A body constitution where the higher the level, the better and longing stamina you have.

"I see... I don't need to appraise the fire magic if I think I know what's its meaning..."

"Huh?... wait... why do I have hidden titles? and what are those for?" " It's for all the people who are unique and have unique abilities, to see more information say 'appraise' them." as she told him.




The Strength of Libido: A body constitution while having s*x your libido will not wane. 

The Aroma: This will make your lover(s), or one's that you make contact with sexually with, will have a strong desire to eat you (sexually). They will not notice the scent as it was not that powerful, and only when they got too horny, is when will want to satisfy their desire/lust. They will not notice it first but if left alone for too long, the one in contact(girl) might go crazy. (The lover(s) or the ones that in touch will not be affected if the host is not near her)

Berserk: A body constitution whereas you feel like stronger than most when you get a fatal wound, the system will take over your body, and you will not be able to control your body, but you will still have your consciousness, it will try to keep the host alive
( Strength gained: double)  

Calm Mind: In any situation, your mind will stay focused and calm, unless depending on the stronger enemy than you, it will take seconds before you began to feel relaxed. (Training this will make an effect)

Survivor: As the name implies, you have the ability to survive at any fatal situation (this ability has the synthetic effect of calm mind)



Wtf???? Why do I have those??? do I need them? I get the Calm Mind, Berserk, and Survivor, but why are those two there...  Is that even really unique? Kuro was shocked as he asked Alice if those are unique.

"Yes, those are unique abilities, and that you have them both are very good. They are a perfect combination with each other," Alice said and continued. Still, this time it's has a different tone "Congratulations Kuro-sama with these two, you will be able to gather woman smoothly." Alice said with a soft and calming voice happy for his master... Huh? did she just get emotion, and the sound is calming and sweet?

"Hey Alice, can you try talking again...?"

"What is it, Kuro-sama" with an artificial voice, Alice talked. Maybe I just hear things. 

"I see, never mind then, Alice, thanks for answering my questions."

Now that he knows all the questions he asked about this world and abilities on Alice. A sense of loss, his family back on earth, his mother Yue and sister Yua will be lonely. I don't care about that old man. He doesn't even come home early, most of the time, he was at his workplace. Still, when he comes back, he just either ogle at my little sister or drinks beer all the time (f*cking c*nt)  either way he felt lonely too, But then the effect of Calm Mind starts to show an effect, calming his mind he decided to ask a last and essential question.

"Are there any people from Earth that came here with me?"

" Yes, there are others from Earth that are summoned, but you are different."

"What do you mean different?" he asked calmly, but nervous on what answer he will get.

"You are not supposed to be here on this world," Alice says and continued "There are supposedly only three heroes that are summoned and currently on the kingdom of Iasenary. A civilized country", "Don't worry, Kuro-sama, as I'm here to help you survive this world," said Alice with an artificial voice.

"Wait, there are others too?" I was confused.

"Yes, Kuro-sama, the other heroes that have been summoned the same time as you. Currently, there are four major countries on a different continent; Beast kingdom, Elf Kingdom,  Flogecyre Empire (Human), and Demon country. Being Human with most people and Elf with the least people."

"I see.... there are different races, huh, and there's like me who got summoned too."

This is going to be fun and exciting, well... If I get to survive here first."

"Yes, Kuro-sama," as she answered him.

"I see, thanks.... but why I'm here? What is my purpose here?" "Can't they just bring me back to earth?... well, I guess I can't, huh, they don't even probably know that I'm here... I guess first I need to survive for today after that maybe I will try to go the human country" accepting that he needed to survive if he wants to go back to earth.

Alice didn't say anything.