Side story: Yua Shirokami’s Side
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I'm Fukken BACKKkkkk!!!! I'mmmm BACCCkkkkk!!!!

The reason why I stopped uploading is that I got too lazy and the chapters of the novels I'm reading are stacked up. But now that I'm back here means that I fukken caught up.


AHHHHHH if I only have a system for language comprehension and put points in it, I can understand all languages and can write it perfect sentences 



*Alarm ringing* *click*

"NNnn~~~ huaaammm" 

I stretched my body and stay there unmoving for a moment staring at the ceiling thinking about what happened last night... My brother Kuro disappeared last night while leaving his computer opened and didn't return that night, mom and I kept waiting until midnight until father comes home but he still didn't come home which made mother and I worried.

Yesterday night in the living room

"Maybe he just staying with his friends playing, leave him his already a high school student," Father said to my worried mom.

"Why would you say that he just disappeared leaving his computer open just to stay at his friends?" My mom retorted a bit angry to father as he's not taking this seriously.

"Haaa... Look here Yue, it's already midnight and I'm tired already from work we should just sleep he'll probably return later" Father said as he goes toward the bathroom.

"But-" Mother tried to say something but father interrupted with a shout her. "I said he'll probably return later and stop already!" 

"Mom..." I said as hold my mom's hand, "Father, mom is just worried about brother why are you angry-"

"...Yua, stop it's fine already" mom stopped me. "He will come back later we should rest now and there's still your school tomorrow right?" she smiled at me albeit sadly.

As the two try to comfort each other the father was standing there a bit far away from them watching the two specifically Yua, but she didn't know that, as the father smiled before continuing to walk towards the bathroom. They didn't know that he was smiling as they are preoccupied with each other.

"He's probably back now, I should take a look," I said to myself trying to cheer myself up as get up from the bed. I exited my room and walked towards the room of my brother.

*knock knock*

"Onii-chan?" I quietly said as I peek his room... he's not there, everything in the room is still the same only the computer is turned off.

"Onii-chan... maybe he's downstairs," I said as I go downstairs thinking that he will greet me, but as I looked everywhere he's not there. "UUuu, just where the heck did he go..." tears are starting to form in my eyes as I sit on the sofa.

"No it's still too early to cry, it's not even a day before he disappeared he maybe back already later after I go home from school. Un! I will tease him later for sure for making mom and I worried!" I said as brush my tears from my face and cheer up, I stood up and get ready for school today since it's the first day of school.

"Hmmm? Yua your up already... is, is your brother still not back?" Mom said to me as she saw me sitting on the sofa talking to myself.

"Uu- uuuwwaahh mom he-he's still not here!" I run and hug mom and cried. "Moouu just where the heck did he go! he just disappeared that night!"

"Don't worry Yua he may be back later today! Le-let's cheer up okay? Mom's going to punish him later for making us worried okay? so don't cry now and get ready for school, I will prepare your favorite breakfast now, so go and get ready" Mom trying to cheer me up but there's a tear on her eyes but she just kept smiling.

"Un, hic I'm gonna punch him later" I said as I go to the bathroom.

"Haaa... just where did that kid go..." Yua's mom said as she gets ready for preparing breakfast.


This is it for now...  *flicks imaginary coat* I'll be back