Conflicting 0.7
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  A single punch felt like being kicked by a horse. Aria recollided, sliding across the floor coughing. Just because she now had a chance didn't mean that it was a good one. The odds were still against her. She stabbed her heal down on his ankle but unable to do more dodged under his legs. These two muscle heads were thankfully slow. She had just enough time to weave around before narrowly avoiding their heavy blows. " Will you two stop fucking around?" Yelled the creep a hand full of documents being shuffled through.  

  The momentary distraction gave her time to land a solid hit. Her foot slapped against his side thudding but he only grinned.

 "I like feisty women " he said. With several missing and rotted teeth. His tongue licking his lips. But she kept her cool. Just one more step. It was all she needed . the brute brought both fists down like an ape catching the back of her thigh. It hurt like a motherfucker. Aria burst forward acting like she was going to attack him again but at the last second rolled picking up his blade. He was unable to turn in time as it pierced through his sternum. 

"Bray!?" The other yelled. But his brother just reached out towards him. The light left his eyes and his body slammed to the ground.

Aria pulled the blade in just enough time to feel the impact throwing her into the wall. She felt stunned unable to do something.

"Hey! No killing! I want...!" The creep started but shrunk back. The brother just growled like an animal back at him flinging spit juice, spraying him.

"You murdered my brother! I don't give a shit about our contract. Your dead!"

 All aria could do was watch the man-beast lower his head and charge. It felt like slow motion but she couldn't react, all she could do was try her best to absorb the hit and run. As he charged, a flash and his body stopped. It fell forward slapping atop his dead brothers while his head rolled on the ground like a ball. Stopping at colliding against the spilled dirt of a cracked pot containing a sad looking plant.

The creeps eyes went wide.   Regal stormed in punching him in the gut. 

Aria's vision stretched and flipped before her body gave out on her.

"Your doing such a good job for me." Aria looked up wide eyed at her queen kneeling in front of her. She bowed. Her forehead meeting the stone. "Thank you my Queen, I'm unworthy of such kind words." Aria said. Immediately she felt a heavy hit on her back sending her body smooshed like a bug. " I decide what is worthy not you worm." The queen hissed. Aria felt warmth fill her, it was almost overwhelming. Her Majesty was stepping on her and it was glorious an eternity of this wouldn't satisfy her.  Aria felt her head be lifted to meet her gaze. "Your taking your time aren't you my pet." The Queen smiled before becoming serious. "Hurry up I don't have all day." Aria smiled a goofy love drunk expression that faded after the Queen's hand slapped across her face. She spun falling backwards.

 "Not bad for a maid." Regal smirked helping Aria from the wall.

"Why are you here?" She said with a cough of blood.

"The cute noble girl."

"Is she safe?"

  "Haha yeah, Antonio's watching her and her servants. It'd take and unnatural force to stop him. If anything she's bored to death listening to him go on and on about old adventures." Regal looked over at Chelsea measuring vitals.

 "I think she'll be fine. She very warm and sweating like some kind of drug in her system." She proceeded to pull put a a small bag hidden in the pelt around her waist. Clouded mixture. She shook it making it glow and poured it in Chelsea's mouth. " Its most likely a common drug so this should work. Look take her to bed measure her vitals. Some of the guild will be showing up. Including a field nurse."

Aria walked over to the creep dragging a sword but Regal stopped her. " This wasn't a lowlifes attempt. 

"Meaning what exactly?"

"This had backing with money and intel, so we might be able to get some info if we visit a friend of mine. 

" I want him to pay! He fucked with me and mine and..."

Regal stepped between them taking the blade from her hand.

" Who said anything about not paying, I'm only suggesting that with some help, he'll be screaming unable to be heard and be begging to help us." The usual carefree demeanor of Regal changed. It felt dark with dangerous undertones and spoke to the pain Aria was feeling. It smelt sensational.

"You promise?"

" Of course ..your submissive  girl world never forgive me if I didn't."

Aria nodded folding her lips. "That obvious huh?"

"I mean most people wouldn't notice but another lesbian definitely will." She glanced down Arias body. "Also would notice that."

The maid went white caught off guard.

"Oh don't worry I'm a fan." She moved her hand forward tickling the fabric.   "Such a big fan but i need to know what your planning.  "Her hand wrapped around the girth, too tight to be pleasurable. " You know what else she told me?"

Aria grabbed regals shoulders feeling her fingers have their way with her.

 "She told me about dreams, about you and your golden eyes. She'd be exhausted waking up but incredibly horny. Your not a demon. But can use the powers of one."

"Jessica told you all of this?"

"she confessed about trouble sleeping and i have my ways. Now enough. Tell me what you are doing or i will end you painfully!"

She held the maids large balls in her hand and squeezed them painfully.

Aria grunted. "The queen."

Regal looked confused.

"What about her."

"I made a pact to serve her"

"A pact? Hmm." Aria let go. "Would you be willing to let us test that?"

"Us?... Um yes that's fine I suppose."

Regal rubbed her eyes.

"Look I I've never done what wasn't consent and never would, just Jessica..

"Yes-yes true bottom wants to be told what to do, its fine I've no problems there plus with what skills (we'll call them) that you have."

Aria looked down on the crumpled pig on the ground. "If I can't kill him and he has powerful friends that will just get the creep out of jail, what actual option is there?"