My Queen 0.1
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   Her foot tapped lightly too excited and nervous waiting amongst a massive crowd fighting get a better look at is most important figures. That scent floral? She took a deep purposeful inhale trying to differentiate the smell of the city, perhaps simply a natural aroma.

"Presenting his majesty  Theodore Francis Theen" A booming voice shouted echoing across the lower city. Aria looked over excitedly. Not for the loser of a man, but the queen, a Tall muscular woman looking identical to all those years ago. Minus the clothing change. Although it looked simple and elegant in tandem with the plate armor. She stared, unblinking. This had to be ingrained into her memory. Any second without being able to watch the queen would leave her devastated, an unforgiveable act. Her Majesty floated above, steadily riding atop the tall moving throne: a fitting place. But Aria's fortune lasted for only about seven and a half seconds. It hurt but this would change. She'd make sure of it. She phantom followed the throne for a few seconds as it passed behind the tall building leading up to the next level, the base of its wall standing far above the peak of the tallest building here.

Aria pulled out a neatly folded paper.


Established maid / instructor.

Requiring special instruction and car.

Apply see 7/4/2 Charging street.  #454/1

She neatly folded inside her apron pocket peaking behind a heavy duster. It was uncomfortably warm built for winter  Nevertheless, it protected her uniform. A carefully crafted outfit designed to catch the eyes of what she imagined the queen might like. Hopefully. She would inevitably make changes.


  Aria stepped inside the door to see an open hall with white wooded walls intricately joining and dividing. It was much more vacant, only a few armored individuals and some staff were here in a building that looked designed for at least a hundred. Aria walked up to a series of desks. The receptionist a cute chubby girl with purple hair and glasses looked up from writing something on a paper. " Hello there i don't believe we've met my names Janice. How can I assist you?" She askef setting it out of sight. "Aria and yes I'd like to inquire if a maid assignment is still available."Aria said taking out the flyer. 

"Of course what's the number?"


  The receptionist dropped a large binder on the table and flipped halfway through. She combed over it with her finger and suddenly closed it opening up a folder. Her face turned from its happy cheerful self to a pout.

"Oh are you sure you'd like to accept this job?" She asked

 "Yes. Why wouldn't I." Aria set the paper down folding her hands together over it.

"It's just that we've had over a dozen potential takers but the longest someone's lasted is only a few weeks. When we followed up to ask why they responded with basically some version of how bad the experience was."

"Yes-yes I'm sure. Now where do I sign"



Aria walked up to the metal fence door. She showed a letter to the guards and walked through a sculpted garden of various flowers and sculpted bush at its center a fountain split the carriage path. A mansion sat past it. An impressive structure for the city although she had worked in much nicer out in the country side.

A butler waited near the front door slouching a bit, sweating. " I'm here about the Maid job" Aria stated silently judging the older man.

 He looked her up and down scoffing. "Of course, welcome. My name is Thane the head butler...  Lets see how long this last." He added quieter underneath his breath.

They entered a long foyer then right through a door into a hallway with four doors. They entered the last. It opened up into a formal sitting room surrounding a fireplace and tall window surviving sufficiently as the rooms only light source.

A beautiful woman wearing a revealing light-blue sundress walked into the room. Her breasts being contained just enough to not be scandalous. She smelt of wine mixed with an unfulfilled marriage. Her black hair splitting a bit down to her shoulders.


Her secret stirred underneath the maid outfit pressing against the band. She took off the coat and neatly folded it beside her

" So your here about the maid position I presume." She said sitting down across from Aria. Her large breasts bouncing with the rest of her privileged  rich body.

"Yes madam. My name is Aria Moon." She said doing a slight bow.

 "I'm Chelsea Swan lady of this estate. Married to Martin Swan the caretaker to this half of the lowest level. Im sure theres no need for extra inteoduction of him. You will teach and serve my daughter, Jessica. Now I will warn you that my daughter is rather rambunctious and dare I say an interesting challenge, so there's no harm in giving up."

Aria smiled " My track record is spotless. It would be my pleasure to assist your daughter. " She had an advantage the others didn't have after all.

 Hmpf "we'll see." She snapped her fingers.

Another maid walked in. but her garb only resembled a maids. It was far undersized, revealing the upper thigh nearly at panty level. She looked sloppy, smelling of sex. She bowed, the back riding up to show bits of the woman's ass.

" This is Meredith, she sees directly to my husband although I haven't a clue why he keeps her." Lady Chelsea laughed. Straining a bit. She knew what was happening, even without her scent Aria would of noticed. 

"Pleasure. my name is Aria." She said with a slight smile. The woman turned looking into Arias eyes Defeated but still trying. She was trapped struggling to survive.

Meredith whispered into the ladies ear. "Oh fine! Meredith please escort Jessica's new maid to her, see to it that she is taking care of."

"Of course. Right this way please."

She led the maid back to the foyer heading to the door to go further inside, past the kitchen into the backyard where her newfound responsibility lay.

 " This is Jessica Swan, if u have any questions feel free to ask myself or Thane the head butler that showed you to us. Good luck. "She said quickly leaving back to the house.

A beautiful girl lay flat in rather exposing clothing only a bra and panties of deep rich brown.

She resembled her mother a bit skinnier but still with plenty of  fun to grip and play with but her long black hair was identical if not for the fact it was brushed.

"Miss Swan starting today I will be your personal maid as well as serve as a teacher helping to get you back on track to do your duty."

The girl pulled down her glasses revealing her brown eyes. " Not another, mother you must give up already!" She shouted at the house before turning her head to look another way. "I don't need the assistance of a maid but here make yourself useful." And tossed a container of lotion. Aria caught it and started rubbing it into her skin.

She started at the shoulders moving down the spine. She took a nice grip on the girls side. She stiffened but didn't say anything. Aria moved down to the ample pale ass and took in handfuls. Jessica jumped unexpectedly.


"Is there a problem?" Aria asked keeping a hand full gripping against her soft skin.

"No its just...never mind."

Aria started again but started over with her butt. It smelled more erotic then the rest of her. she wanted to get familiarize it thoroughly. Jessica's muscles would tense and release. Her hands making the nobles daughter twist and bend her lower back into the air. eventually she would take her but she needed make her work for it. Her new lady looked like she was trembling. Aria went to the other side but the girl moved her head to back hiding it. her juicy thighs jiggling along.

Aria stopped.

Jessica shot her a look for a second of pity. she wanted her to continue but she wasn't ready. Only good girls get that treatment.

" If that is all you require, I will go see my room and familiarize myself with the manor."

"Whatever" she replied.

 With the help of a servant she found her room and her new ladies room. Hers was by its nature modest with a twin bed while she got a queen a large closet and bath.

"The hell do you think your doing in my room?!" Aria turned to see Jessica standing with folded arms.

Aria walked over to the door shutting it.

" Don't ignore me bitch I own you!"

For the first time in her life the daughter felt a hand slap her face.

She pulled back holding the bright red handprint on her face. The daughter felt emense shock with tears starting to fall.

"It is impolite to use such language and I will not allow it."

Jessica stared at her stunned. "No I wont. your fired!" she sneered trying to walk past. Aria grabbed her dark hair and calmly sat down on the simple couch in front the hearth. She propped the girl over her legs pulling up the underwear into a tight wedgy making Jessica cry shaking.

" Let me go u cant do this!you cant!" She yelled shaking and kicking. But the maid just held her, uncaring for her pleas.  She brought down a hand on the girls ass. Jessica let out a cry of pain. Another hard slap against her ass sending ripples pulsing out. She bit down on her arm but Aria simply grabbed her throat.


"Please stop I.. Your not fired please just stop!"

A palm hit audibly clapping into the air.

"Perhaps I don't believe you, your not a lady but a liar."

She spanked the woman again this time the flesh swelling a bright pink from all the pain induced spanking.

"No-no- I do- I do please I'll do anything just be my maid."

"You'll do as your told? 

Yes! please just stop." 

Aria rubbed the area helping to spread and ease the pain.

"Very well then from now on when we're alone, you'll call me mistress."

"Huh why."

She brought a hand down shifting the hue more red.

"Ahhhh. Yes mistress." She teethed out saying. Aria lifter her up purposefully grabbing the nobles partially exposed pussy.(notably wet) Using it to lift her up. She helped her into bed.

"Goodnight Jessica."
