Aria waited near the door trying to not mess with the collar around her neck. Every time it so much as shifted a spark of electricity coursed through her and was nearly enough to loose all the strength in her body. She couldn't imagine its full power. With how loud the buzzing of glyphs were, she imagined it would be easy for damage to be permanent. She was used to waiting. At one time starting out it troubled her but a few harsh beatings allowed her to draw on the pain and stand in a respectable manner. The metal door slowly opened revealing what looked like the components of a safe and an older woman (nearing work graduation age) wearing a micro bikini. She gestured for the maid. Aria nodded back walking down a stone stairwell through a rather ornate wood door. Here all types of women herded around mostly men but some women butt naked around on leashes. "Strip" the woman said. She wanted to fight this but simply sighed. This would be faster. She stated at the first button when the familiar face of regal suddenly appeared from the crowd. "Care to explain to T what your doing to Her belonging. The old woman spit walking off into the crowd. Regal looked to Aria grabbed the lead and further in. "I suppose its my fault for leaving for so long it took a bit of negotiating but we got there." She said stepping through a group of scaled humanoids that rubbed their tits over the two. "Come on baby! Just a a few rounds." One said
"We know how to treat a woman right. "Another added. Towards others on the street, which was crowded by the way. Most of them most nude soliciting their services towards anyone that would listen.
" What is this place? "Aria asked nearly running into a man in a black mask in a stockade with a line of all sorts of people waiting with all manner of phallic, real and fake to use on him. His screams blending into to the sounds of partying and sex.
"This place? Its a criminal- esq kind of red light district. Just unknown to a lot of the general populace. Whores and drugs. Not human women as opposed to the boring one topside. Here there's all sorts of non human sex workers, fairy, fallen, angel, demon. And speaking of which here we are."
A sign 'Glorious Gloria's' the outline if a demon woman sitting posed on her back with arms stretched above her head and legs bent open. It was a rather nice sign that did not match the rather decrepit building.
"Its not that I don't believe you its just something out of my skillset so we're visiting my Mentor."
"And your Mentor do?"
Regal started moving to the door "You'll see. Now come on lets get down to the bottom of this situation whole situation."
The two walked inside of a rather average house of this age with quarter width, dark wooden planks and off white walls covered in artistic molding. A older woman in her 60s on the larger side with peppery dark hair and red skin sat at a half circle desk in the center of the room.
"Aria this is the Madam. A demon of extraordinary power. She'll be able to tell if your lying." She said giving a bow.
"Oh my Darling your so sweet. Its true though. I am Madam Glorias, One of the strongest in the entire city."
" Still far to modest. More like in the entire region. Only person whose bested me." Regal smirked.
Aria felt the collar tighten with a hint of electricity tickling her neck.
" Leave us pet. Go wait in the training room." The demon said dismissively waving Regal away.
The warrior bowed leaving.
The madam smiled. "Oh right I must apologies for the un-comfortability I've pressed upon you.." She said snapping her fingers. The collar went lifeless toppling down the floor.
" Most of them are simple objects, summon them to do my bidding have my fill and toss them back. But that one." Regal bit a long red nail and lifted up her dress touching her self. "That ones special. Didn't break easily. I still call her but I'm not gonna ruin her. She's feisty."
Aria watched horns appear top her head. "Now the real question. Does Madam Glorias break you too or are you worthy of keeping your sanity? How about a proposal?"
Aria raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?"
"I have an aching. I love women and its my goal to.. Collect all flavors to fullfill my desire. And your flavor I'm guessing is extra salty." The madam bit her increasing her groping.
"And if I refuse?"
She gritted her teeth. No refusal.
"Then I want something equal to the risk. I want you."
Glorias looked taken aback. "If that's the case. The I'll up the difficulty."
"And if I loose, I'll be called upon?" Aria asked sternly. "Or like a fling?"
" Not exactly. You won't have to worry about anything ever again. I can feel your power and I want it!" She slammed her closed fist on the desk." But make no mistake I don't loose. So, shall we begin Puppet?" She growled fangs extending to fine points. Horn of black to red radiating heat.