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The man sprinted back to the door and locked it. "I've always want to fuck one of you noble bitches."

Aria placed her hand against her forehead. Was this guy serious? He must have done this before. She cracked her knuckles stepping forward. "Just relax Jessica. This will only take a few seconds.

He laughed grabbing his face hard enough to leave lines from the pressure. He looked and saw her on top of him. She spun around his first strike. "Ha got-chu cunt!" He yelled swinging towards her side. Aria effortlessly redirected the attack slamming his hand smashing into the wall. With the momentum she slid forward kicking up nearly parallel to the wall. The heel smashed into his chin breaking on impact scattering into dozens of little pieces.


aria looked back to see the look of shock on her pets face. 

She opened the door grabbing him by collar. bystanders watched the stairs as a heavy thump thump sound being made after each step. staff rushed over. he stirred but another turning kick knocked him out. "what's the meaning of this. A loud angry voice came. the wall of people surrounding split to make room for a hulking figure. he pointed at aria what have you done! are you mad he was harmless a...


" A creepy asshole that wanted to rape me." Jessica yelled stepping forward. 

"that doesn't sound like jerry." a half drunk man said "yeah this bitch is lying!" said another

Aria positioned herself back in front. "He didn't even understand basic synthesis. Then when we told him we were leaving the miscreant locked the door wanting to rape us."

The massive man with folded arms held up a hand. Might I see your shoe.? Aria nodded kicking the shoe forward to his outstretched hand.

they all stared in silence. Aria was ready to fight, if at the very least make enough time for her Lady to escape. 

 The hulking figure started to laugh his barrel chest moving so much those around heard a thumping sound . "You two grab the guard."

Jessica flinched towards Aria.

"This sack of shit is black listed from heavy guild and guild affiliated. "

"Your just gonna take their word! What about.... " the figure raised in the air suddenly face to face with the man. "Yeah and shitholes like you aren't welcome either. You're also forbidden from entering guild or guild affiliated offices. Now scram vermin!" The man said tossing him out the open doors yelling in pain.

 "I'd like to talk with you two if that's alright but not now. I am the guild master,  Antonio Day and I would like to formally apologies for the trouble caused to you today and to make it up for you both an expert and true professional that is currently away. "That's a start I suppose." Jessica said trying to sound disinterested. The fear vanishing. The guild master smiled. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement. It was fast heading towards Jessica. She bolted to push her out of the way preparing another kick but it stopped  being blocked by Antonio who suddenly appeared. "Now now James or Jingle whatever your name is, your being rude. he had him completely covered body spread like a starfish unable to move. "Its a shame I'm so out of practice he laughed shifting his massive hand slightly . bone crushed audibly followed by more screaming." he looked back at the girls. "you don't need it but I'm assigning an escort they'll be on call for protection duty."

Janice was nice enough to provide another shoe, it was slightly darker but identical to the last.


The two got back in the carriage. Another figure entered. A woman with finely sculpted muscles everywhere visible on her body(which was most of it.)  Wearing basically a fur lines bikini. She sat opposite them. "Names Regal. you the Swan girl." she asked spreading out against the seat. "Yes. Jessica Swan.... a pleasure." she said holding out a hand. Regal held it awkwardly looked around then shook. "nice to meet you too little Lady." color covered Jessica's cheeks. Aria couldn't help but laugh. "and you what's your name. "

"Aria Moon or the other beautiful woman in the cab that wishes you were in even less armor." she winked grinning. Jessica spun around mouth agape at both of them before crossing her arms very upset.

  Regal looked her in the eyes then smiled. Mhmm I love a direct woman. Perhaps later we could meet...

"I also want to see u without clothes." Jessica shouted standing up. The two looked at her then each other.

"Well look at that. Hmm ill tell you what. Are you good with your hands?"

Jessica nodded furiously.

Regal patted the seat next to her. Jessica leaned forward but looked up at her maid.  Aria nodded watches the girl shoot over. My muscles get sore rub them for me. Yes of course. Her movements were sloppy and wondering although regal didn't seem to mind in fact seemed thrilled at her groping. It was a common know fact in society. Nothing was better than gay consensual sluts. Jessica wrapped her arms around regal feeling her abs. Her eyes rolled back as she melted into her. "You know that from recent research women tend to hold the most stress and tension in their breasts."

Their escort bit her lip. "Hey Swan girl."

"Um yes miss Regal

 "untie my top."

"Yes!" Jessica shouted. Her shaky hand slowly revealing the woman's tits. She took them in her hands and kneaded them ride back.


"let me know when your all leaving. I enjoy making friends bye." Regal said walking off

Jessica turned towards her maid. "Did that happen." She asked forcing her eyes closed. "aw fuck. what? why do my eyes hurt so bad?" she rubbing them hard.  

"Well you didn't blink since the outer market. Its obvious why they sting."

Jessica stopped just before entering the estate. "is that...a reward?"

Aria brushed passed her whispering that's just the start.

Jessica swallowed watching her maid enter the estate door. (Thank the gods for her maid...her mistress.)