Chapter Ninety-Seven — Wives
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Chapter Ninety-Seven



Nekohiko still felt wary of the pursuit, so while Abihiko took care of Kataji's body -- Nekohiko was busy making sure they weren't followed or spied after. The two of them quickly descended the roofs and dashed their boots against the Bound glass street, spooking some small street kids into an agitated ruckus when two grown men dropped at them from the skies.

"Bandits! Burglars!"

"No, just assholes -- they're probably escaping from some cheated husband -- through the window!"

"Hey, sirs, give us money or we will tell on you to whoever comes looking for ya!"

Nekohiko ignored the kids, but Abihiko, as was typical of him, did not.

"Little bastards! Keep getting in my way, and I will kick the sh--"

Nekohiko swung around to glare at him. Luckily, Abihiko held himself off.

Generally, there had always been nothing that annoyed Abihiko more than shrieking, clingy kids who infringed on his favorite things. Because, deep inside, Abihiko had always himself been a shrieking, clingy kid, utterly unable to deal with others of the same mindset. But Nekohiko had somehow assumed that Abihiko had grown past that in the last five years.

After all, he had become so mature and reserved and so calm... No?

But nope. Nekohiko had simply not witnessed Abihiko among so many aggravating kids in the Emerald Palace because there weren't any. So now, carrying Kataji's body in his arms while being under the effects of Binder's exhaustion, Abihiko's baser instincts had come through.

Abihiko noted Nekohiko's interest, and immediately changed the tone of his voice. From the frustrated snarl at the dirty street boys to a solemn, grown-up clearing up of his throat.

"Young children, if you call us the nearest Bound carriage, we'll give you golden rice," Abihiko said ceremoniously.

But Nekohiko only narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

That sounded so utterly fake.

Nekohiko knew him. He knew how easily Abihiko could spark at the kids annoying him or calling him names as kids tended to do, somehow discerning his high-class bully pedigree just from his mannerisms. Abihiko would usually headlock them in return like a mean older brother, or chase after them with crude insults on his tongue.

For him, to pretend like he didn't have the urge now was...


Was he trying to impress Nekohiko with his more solemn attitude?

Too bad, but Nekohiko had always kind of liked Abihiko being immature. He had always felt endeared by Abihiko's tempestuous personality and pettiness. Abihiko never hurt the kids anyway, just bullied them in cutesy ways.

It had always been such a joy to witness. Even though Nekohiko had preferred to act as though it always upset him.

He had merely wanted to set Abihiko a good example, but in his heart, he had wanted nothing more than to see Abihiko be as natural and free in his element as always.

"Where are you carrying the pretty lady?" the smaller hooligan boys demanded of Abihiko as they poked their fingers into Kataji in his Hisome maid uniform.

"Maiden stealer!"

"Pervert! Molester!"

"Find me a dam... find me the nearest carriage. Please." Abihiko expertly assumed an aloof expression, though it looked like a lot of effort because he also had to swivel Kataji out of the kids' grasp as he walked on. Abihiko jerked his chin at Nekohiko. "Please, husband. Stop gawking and help me."

Nekohiko tilted his head, even more amused by Abihiko's manner.

So fancy. So elegant.

So un-Abihiko...

Abihiko's lips thinned into a forced smile. "These kids will drive me mad. Husband, can't you find us the nearest carriage in the street, please?"

"You are two men -- and you call each other husbands?! What are you, morons? That's not how it works!"

"You know what--!" Abihiko roared at the boy who'd said that, but again, caught himself off in time. "Nevermind."

They were in luck, though, as a couple of the smartest kids in the alley had heard the promise of money in the air and had darted out into the market street nearby to fetch the Bound carriage driver here.

And soon enough, Nekohiko and Abihiko were settling down inside the carriage, taking care of Kataji's dead-asleep body after they carried him inside.

But Nekohiko still mostly paid attention to Abihiko than Kataji.

Kataji would be fine. The pacifying spells were sweet and even healing to one's mind. All that Kataji would get out of it would be a great nap and a lighthearted mood when he woke up.

Abihiko, on the other hand...

The way that Abihiko was pretending to be a bit more adult, a bit more distant than what Nekohiko had always known him to be... it fascinated Nekohiko.

Why would Abihiko fake anything?

For whom...?

"Will he be all right?" Nekohiko nodded at Kataji's placid expression. The young man's head lay on Abihiko's lap while Abihiko's arm cradled him from the side protectively.

With such displays of brotherly affection in front of him, Nekohiko truly felt like an intruder who had toyed with both brothers like a vile person.

Abihiko brushed Kataji's hair out of his eyes and felt for his Spiritual aura with his Binding.

"He's sleeping," Abihiko said. "He will be fine upon awakening, but probably not when he realizes you aren't around."


Yes, and right after he and Nekohiko had wanted to have an honest talk about the two of them.

"Frankly," Nekohiko began, watching out the window at the streets flowing by, "I don't even know what I could have told him. That you've murdered me? That I want to avenge myself by... doing what? Murdering you in return? Tch."

He blinked, frowning at his hands clasped before his chin.

An eerie silence hung between them in the carriage.

"Did you ever plan to do that, really?" Abihiko asked.

"No. Or maybe yes. The Dark Sisterhood's curse did make me go into a murderous rage against you, which means... these feelings have always been inside me. It just amplified whatever already existed. But... now, I do not know." Nekohiko gulped, avoiding meeting Abihiko's eyes. "I am still mad at you. If you wanted to save my life, your methods of doing that were... less than stellar. But I am still grateful for the marriage Bond forbidding me to kill you. Just so you know."

Abihiko's jaw tensed.

Nekohiko paused to let Abihiko give his obvious apology in that moment as he clearly wanted to do. But, insultingly enough, Abihiko only looked out the window, refusing to speak.

Which was just... so... odd!

Abihiko obviously felt guilt toward him; Nekohiko could sense that. Each of Abihiko's motions, mannerisms, even the tone of his voice and his expressions screamed of guilt and regret!

Yet he had never tried to apologize to Nekohiko for the murder.

Why the hell not?! Abihiko had told him countless times he knew Nekohiko was angry and that he expected revenge from him. In fact, he would remind Nekohiko about it if Nekohiko forgot.

But why not just... apologize instead? Nobody would need to be punished or put to terrible vengeance if he just apologized. If he simply acknowledged what he had done. Judging by Aomi's description of Abihiko's mental state after Nekohiko's murder, Abihiko had been devastated. He had nearly been destroyed by the pain it had caused him.

Yet now... nothing. No apology, not even admitting he had suffered along with Nekohiko, back then.

It was just like with the kids and the other fake behaviors Abihiko had gained in the past five years. For whatever reasons, Abihiko was feinting disinterest, indifference, and reservedness. He was faking distance.

Like an actor.

But for whose sake?

Instantly annoyed, Nekohiko shot him a grim look. "You've changed a lot."

A trace of hurt crossed Abihiko's eyes. "A lot of time passed."


Indeed. Could five years change a person so much?

"You became a great actor," Nekohiko told him, feeling more and more dismayed. "Though of course the peak of your acting skills would have to be the night you've murdered-- aaaaaaaanhg!"


He'd forgotten about the Dark Sisterhood's curse again. When would he ever learn?

His back arched and his nails dug into the seat in the last desperate attempt to stop himself from casting something destructive at Abihiko.

And Abihiko, sitting across from him in the carriage and holding Kataji in between them -- could not move quickly enough to touch Nekohiko's skin in his recent manner -- with his palm covered in drool.

But neither could he lunge at him and plant a kiss on Nekohiko. The only thing he could do was --

-- rather uncalled for, and embarrassing.

Abihiko snapped the boot on his right leg off. The boot flipped in the air pathetically, bouncing to the floor. Then, shameless a person as he was -- he pressed his bare foot sole onto Nekohiko's crotch.

And rubbed, gently yet unmistakably.


Nekohiko could only open his mouth in disbelief.

All of his murderous thoughts dissipated because -- gods! -- he had never been humiliated in such a perverted manner before.

By a... foot?! What an unspeakable sexual technique was this? And where have you learned such indecencies, Abihiko!

"What are you doing," Nekohiko growled low in his throat.

Damn that pervert Hibiki and his desire to give Nekohiko body parts he hadn't asked about. Because even though Nekohiko had never even considered using this body part, he couldn't deny that it... did work as intended. And rubbing it in such a manner did things to him...

Although most of it wasn't solely due to the physical contact.

Most of it came from how flushed Abihiko had become, doing this.

He'd had to slip a bit lower in his seat to give himself more control of his movements. His clothes wrinkled and rucked up, only highlighting his disheveled look. The way his eyelashes trembled as he looked down and aside as though afraid to meet Nekohiko's eyes and the way his lips were slightly open as if letting a tremulous breath out...

Even the scowl on his face was utterly helpless. Nekohiko couldn't help himself and his memories working against him.

Abihiko had always been so vulnerable during sex. It made Nekohiko appreciate their intimate moments even though he never felt the urge to have them. Sometimes, it even made him yearn... for more.


Abihiko flinched, his toes stopping the back-and-forth -- or better to say, up-and-down motion against Nekohiko's reacting member. His eyes snapped to Nekohiko's and the fevered blush on his cheeks burned even harder.

He retrieved his foot just in time before Nekohiko crossed his legs with a huff.

"You just kept rubbing, didn't you?" Nekohiko hissed in dismay.

"Uhm. Sorry. Do you feel in control already?" Abihiko said, his voice sounding parched.

Nekohiko burned a deadly stare at him. His breath was quite fast by now, too.

"Usually," Abihiko said as if apologizing, "it takes you a bit longer to assume control of your emotions, so sorry -- I just wanted to check thoroughly--"

"Check what!"

Abihiko's gulp on his throat was so loud, Nekohiko could hear it all the way from the opposite seat.

"That you're safe."

"THANK YOU for checking so much!"

A tempestuous silence erupted.

"Haven't had enough checking out while we were fighting when I was naked on our first married night?" Nekohiko snapped after a while, still unable to leave the subject behind.

Now it was Abihiko's turn to glare.

"I would never--"

"Yeah right! With the way you touched my... Imperial Property, as if I wouldn't be able to tell."

"What does your cock have to do with anything?" Abihiko arched an eyebrow. "I would have touched anyone else's cock with just the same exact motions as I did yours."


Yeah, you wish! As if we both don't know you haven't touched any in these past few years.

"And as for checking anything out, dear husband, I assume this seashell on my neck has seen quite a bit of me while I was bathing every single night -- yet you do not hear me complaining about anyone checking anything out."


Nekohiko did feel a bit uncomfortable with the spying bits of his time as a seashell, especially... that one time when Abihiko was doing... to himself...

N-noooo... He wondered if Abihiko was aware Nekohiko had even caused that horrible incident by caressing Abihiko with his aura during his sleep.

Nekohiko squared his shoulders to prevent himself from slumping down in disgrace. 

"You could have had some shame," he said to distract. "We are not alone here. Your little brother is between us. Be decent, please, and stop groping me. I am a doll, created by your brother, by the way. Do not forget that."

Another bout of silence.

This time much darker than before. Partly because Nekohiko felt another heart-breaking pang come through the marriage Bond from Abihiko's side.

It hurt Abihiko, this statement.

"Yes, a doll. Made with very specific body parts to represent your preferences in life better," Abihiko said at last, sour. "Congratulations, I guess."


Nekohiko found himself at a loss. "Well, Kataji didn't actually make those body parts if you care about it so much."

"I do not. It is your life, and his." Abihiko turned to the window, feinting aloofness. "Do whatever you want that makes you happy."

"Ugh, come on! It is a wooden dick! Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to have one?" Nekohiko lashed out. "As if Kataji or I ever wanted something like that!"

"It did not feel that wooden to me. Not in that sense, at least. It can... change hardness under touch," Abihiko mumbled, frowning, to which Nekohiko could only close his eyes, hard.

"I am really not interested in how my wooden bodies work, especially such a thing as a wooden cock, but for your information, even as a log -- I could cry real tears, I could spurt blood, and I definitely could and can breathe -- as you can probably see right now. So with that... body part, too... I can assume it follows exactly the same rules."


...ah, Abihiko's eyes had never been so wide and stunned.

"But please do not," Nekohiko warned him gravelly. "Ever. Talk to me about it again. Got it?"

It was embarrassing already to have it harden and swell at Abihiko's touch, let alone to ask how that worked and why. Nekohiko guessed, it worked like any Spiritually-possessed object would. So that made sense to him, at least.

But he had underestimated what had baffled Abihiko so.

"You cried while being a log?" Abihiko asked, hushed. "Why?"

Because it hurt, you dummy.

That's why.

Nekohiko didn't respond, preferring a reserved scowl. The only person he paid attention to for the rest of the small trip was Kataji.

The poor young man did not deserve to be put to sleep in such a manner, let alone to be abandoned like this by Nekohiko in the middle of their heart-to-heart conversation. Yet Abihiko was right.

Nekohiko and Abihiko would endanger Kataji by remaining close to him now, when the two of them were pursued by Morokata's people. And the sooner they left, the better. There wasn't much time left to talk to Kataji, so... this was how Nekohiko had to leave him now, whatever this meant for the two of them.

When Nekohiko stepped off the carriage in Okinaga's estate's front courtyard, he was still not inclined to speak. He merely followed Abihiko through the familiar covered galleries and nodded at the servants who gushed out of the doors to greet them.

Everyone obviously knew and loved and was worried about Abihiko. This wasn't so much a welcome for the Emperor as a hearty excitement for the return of the child who had been raised and loved by everyone in this estate.

"Ah, what's wrong! The whole city is buzzing with those terrible explosions further away! Are you safe, Master Abihiko?"

"What happened, Master Abihiko?"

"Is that Master Kataji?! Why is he wearing the Hisome House uniform?"

Frankly, Nekohiko felt superfluous in such a warm atmosphere and care these people showered Abihiko with while completely ignoring Nekohiko's existence.

"Close the gates and summon the Hira Binders to me," Abihiko ordered them, strolling through the yard with Kataji in his arms. 

The houselady Saeko -- the sole person Nekohiko had feared and respected in this place because of her strict manner and devotion to keeping the mansion intact -- was among the first who came out. She didn't prattle on like the other servants. She only took one look at Abihiko and immediately rushed to him to offer him support.

"My Lord, you look so tired."

"I am fine," Abihiko replied, swerving his head to see where he needed to go. "Where are Kataji's rooms? On the second floor? The east wing?"

"Master Kataji had abandoned the estate some time ago, but we can house him in the quarters next to Lady Aomi's," Saeko quickly said, showing the way.

Nekohiko halted.



"Aaaaaaaah! Eldest Brother! Nekohiko!" a deafening cry reached them. It came from the crystal garden beside the gallery they were walking through. "You are alive and well!"

Then, the thundering footsteps. They sounded so scary, Nekohiko almost wanted to run away from them and darted after Abihiko who hid into the house a moment earlier. But he realized that Aomi would chase after them and would probably topple them both with her hugs. The girl really loved jumping up on people, didn't she?

And in his state, Abihiko could not deal with someone jumping at him from the back. The least Nekohiko could do for him was take the brunt of Aomi's exhilaration on himself.

"Neeeeeko!" Aomi squealed, hopping at him when he opened his arms to welcome her.

A pained gasp erupted from his chest at the impact. But he held her just right, without either of them toppling.

"I cannot believe this how dare you I am so happy you bastard I hope everythingwentfineandthatyoutwoareinlove!" she drummed into his face even before he could catch a single word.


"Are you in love with him? Are you? ARE YOU? Because if you aren't --" and she stuck her small but swift fist into Nekohiko's ribs as though a warning. "Do not you dare torment my brother! I will not hesitate to punch you!"

Nekohiko could only jolt away, unable to protect himself from a little girl.

"Ouch! Aomi--"

"Did you like it? Was he nice to you? Was it enjoyable?" Aomi blurted at him for the brief moment when she untangled herself from him.

She looked just as giddy as always, and probably just as well-dressed and impressive -- in her shiny gilded robes. But Nekohiko was far too confused with her questions to pay attention. He balked.

"What was enjoyable?"


The sudden realization filled him with shock. He put Aomi down, wanting nothing more than to scold her. "Excuse me, young lady, but how dare you."

He flipped his sleeves and followed after Abihiko, leaving the girl behind. Yet it did nothing to hamper her chatty moods.

"Did he tell you? Did you tell him? Was he happy? Did he and you-- make each other happy?! Will you tell me pleeeease?! I did so much to make this happen! I was the sole person behind it all, you know!"

The afternoon was bright and gleamy outside, filling Nekohiko's heart with a tremulous expectation of flight. He and Abihiko had to flee Nara today. Probably once they left Kataji here and had given orders to the Hira Binders to take proper care of him.

Where would he and Abihiko go, though? Nekohiko knew that Abihiko said -- Ise Shrine. But... where to, before it? Through which city gates would they leave Nara? Which route would they take?

Which inns or wilderness spots would they rest in? How would they escape pursuit and spying?

Thus, though Aomi chatted on and on while he chased after Abihiko and the flock of servants, Nekohiko could hardly spare her any of his attention.

"What's up with Kasuga? Have you hanged out with her lately?" He stopped, remembering.

"--eeeh?" Aomi didn't like being interrupted in her endless question-asking. "No, only I and Mikawa lived in this place. But he told me Kasu is fine. I mean, come on. She'll be great. She has two true Emperors on her side against anything that freak Morokata may pull!"

Two true Emperors on her side...

Nekohiko wasn't so sure about that, especially when he and Kasuga were so far away from each other to properly scheme and align their plans. Perhaps, getting out of the city was not only a good idea to make sure his doll body worked correctly, but also -- to give Kasuga a visit and correlate their offensive for the trial ahead.

"And what would that be -- the 'shit' Morokata would pull?" Nekohiko turned to Aomi, hands folded behind his back.

The girl froze, her small fists raised to her face, her expression that of bewilderment.

"You are asking me...? How would I know--"

"Because you are a smart person, Aomi," Nekohiko said, quiet. "I don't think I could have been here without you at all. Without you, without Kotone, without Kasuga, or Mikawa. Obviously without Kataji," he added, jerking his shoulder back to one of the rooms in which Abihiko and the servants disappeared to put Kataji inside. "But you... most of all. You have a sharp mind, and never in my life will I ever underestimate you again."

Aomi blinked slowly and dazedly, her red thin lips quivering in a smile. But she said nothing yet.

"And I will never underestimate Morokata. Or Sakami. Or Hibiki..." Or, damn it -- any of the Hisome people! Come on, everyone knew it. Never assume shit about Hisomes! Nekohiko set his jaws hard. "If I want to take them under my control, I need to be more careful. Not as rash.

"I wonder if you could help me, among others."

Aomi let out an appreciative hum and tapped her lips with a finger, thinking. "Maybe. Perhaps. I'll think about it."

"Aomi!" Nekohiko scowled, and the girl jumped at him with an impromptu hug again.

"Of course I will -- what do you need?"

"You once said you discovered something very peculiar and secretive about all the Great Lords' families and lineages? What was about that? Can you write it down for me before the trial?"

Ah, he shouldn't have asked right now. From the overexcited joy that filled Aomi's face, he knew this would be for a long time. And that most of it would be gossip and innuendos he really wouldn't want to know about.


"Aomi, I need you here," Abihiko's stern voice called from inside the room.

And Aomi and Nekohiko stilled.

The girl suppressed a shudder. "He can sound so bossy and intimidating sometimes, doesn't he?" she murmured at Nekohiko, hushed. "Does he boss you around like that when you are alone, too? Do you like it -- or should I tell him to tone it down? In case you're too shy to tell him?"


What stupidity was this?

Abihiko -- bossing him around? Oh, pleeeeease.

But all the girl's rambling came to a halt when she darted into the spacious room in which, on the fluffily-made mattress in the opposite end from the door, lay Kataji.

Because it was clear that she hadn't realized her other brother was here, too.

"Kata?! What?!" she gasped, pelting toward Kataji.

Abihiko was crouching beside him to make sure Kataji was comfortable and secure. Aomi shoved most servants out of her way and crashed to her knees next to Abihiko.

"What's going on?! What did you do to him?" she demanded of Abihiko.

"He's fine, just sleeping." Abihiko let her lean over Kataji to touch his forehead, then take a good look at Kataji's hands and chest as though she was checking for every last bit of proof somebody had hurt Kataji and she needed to avenge him.

"Why is he wearing this shit?" Aomi sputtered, lifting the hem of Kataji's sleeve with distaste. "Nekohiko also wears one... wait. Is this... Hisome maid uniform?"

She swiveled toward Nekohiko, looking every bit angry.

"What did you two do? You dressed up as Hisome maids and infiltrated the Hisome mansion, didn't you! All those explosions down the streets -- they came from the Hisome district side! Aaaah! And you two... you had such fun adventures without me?!"


Why did Nekohiko not feel at all surprised at her inane reaction? This girl's priorities were horrible.

"We are being pursued," Abihiko said, ignoring her attempts to stick in a word.

His tone was so urgent and his demeanor so grim that Aomi shut up very quickly. It was clear that Abihiko could impress and intimidate her enough to listen to everything he said.

"We are leaving right now, but Aomi -- I want you to make absolutely certain you and Kata will also leave Nara tonight. You hear me?"

"Mn." She paled a bit, her eyes huge as she watched Abihiko with awe. "Are we in danger?"

"Probably." Abihiko brushed his hand against Kataji's hair again, then looked out the window. He seemed tired and... lost, but only for a brief moment. He collected himself soon enough. "But you are much safer away from me and Nekohiko, so I will do everything in my power to protect you two and everyone else in Hira and Abi households. Don't worry."

"Your Supreme Divine Majesty--" someone began from behind Nekohiko's back.

Nekohiko flinched, not expecting such formalities so soon into his reign.

But ah... these were merely the Hira Binders coming over to get Abihiko's orders. The three soldiers in black-and-fiery Hira uniforms didn't even notice Nekohiko there, solely focused on Abihiko in the center of the room.

"Your orders?"


Stupid, Nekohiko cursed himself as he freed the guards' way and kept to the corner of the room. Out of sight, out of mind.

As if anyone would ever notice him when Abihiko was around.

Abihiko stood up. His solemn, tall figure emanated the air of solidity, power -- even refinement -- however gaudy his clothes always looked. Even Nekohiko couldn't take his eyes off him when Abihiko fully turned on his majestic charm.

"My sister and brother will need an armed escort to the Adamantine Mountain, the Hira capital, tonight. Actually, everyone in this mansion is better off leaving as well. The country, or at least Nara might have begun an unexpected civil war," Abihiko said to the collective gasp of all the servants in the room.


"Your Majesty--"

"Master Abihiko, ah... are you serious?"

Even Aomi lost the trail of her usual carelessness as she rose to her feet. She gulped. "With Morokata...?"

"It sounds way worse than it is," Abihiko told her gently. "I am merely trying to avoid any repercussions to this household, but I do not actually believe he would act so soon and so openly. But better prepare early.

"And while you do --" And Abihiko finally met his gaze with Nekohiko "-- I need two sets of disguise robes prepared, as quickly as possible. For my... friend, Nekohiko, the true Emperor of this land -- and for myself."


Nekohiko could hardly breathe, so stunned he was by this abrupt introduction.

And so random -- in the middle of a conversation!

Everyone's blank faces turned to him as though seeing him for the first time there.

... Damn, Abihiko. What a way to make a grand entrance.

Nekohiko shivered. He wanted to go and hide somewhere dark and lonely. He did not like the attention. He did not like being looked at in this manner.

Please, everyone stop!

But at the same time, wasn't this what he had always desired? Ever since he had found out about his true identity and the destiny that awaited him?

This, the acknowledgment of so many people that he was, indeed, the rightful heir of the Emerald Throne?

Clumsy, he rummaged in his sleeve, trying to tug out the emerald and gold crownlet he had stashed there earlier when he had changed the robes. The Emperor's crown.

He didn't know how to put it on properly, so of course he rushed. His hands shook. But he just wanted to enjoy this first-ever moment of being seen for who he was by the common folk that he couldn't help but want to put his crown on his head.

Just this once. For everyone to see.

"Neko," Abihiko said, pained, when he saw Nekohiko's fumbling attempts to settle the crown on his fake Hisome maid headdress. He made a move toward him, but Nekohiko flinched away.

"I can do it myself," he said, hurrying even further.

Except he couldn't.

Because he was rushing and because everyone's gazes became quite perplexed as they watched him and his battle with the crown, he failed to latch it to his hair and--

--the Emerald Crown bounced off his chest and clanged on the floor pitifully.

Something died in Nekohiko at the sound.

"Uuh. Y-your Majesty--" someone whispered, reaching for the crown to lift it.

But Abihiko was faster than anyone else.

He knelt before Nekohiko to get the crown, then still kneeling cocked his chin up to peer at Nekohiko from below.

"May I, Your Majesty?" He picked the crown up.

And Nekohiko was so mortified at being witnessed by so many people that he could do nothing more than a shaken nod.

Abihiko rose, the crown solemnly held up in his fingers, then reached over Nekohiko's head to fix it on the way it should be.

Nekohiko stared. No thought in his head other than--

I want you to do this to me every single day after all this mess is over.

I want you to support me.

I want you to protect me from other people's looks and derision.

I want you to... stay by my side.

I want you--

"So much better," Abihiko told him, letting go of the crown. "Exactly as the Supreme Divine Emperor should look."


Nekohiko felt as though there was nobody else in the room other than him and Abihiko. He gazed into Abihiko's eyes for a long time, so happy to see the reflection of himself with the crown on his head, inside.

"Khem-khem!" Aomi said, sounding annoyed. "It is very pretty, Your Majesties. Now can you take that crown off, please? We are in the middle of some escape, I heard!"






"Husband, stop running. We look suspicious," Nekohiko said to Abihiko when they were turning toward the last stretch of the Nara streets before the city would end. There were no strict gates here, only the vague Binding marks and arrays protecting the city for the mobilizing potential in case of an attack.

But these arrays were clearly not working as the city government did not consider or agree on the mobilization. So the two of them could exit freely. If only a little disguised to not be noticed by the spies that had no doubt followed them all the way into Okinaga's mansion from the roofs earlier.

Too bad no spy would crack this disguise.


Good luck trying!

Abihiko gave Nekohiko a quick glance and nodded. "All right, husband. But maybe we should stop calling each other 'husband' while in this disguise and call each other 'wives' instead? I feel like saying 'husband' is a bit more suspicious than me running."

All this was said in such a sweet, charming voice of a young girl that Nekohiko almost felt losing track of what was being said. Even he, the one who had made this disguise happen, was tricked. The disguise was just that good.

In order for him and Abihiko to flee Okinaga's mansion unnoticed, he had glamored himself and Abihiko to look like two of Okinaga's servant maids. Then, several groups of Hira maids had exited the mansion, going all in the different directions -- most to the market or to the remote districts as if to fetch something.

Nekohiko and Abihiko, looking as girly and sweet as they did, had been two of such busy maids. They had snuck away past the districts that separated them from the edge of the city, then quickened their step once realizing how close they were to their destination.

To fleeing Nara.

Abihiko looked slender and feminine, a true traditional flower in its blooming prime, fresh and adorable. Nekohiko's girl glamor looked far less exciting, as he had chosen himself to be the most unnoticeable and average-looking girl in Okinaga's maid lineup. But together, they appeared... just like any two random girls would. Sweet, but negligible, dressed in simple and unassuming robes.

Utterly forgettable.

"I am your husband, do not dare call me anything else," Nekohiko told Abihiko, haughty. "But if you want me to call you wife, I will."

"I don't want to, I just thought it would be a good idea," Abihiko sighed.

"We are leaving the city in a few minutes anyway, why even call each other anything?" Nekohiko jerked Abihiko's girl wrist again to slow him down. "We're almost there."

Except... they weren't.

Their footsteps sputtered, then died when the street before them opened to the view of the city guard dummies and constables stretching in an uneven line around the perimeter of the array runes. Though the runes over the city's edge weren't lit up to work, the constables and the guard dummies were nonetheless a threat.

Not because Nekohiko or Abihiko couldn't get rid of them. No -- solely because they were witnesses, and even if Nekohiko disposed of them, they would be a trail left. No doubt these guards would remember two girls in Hira uniforms passing their line in this arbitrary hour.

These people were a problem.

"Change of plan," Abihiko said, and Nekohiko shot him a menacing glare.

"You think?!"

Who even says such tasteless things as "change of plan" when it was obvious a change of plan was needed? Ugh. Classic Abihiko.

The round-cheeked, perky disguised face turned to Nekohiko. Abihiko's hand clasped around Nekohiko's wrist gently, yet firmly.

"I know you once said to me you are never going to steal from common folk again, but... I promise we will give it back one day." With that, he tugged Nekohiko aside and into a side alley. "Come on, quick."

"As if your promises mean anything," Nekohiko grumbled but went along.

It didn't take them long to find the drying clothesline in one of the backyards of the houses and strip it clean for the two outfits of what appeared to be an old poor-living couple.

Nekohiko's heart bled from having to take their things from them, but Abihiko was right. They would repay everyone they took from. One day, for sure.

That said, they were still looking like young girls, and Nekohiko didn't believe this disguise would work with these kinds of clothes, so... They hid behind the house, crouching as they changed their garments.

"I need to make us old," he said, realizing once he put on the roomy but utterly short pants peasants wore.

Even Abihiko's girly body looked wrong in this kind of clothes, and though Nekohiko could shift the clothes themselves into looking different, he preferred not to. Clothes would cover most of their glamored bodies anyway, so it was better to change the body rather than the clothes.

Abihiko opened his mouth as if to speak, but gave up. He agreed to most things Nekohiko suggested easily. He was incredibly tired with the Binder's exhaustion, and Nekohiko didn't even know how he kept standing with such severe fatigue coloring his eyes empty.

Abihiko inclined his head and let Nekohiko alter the glamor he was already wearing. Just small adjustments, nothing too much. Growing a glamor old wasn't too big a work, only a concentrated one.

And as soon as he made Abihiko from a young girl into an old, bent lady, doing the same to himself wasn't that big a deal. The bigger deal was to walk very slowly in these glamors because, inside, they were still young and able, but outwardly, they looked frail and needed to move accordingly.


Steadily. Rigidly.

But they managed. Two small old women in plain clothes and wide, bleached bamboo hats, linking their elbows together as they trudged on. Nekohiko wondered if such an old-couple trundling through the edge of Nara and beyond -- felt nice to Abihiko with how tired he was. Would he not mind that they had to hobble like this for a long while after they left the city?

They had to adhere to the disguise all the time they would be in the line of sight of the city guards.

The road out went on for a long in the even, clear plain, and Nekohiko made sure even their distant figures roused no suspicions in the guarding dummies and constables around the city's perimeter. It went hard, and took a ton of their time, but it was worth it.

Anything, to lose their pursuers.

"There is a small grove nearby, do you want to take off our glamors there?" he asked Abihiko once he checked that the city's skyline was too far away beyond the horizon that he couldn't discern it.

Like before, Abihiko only nodded, not arguing.

He did that a lot, lately. Accepted and agreed to everything Nekohiko did, making Nekohiko cranky, deep inside. Because... this wasn't Abihiko, all right?

Abihiko was feisty, he was fiery, he was... annoying and aggravating.

Wait, no, he was still annoying and aggravating even when he was agreeable, but for the wrong reasons! Now it annoyed Nekohiko because of how... fake it was!

The two of them sagged down against a crooked poplar tree and Nekohiko took care to remove their disguises without going too fast so that their clothes didn't rip from such sudden adjustments to the bodies they covered.

Of course, back in their real bodies -- they looked ridiculous in their too-small pants and shirts. But it was no matter. They were Binders. They could make clothes out of earth, and leaves, and bark, and whatever not. Nekohiko would take care of this soon enough. But before it...

He watched Abihiko's worn-out figure and his ill-looking features. The short clothes exposed the blackened veins of the Binder's corruption in his body, and Nekohiko... couldn't take his eyes off it.

As if noticing, Abihiko tried to pull his sleeves over his exposed forearms, but there was not enough fabric to hide them.

"It's better than it looks," he told Nekohiko quietly.


Is it, Abihiko? 

"Why do you lie so much?"

Abihiko looked up, an unreadable expression in his dark, half-lidded eyes. And then he... didn't say anything. He merely agreed with Nekohiko again, forfeiting all arguments. He closed his eyes and leaned his back against the tree, deathly tired.

And though Nekohiko hated this version of Abihiko with all his might -- he wanted the old Abihiko back! The lighthearted and cheeky and yes, annoying boy who had teased him up so much even if he frustrated him so! -- Nekohiko had no heart to demand from Abihiko to stop lying, or stop pretending, or stop faking his new, mature persona. This persona was a shell, a husk, within which Abihiko had hidden himself for five years.

But this husk was no longer of use to Nekohiko. Because Abihiko would never need to hide from him, yes?

Nekohiko had seen how eager and sweet Abihiko was back in their palatial chambers.

The old Abihiko was still there, he just needed... time to come back out. And stop hiding the truth and lying once and for all.

"Rest a bit, then we'll go on," Nekohiko told him as he sat beside him, gently prodding Abihiko to put his head on Nekohiko's shoulder. 

And with a doubtful delay, Abihiko did.

Nekohiko leaned against him, taking in his weary features and harmed, corrupted limbs, and thought:

I will make you come out.

To me.

Just you wait.

You and all the truths you are hiding for whatever reasons.


Fluff incoming. Prepare yourselves.