Lecture 0.2
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Aria woke up early and started getting Jessica's day ready. She assisted in the laundry hanging up the many articles of clothing out on a line to dry. Meredith walked up notably not looking like a paid whore. "The lady of the house wishes to speak to you."

Aria felt sorry for the young lady but there wasn't anything to be done about her. In the future when the Swan's Title belonged to her she would rectify this.

  "Any idea what about?" Aria asked wondering if she had made a fatal error.

Meridith starred at her with disbelief. "You are ok with talking to me?"

Aria raised an eyebrow. "What silly nonsense are you talking about, of course. In fact I'm more than ok with it. You serve Master and both Ladies same as I. What we have to do may be different but not everything is in our control." Aria said rested a hand on her shoulder. "Dont allow them to put you down." She added.

The poor girl who only went out there to say a simple thing was now shaking. Tears pattering against the fresh cut grass.

"But its true. I am a slut. A whore. I don't deserve any pitty or respect. He.. I'm compensated well for my effort." Meridith turned to escape but was stopped by 2nd lady's maid. Her arms wrapped around her waist hugging her. She was unable to move. Aria rested her chin on her shoulders. Everyone especially sluts deserve respect. Aria walked pass leaving the girl speechless.

  In the sun room Chelsea sat with a large hat and another scandalous dress this one tight fitting. She was in the process of sipping a light liquid in a wine glass while listening to several exotic birds caged chirping amongst themselves in chaotic song. A slight fear arose in her gut. Had she of pushed to hard to fast. She was usually always right thanks to her gift but on the rare occasion it failed her.

"Aww dear Aria how was your night? I hope the quarters were satisfactory." She asked with cheeks warmed red with strong drink.


"Good I'm excited to have you with us. You see our daughter is quite a handful often lying, so we want to make sure you have what you need.

Aria smiled wider than normal. The tension releasing" Of course madam. I'll let you know what I require, if it becomes necessary of course."

The lady sat up catching herself on the top of a chair. She took a step forward trying to walk but fumbled her drink trying her best to catch the glass but pushing it further away. Aria grabbed the lady under her arm.

"Are you alright my lady?"

Chelsea looked absently away. "It doesn't matter, have to be...I have to be.

The maid carried the busty drunk woman. Through the hall. Careful to not be seen and placed her in a small room.

I  guess a few moments would do me some good. Wake me up for my noon meeting. Chelsea passed out with tears in her eyes. 

"You do matter and soon enough you like your daughter will know where you belong. Aria gently moved the hair covering the drunk woman's face and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. The maids eyes shifted hue turning from a gentle grey to a bright yellow. The first secret of her body opening up.


Jessica walked back in fourth stopping every so often to look in the mirror and rub the sore skin. That crazy bitch. Glad I never have to deal with that whack job. She thought.

She heard the door open. "I'm in the bath." she yelled looking at her face, smug and proud of what control she had. Jessica's eyes met the maid standing behind her.

She jumped nearly slipping on the tile looking at her terrified.

"What are you doing here?! I told mother to fire you."

Aria stepped closer. " The lady of the house has fully supported me and offered any help or resources to assist you. I'm here to stay Jessica."


"No-no that cant be real! Mother loves me!?" She would never!"

Aria walked starting brushing the daughters long dark hair. "Now what do u refer to me as my little noble?"

"..Mistress" she mumbled

Good. You have a long day so lets get dressed for the day.

Jessica sighed. "Very well... Mistress."


  Jessica looked to see if anyone else besides her psychotic maid was near. Satisfied with the distance she lifted up the the strapless red and black dotted dress. It only fell to her knees but because of its voluminous nature made it difficult to navigate. She lifted it up bending forward and back a bit to reach her ass now mostly exposed.  "Is this indecent thing necessary?" She asked digging her finger between her cheeks to readjust the thong that was twisted and digging into the soft skin

 "Quite. It'll teach you how to act comfortably while uncomfortable. As a future noble it is imperative to become a good leader and a good leader needs to have this ability well skilled." She walked behind and fixed it for her and patted the dress down.

"Yes mistress." She said not wanting to fight. Who knows what she'd make her do. A small twinge of excitement boiling up inside at the thought of her being exposed. Jessica shook her head walking up the steps to their first destination. The observatory? She looked back and saw the maid a few steps behind. Her ass rippled every step and Aria stayed back a few steps fully taking in the shiw. She started shaking while walking. All it took was someone else to walk up and they'd see her secret. But it was clearly a slow day so no such event occurred she was safe.

  They walked into the adventures hall turning towards a sign that read research and development. Janice, the woman who helped aria last time approached.

My apologies but do you have a reservation... Her eyes darted between Aria in her maid attire and the Swan girl. Her mouth widened from shock but promptly closed shifting them to a friendly demeanor. Years of  customer service influence being apparent.  "Miss Swan welcome ho wonderful to have you join us. she said with a bow. And of course Aria. How may we assist you this day? Jessica shrugged.

"We are here to learn about magic and magical fields of study."

"Wonderfull I'll get you both situated right away."

She led them up stairs to a where a hall forked in three different directions.

Left 'Monster cores and minerals.'

Middle 'Research and development'

Right 'Guild rooms.'

They went down the middle hall entering a room with a sign that read 'classroom'

Jessica felt sour very unenthusiastic to say the least. "What are we doing here ?" she said moping with her head on the desk. "Do you remember last night how much that hurt. Well there's an opposite side to that. Think of it as a reward. Listen to what I say and in exchange you'll feel stuff you'd never imagine possible." 

Jessica measured her maid looking for any hint of lying but she wasn't. It was a skill she had reading people. How to get what you want and when you want it. So the truth or what she believes is true. What's the opposite of being spanked like a child who just killed the neighbors dog. Her pointer finger tapped repeatedly against her thigh. "Tell me more . I need to know what you can do that my parents can't." 

Aria contemplating telling her or doing something under the table but thought of no reason. "My pet will just wait and see."

 she had punishments, rewards, even funishments if she liked those. which she might of but she didn't get a good chance to read her body yet. She had planned to but didn't wsnt to over do it and break her mind. But not her mother, the lady of the house. With little effort could sense the ladys strongest emotion. At the moment it washed evenly between relief, curiosity and boredom.

"Get punished or rewarded." she leaned in to whisper. "both are fun for me. Last night was the result of going easy on you but please go ahead." Jessica's eyes widened she wasn't lying.


A man slender adorning the guilds patch walked in. Aria didnt waste time examining him much further. He was nothing extraordinary but everyone could learn skills and have talents. He was employed by the guild so there must have been some merrit. After a few minutes it became clear what this man thought. He looked down on them talked down to them. In short a sexiest sack of shit." Alright ive had enough." Aria said helping Jessica to her feet.

"Yeah no its complicated things. Dont worry, a payment system can be set up downstairs." He said smiling like a weasel.

 "I think there is a misunderstanding so let me speak so that you can understand. You are not fit for this time of work."

 He looked confused. But im a certified teacher of course i know. If its to difficult that fine."

 "The only one this is difficult for is u moron even i know half what you said was just wrong." Jesica said tired with the entire thing.

 "No your the idiot child of nobles how could possibly comprehend."

"And your a creepy douche!" She yelled back. Aria we're leaving."

No little girls should kniw their place. He said pulling out a knife.

Jessica sighed (why is my life like this?)