15 Power is Everything! Part 2
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Old Black Scales PoV

I observed the heir of the red lineage in secret, it seems to me that the others are already planning some way to kill him, the ancient laws would not allow them to kill him directly... But there are other ways...

I have to do something to get him out of here before the others act, but... Uh?' Looking at the young kin I see the white girl has something on her hands, a blue caterpilar? 'Isn't that one of the children of the protector? The weird one, Dan if I'm not mistaken, what a... Oh! He's been eaten, that's bad, real bad, if discovered it will...

I was enlightened by a idea, an idea so insane that if it works will solve all my problems at once.

With each new litter any of the elders can choose one of the young ones they like to serve as apprentices, servants, slaves, among other things, a little time of servitude will make them stronger and thus strengthen the clan in return, but of course with the internal power struggle between the elders many of these young people do not live long enough to enjoy their future benefits, the world of the kin is hard and only the strongest survive and even if I chose the Cursed heir as my apprentice this would not help him, on the contrary I think it would only make him a more tempting target for those old man, like a hunting game.

As for the remaining ones, the unlucky, the weak and even some of the common green bastards, shallow deep is the door to the Underdark, and the protector defends us from anything small enough to get through the cavern veins, in return we offer... tribute, for protection, it's a win win.

And I was looking at one of them now, a golden scaled idiot, yes him, he thinks he's superior to the other kin, and for what? Just because his scales can reflect a little light? Without magic he's no different than any other green bastard, a lineage stained by generations of inbreeding.

I overheard a rumor that one of the elders chose him as an apprentice, but it doesn't matter, the clan will be better off without that pompous arrogant, and I can still attack one of the elders with that, like I said, a hunting game it will be fun.

"Hey boy, come here." I said to the golden arrogant.

"Oh, Your Excellency." He laughed and turned with a contempt, I could see in his eyes that he respected no one but himself, I'm doing those old men a favor by putting him in tribute before this poison enters the clan. "To what do I owe the honor of your eldest excellency's presence."

"I hear one of the old men wants to make you an apprentice of the council is that true? You were called before even participating in the trial, that's a great responsibility and honor, it seems you have potential"

"Yes, Your Elder Excellency." He smirks. "His Excellency Elder SnakeEye saw my superiority among the kin and offered to train me, not that I need any training I bet I could join the council..."

"That's enough." I said interrupting the kid, why do these idiots like to listen to the sound of their own voice so much? SnakeEye heh... Makes sense, is the same with that old man, I think pompous idiots like to stick together. "Well, as a future board apprentice, I'll tell you about a place where you can find easy food and..."


Yes! Apparently my plan worked and the pompous idiot provoked the protector, I just need to blame this incident on the Cursed heir and have him locked up in a cell where he'll be safe until the trial.

I thought looking in the direction of the noise.

Not long after the golden idiot came running in that same direction, his face pale.
'He survived, huh?' He saw me and came running to me with exhaustion.

"Th... The cursed kin and th... monster..."

My black scales went white from my shock, well... not really. That area is only for tributes how... I seem to have underestimated those old men.

The cursed heir was amazing, so much power, he not only managed to survive but also protected the white girl, and even killed the protector, that's amazing, I can't wait to take all that power for myself.

I can use this...
After treating his wounds I'll look for some Sleep YellowCap Mushrooms, and my plans will finally begin.

Power is everything!