08 Changes are never easy! Part 1
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-Albino PoV-

Change is never easy.
You can be happy and on the best place in the world and yet all it takes is one second for everything to change. Just one second...

The world is a strange place, isn't it?

That' s how I was born, one second I am happy sleeping in my egg, the next someone comes and take me out of everything I have known in my life, that's when I realized that I don't like change.

They had told me that I was too weak to leave the egg by myself, so they pulled me out, but what I don't get is why would anyone wants to leave?

Inside it was nice and warm, calm and quiet, out here everything is so cold... And scary.

The elders have taken us to a different place, they said that we need to get stronger, for when time comes, we must join the Hunter Trials. They did not say what the Trials are, they only said that once we complete the trials everything will change, we will become part of the clan.

I hate change...

I was wandering in the tunnels today, they don't visit this part of the cave much, the silence and the gloom reminds me of my egg, I like it here.

I watched the older kids hunting earlier today, should I try...

That's it! I finally did it, after hours of waiting around the roots I finally got one. I better get back now though, the elders said this area was dangerous, because of the Underdark or something...

"Did you really think you could eat here weakling!? Those bugs are mine, this is my territory now so you better pay tribute.

"Yo... you got no right to it, I got it first, that's mine."

No luck, as soon as I got back to the cave these three surrounded me with my food.

"Hold the weakling, time to teach her a lesson in showing respect to the strong."

When I thought I had no escape and I was lost, he appeared.

"Whoah, hold you horses down mi amigo..."

The weirdest kin I'd ever seen, his scales weren't the same plant-like color as the others, nor egg-like color as mine, no...

They were the color of blood.

I've never seen a kin like that, he looked so... Stupid, isn't his Tail too long? How does he walk with that thing around...

"W... what?"

"What's a horse?"

"Mi... mi am, i, go?"

Really stupid, he doesn't even seem to know how to talk properly.

"Sorry, man, but that's not your caterpilar, so why you don't give back to the girl and we'll leave at that."

Huh? Why is he helping me? Did he fall for me or something?

"Humpf! You just want it for yourself, don't think you can fool me, get him, boys."

Aah! that's it, make sense.

Or that's what I thought... Before I could say a word he knocked both kin out with the tail that until a moment ago I thought was uselessly long, the older kin realizing he had no chance in a fight, gobbled up my food as fast as he could.

"No... my food!" I screamed in despair.

The three kin took the chance to escape... it's all that stupid guy's fault, if he had beat the other two faster, I'd still have my food.

"Are you okay, little girl?"

Why is he still talking to me? The food's gone isn't it? wait... he can't really have fallen for me, can he?

"Yo... you, what did you do that for, my... my food... Damn, you owe me food, don't think I'm gonna forget this!" I said running away.

Why am i blushing? it can't be that stupid guy has fallen in love for me... but, he's not so bad right? He's not so smart sure, but he can fight, I bet he's a good hunter too... And his blood scales are kind of cute...

What am I thinking!?

I better get going, the elders said they have an announcement for everyone about a Cursed Kin or something, it may be important I can't miss it, yes! I'm definitely not going just to stop thinking about him... Definitely!