Chapter Hundred Thirteen — The Sacrifice (3/3)
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Chapter Hundred Thirteen

The Sacrifice

Part 3 of 3



"Nao!" the second Dark Sister in Nekohiko's memory called, sharply. "Get rid of him -- he's the witness!"

Nekohiko lay below Nao's boot heel, trembling, numb with fright.

He could only see the woman's inscrutable expression. Just the barest hint of dismissiveness and lack of care for his life. Or Yakabe's.

And just as she'd murdered Yakabe in cold blood, so she would him.


"The Head Priest told us to murder just the man. The girl-boy lives," Nao said. Such calm and calculated competence in the even cadence of her voice. In each of her moves.

She removed the boot off Nekohiko's face.

"It is crucial that he lives," Neo added, much lower. Her unreadably dark eyes pinned into Nekohiko's as though talking directly to him. "Or we'll get no pay."


The memory washed away with her retreat into the dense shadows of Nekohiko's mind, but her voice and the words it had said burned brighter than ever.


His anger burned just as fiercely now, even if his usual blank exterior couldn't show it too well.

"You should not have come here," Suminoe said, slamming the scroll he had been reading closed.

However proper he seemed and however firm his voice, he was clearly angry as well. His nostrils flared just barely, and his voice never raised. But his actions... the grim manner with which he packed away his writing utensils.

"We are at war, and you are inviting trouble to Izumo with your coming here, Nekohiko."

"Answer my question," Nekohiko warned, just as grave.

"I will not." Suminoe's eyes flashed with cold. Then, with a single snappy gesture of his fingers, the doors slid out of Nekohiko's hands and shut closed behind him with a bang.

Another flick of Suminoe's fingers, and the shutters of the window slapped closed as well.

A gust of wind from all this shutting disturbed the papers on Suminoe's desk, and Nekohiko's long hair and robes. But neither he nor Suminoe moved, as though waiting till every single motion in the office quietened down.

Into a heavy, dreadful silence.


Nekohiko shook his head. "Not before you tell me--"

"I said SIT."

"And I said not until you say 'yes' or 'no' to my question!" Nekohiko ground out. "Am I not the true Emperor? Should I not be the one who orders you rather than the other way around?"

Careful, Suminoe pinned his eyes into Nekohiko's. And within his restrained anger shifted something akin to recognition. Maybe even something like pride.

"Yes," he said. "I ordered Yakabe's death. For you to be able to sit on your Throne, Nekohiko."

"I never asked you to--! Nor do I care about..."

Nekohiko's breath stammered in his throat and he genuinely felt weak in his knees.

He should have sat down exactly as Suminoe had told him.

"Please sit down, Your Majesty," Suminoe told him evenly. "This might be a long conversation."

"No, it won't be!" But Nekohiko still stumbled forward and sank on the other side of Suminoe's desk, feeling nauseated. His sight spun and a bitter taste washed his mouth. "I do not want to hear your excuses or why you think it had to be done. Just... why -- and how you had the nerve... the ability to do something so..."

So vile.

Tears blurred his eyes when he glared at Suminoe.

"He was your friend!"

Suminoe was as impenetrable as ever. He didn't speak, only sat there as if waiting out Nekohiko's hysteria whatever it cost him.

"Well, maybe not Yakabe -- but Kazuragi! And you and him and Okinaga and Asazuma! You all grew up together! You were friends! How could you--"

The shock and misery and pain Kazuragi had experienced at his only lover's death... Nekohiko kept on going, trying to make sense of Suminoe's actions and his past -- of his unbelievable cruelty...

And his manipulativeness.

Still, only silence came from the other side of the table.

"And what about me?" Nekohiko rasped once he got lost in his rambles about the Nagare Lords. "I was there too. I... suffered too. Kazuragi nearly murdered me in his rage--"

Did you not care about me, either?

Did you not care how traumatic or painful it would be for me?

Was I... always only a pawn for you to lift to the Throne?

Did you never care about me at all?

This time, Suminoe broke his patient quietude.

"He would never. Nobody would have murdered you."

"You weren't there!"

"Yes, I was," Suminoe said with a sudden fierceness in his gaze. "Who do you think made sure that Dark Sister would not kill you, in the end? Who do you think made sure Okinaga wasn't too far away for Abihiko to call him in the most crucial moment and have him protect you?"

Darker, his tone went. He pinned his fingers into the table as though stressing a point.

"Who do you think protected you all these years, not letting a single attempt at your freedom go through?"

Nekohiko averted his eyes. "Yet you would threaten my freedom in other ways. Yourself. You force me to... accept the sheer level of sacrifice that you did. Supposedly for me! But... I never wanted it! I never cared--"

"About what? About your Throne or the Empire? Is that what you're saying, Nekohiko? That you no longer want to be the Emperor?"


Of course no.

I belong to the Empire.

And she belongs to me.


"Not like this. Not by murdering an innocent person just to -- force Kazuragi to ally with me?"

Gods, this was so awful.

At this, Suminoe reclined in his seat, his gaze subtly going up as though at the end of his patience. "Who said Yakabe was an innocent person? Did he not cause the Split in the Nagare powers and the very title of the Lord of the Skies? Did he not alienate the Nagare nobles? Was it not because of him that Kazuragi was willing to abandon his reign and wanted nothing more than to settle down and stop warring?"

Nekohiko blinked the stale tears out of his eyes. "That is not a crime -- for Kazuragi to be happy."

"Yes, it is. If the happiness of one overshadows and disadvantages the happiness of many -- yes. Absolutely." Suminoe's bearing was hard and cold once again. He put both his palms on the table, the very image of a teacher talking down to a silly, naive pupil. "Which is why, after Yakabe died, the Nagare Spirits rejoiced. However awful that may sound to your as a human, what does it sound like to you as the Emperor and the Spiritual leader of this land?"

Now it was Nekohiko's turn to draw back, wrapped in silence as his only shield.

Because, deep inside, he knew Suminoe was right about Yakabe's death not impacting the Spirits of the land too much.

Yet what did it have to do with it?

It was Suminoe's betrayal and... lack of trust in Nekohiko that hurt.

"Was it because of Yakabe or because of my ascension to the Throne? Your order to have him killed?" Nekohiko asked, tinny.



Ah. This didn't make it any easier.

Nekohiko's voice dropped even lower. "So you really think I had no chance to get allies without... that?"

"You would have not. Hiras are loyal to the ruling Emperor and never act rashly. Towas are comfortable on the sidelines unless Nagares are involved due to them both being the Emperor's army. Hisomes... always join last. Utsuro is a non-entity, politically-speaking. And Nagares... Nagares were busy infighting and avoiding all outside politics altogether because Kazuragi tended to nest away somewhere cozy with Yakabe. All Nagares follow their heart. And Kazuragi's heart was Yakabe. He would never choose anyone else unless..."

...unless Yakabe was removed.

Suminoe didn't need to finish. Nekohiko understood everything.

He dropped his head into his hands, wanting to moan in desperation.

"Nao. That Dark Sister -- how?" Nekohiko demanded through his budding headache. "How did you and her..."

An understanding was sudden and painful.

"Was it... back then? In my first year in Izumo? When she had attacked me on the streets? You and she went into the Spiritside to fight, but then... she ran away. And I always thought later -- how... How could she, a nobody Dark Sister assassin, know a high-level Binding spell like teleportation or something of the sort? How could she escape one of the most powerful Binders in the Empire! And within the Spiritside which your most comfortable zone? Back then, you told me such teleporting spells existed, and that even non-Binders could use them. But later, I have never even met one in books or classes!"

Words poured out of him, unable to stop.

So many, many things started making sense if before, they hadn't...

Nekohiko just had never truly paid them attention.

"She is a professional assassin of high rank. Once she discovered who you were, she would never tire of hunting you down. And if I got rid of her, the Dark Sisterhood would merely send new ones. She was... of more use to us if I paid her to be a double agent between me and the Usurper," Suminoe said simply. It was as though he saw no real reason to be ashamed or conflicted about working with a Dark Sister -- or to use her skills for the murder of innocents. He sat motionless, never changing his posture, and never letting his eyes off Nekohiko.

Like a statue. A cold, inhuman thing with nothing warm in his heart.

His words were like that, too. Just statements of fact. No emotion behind them.

"My contact with her allowed me to know when and where the attacks on you would happen. It let me prevent the most dangerous ones, leaving only the simple ones for you and Abihiko to get through to not arouse too much suspicion about the information leaking to me.

"At the same time, the Nagare nobles had also contacted the Dark Sisterhood with several attempts to murder Yakabe. But Kazuragi had always been too careful about protecting his husband. Thus, later -- making it seem like the Dark Sisterhood united with the Usurper to bring both you and Yakabe down -- was easy. All that had to be done was to stage it as an accident, which we managed to do."


Nekohiko let out a broken sigh of disbelief.

"You do not at all seem to understand the full extent of what you've done, do you?"

"I do understand, Nekohiko. If you were just as good at your job of being the Emperor as I am at being the Head Priest who puts the Emperor on the Throne -- you would see that very clearly."


What twisted logic!

But... Nekohiko didn't know much about ruling or the sacrifices it would demand or the victims that would fall on his side whether or not he did anything wrong. Or right.

And Suminoe spoke so competently, so... knowingly.

A part of Nekohiko wanted to lean in and believe him. To trust him completely, even in this.

"But you aren't as good as you say you are," Nekohiko squeezed out, fighting with himself. "Because I know the truth. And Kazuragi might find out the truth, too -- and what would happen then?"


At last, Suminoe slowly got to his feet. He swept one hand behind his back, pacing the small space before the window as though in doubt.

Although his words sounded as assured as always.

"Kazuragi will never find out. Unless you tell him. Apart from you and the Dark Sisters, nobody can get him the proof of what happened through the Memory spell. And the Dark Sisterhood has many interesting gimmicks to make it impossible to force their memories out of them by spells. First of all, they are foreigners, so Towa Spirits have trouble lifting their memories from them. And second of all..."

He turned to Nekohiko, solemn.

"She would not tell. It would disadvantage whoever it was who prompted you to find that memory."


Nekohiko frowned, uncertain.

"That leaves only you as the witness who can get this memory to Kazuragi. But... would you, Nekohiko?" Suminoe asked him quietly. "Your very Throne. Our very Empire depends on your choice in this situation."


How does it depend on me?

In which way?

"Are you a good Emperor? Can you sacrifice your pride, even your morality for the benefit of the Empire? Are you selfless enough to serve your life and your peace of mind before the Empire and its people and Spirits? Or would you crumble before truth and tell Kazuragi, essentially ruining any of your chances to ever get to the Throne?"

Nekohiko didn't realize when he stopped breathing.

His held breath erupted out of his mouth with a delay. Furiously, he blinked at his own trembling hands on his lap. Then at Suminoe.

"You know I can be selfless for my Empire!" he croaked, pained. "But for you... to manipulate me like this! To put my Empire as blackmail-- you..."

"Nekohiko." Suminoe descended on his knees before him, searching for Nekohiko's gaze like never before. "If the truth ever comes out about this, which I doubt -- I will gladly protect you with my own body, my soul, my name. I am Yakabe's murderer. If someone wants the head of the one guilty, they will have my head. I will not fight them as long as it keeps you clean and innocent behind me.

"I am fully prepared to die for you," he told Nekohiko, eyes as though glowing with some inner fire. A cold and ruthless fire, but a fire nonetheless.

Nekohiko huffed of mirthless laughter.

"I don't need your death!" He slammed his fists into his own knees to make himself focus, so frustrated he became. "You are not allowed to die anyway. You will pay for your sins against the Empire... against me... You are not allowed to die, do you understand? If you do," he promised him grimly, "I will force you up from your very grave, Your Holiness. Just so that you are never free from the pain you caused so many people. Not even in death--"

Before he even finished, Suminoe paled. Once again, his thin nostrils quivered with forceful breaths.

"This is the first and last time I want to hear such nonsense out of your mouth, Nekohiko. Resurrecting spells are not jokes. Not threats to make in jest. Resurrection magic is dark and vile, Nekohiko -- and beyond your reach. Trust me."

"Trust YOU?!"

Nekohiko recoiled, getting to his feet. He couldn't bear the proximity to this person anymore. Sharply, he felt the need to be with Abihiko -- where was Abihiko anyway? He had promised to come and be here...

He wanted to hold Abihiko's hand. He wanted support, someone he could trust.

Suminoe was not that person.

"Nekohiko, where are you going?" Suminoe asked him in his usual strict tone. A teacher, a tutor -- a father speaking. Not an equal.

Which was obvious in how he had treated Nekohiko in his manipulative political games all this while.

Like a snotty, oblivious child.

"None of your business," Nekohiko snapped without turning.

He reached for the doors, but was stopped by the abrupt question that Suminoe asked, in a very quiet, low voice.

So low, Nekohiko had to pause and listen to hear it.

"Was it Morokata?"


What the hell?

Nekohiko turned around to give Suminoe a wild stare. Judging by his reaction, Suminoe must have realized that the answer was no. Even though Nekohiko didn't fully understand the question.

So Suminoe tried again.

"The person who prompted you to find out this truth -- was it a member of the House Hisome?"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"I will ask again. One last time," Suminoe said, eyes downturned. "The person who had nudged you into seeking out the release of the Towa seal so that you could get the Memory spell. To access the memory where the Dark Sister Nao must have said something very specific, something she no doubt had been told to say so that you could remember it. I do suspect that Nao wasn't just the double agent for me and the Usurper. I suspect... a third party. Someone interested in driving a wedge between you and me -- and quickening the Usurper's downfall as well.

"And I suspect that this Third party might come... from the House Hisome.

"So please, answer me this very easy question, Nekohiko. That person -- who nudged you on to seek out this truth -- was it a member of the House Hisome?"


Nekohiko's knuckles ached from how hard he was squeezing the door frame. He traded a very long and patient breath, watching Suminoe in some sort of a nightmare.

The person he trusted so much and admired with all his heart...

After discovering just how deeply he had hurt Nekohiko and broken down the trust between them. He was still only caring about his stupid schemes and political intrigues, huh?

Could he not... just for a second? Just for a little while -- to not be so... Suminoe-like?

To be so calculating and cold and ruthless?

Just for a brief moment?

Chill cradled Nekohiko's heart as he pulled the door open to leave. Without looking back once, all he told Suminoe was --

"No. I have no idea what you're talking about."


For now, nothing more he wanted to tell him.





Abihiko had gotten rid of all those dummies and Binders -- partly by beating them up, of course, and mainly -- by deigning to tell them he was one of the Izumo pupils.

But he hadn't bothered to break into Suminoe's office even though he could.

When Nekohiko exited the administrative building, lost and empty of all emotion, there Nekohiko found him, leaning against the round wooden column of the building's porch. Munching an apple -- like this was the most natural thing in the world for him to do.

But he was facing the building, as if waiting. As if not wanting to intrude on something too personal.

Nekohiko froze on the steps. All the coldness and hollowness of his insides receded -- just from a single glance at Abihiko, waiting for him so patiently.

So loyally.

Nekohiko came over, demanding a hug as he pressed his head into the nook between Abihiko's shoulder and neck. Dismissively, Abihiko patted him on the head but didn't stop chomping down his stupid apple.

"How did you know I needed to talk to him one on one? How did you know that I had to... talk it all out... just the two of us?" Nekohiko asked, awash with endless gratitude. "How are you so good at understanding me?"

"Mmm. I guess we're just made for each other," Abihiko hummed between chewing. "Because I didn't know shit. I just really didn't want to go into that office seeing how boring Suminoe generally is. No offense."



None taken.

"Can we get back to our room here?" Abihiko murmured into his hair with a seductive flair.

Nekohiko lifted his face at him. "Our room? You mean my dorm? It's mine. You have only been a guest in it--"

"Yeah, yeah. But you know. Can we? I have always wanted to..." And Abihiko wiggled his eyebrows, his lips slowly creeping in the most insolent smile. "In there. I dreamed of it for so long--"

Nekohiko couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"You choose the worst possible times for being sexy, you know that? I need to leave this place. Not a second longer here. All right?"

"Huuuh? But we just came here--! I haven't even bullied any of the new kids here yet! They probably don't even know who I am, and that upsets me!"


Only one phrase would shut him up and make him happy at the same time.

And Nekohiko knew exactly which one.

"I am ready to go with you and meet your family in the Abi castle, Abihiko. I am ready to visit your home with you."

And maybe stay there.

Far away from politics and schemers and intrigue.

And maybe... after meeting your family, we could...

...marry each other, regardless of anyone who imagined they can manipulate me otherwise. Marry this girl, that girl, think about the Empire...

How about no, Suminoe?

How about I prove you wrong just because I can?






Shiriya castle was, by all accounts... unpleasant.

It was crudely-made -- by some ancient Binders. Probably even by Ezos or Ainus1Native peoples who lived in the North of Honshu before Japanese came and took it over. who had lived here ages ago. Rough stonework, inefficient and nonsensical structure and planning -- nothing smooth or sinuous. Everything jagged and eaten with moss and lichens. Everything somehow in disrepair or disarray.

Yet there was so much... charm to it. So much raw beauty. The seagulls keening high above it, the spires and blunt edges of its roofs, the sprawling size of it... As though looking at a breakneck-tall cliff or at the end of the world, vertiginous yet exhilarating,

In other words, it fit Abihiko so very well that Nekohiko struggled to understand: how?

Abihiko was only a youth now, and it was his mother, Lady Abi Asazuma, who was the mistress of this place. Not Abihiko. So how was he so obviously fit into being the future Lord of this place?

"Why did your parents name you Abihiko?" Nekohiko asked him after the first few hours in the castle filled with the echo of the roaring tides far below.

The two of them had already explored the apple orchard, having gathered several branches of fragrant, blossoming flowers to make wreaths from. They had gone through the rooms, inspecting anything new that went on in there because Abihiko hadn't come here for a long while and needed to know. They had visited the kitchen and been shooed out of it by the Abi family's servants -- because of course Abihiko annoyed them as well, even though they had been so happy to see him at first.

And lastly, they had scaled all the highest towers to see the end of the Empire beyond this cliff. The cold, enormous Northern sea and the horizon-hidden lands beyond.

The sea wind was merciless up here and the smell of salt lodged in Nekohiko's nostrils with a bitter aftertaste.

He loved it, somehow.

He and Abihiko settled down in one of the towers overlooking the chilly sea tide and began assembling their wreaths, their feet dangling off the window sills into the high drop.

"Will your parents come at all today?" Nekohiko asked him, just to make sure.

Neither Abihiko's mom nor his dad was around, it seemed. And so were Abihiko's other relatives. Like his aunties, uncles, his siblings, cousins...

The castle was oddly empty.

"Yeah, the House Lady told me it's because this place is too open to the sea attacks or something," Abihiko said, squinting into the sunlit horizon. His hair fluttered about his face with the powerful gusts from the sea. "Kazuragi and Hinokuma are making it really tough on the Usurper lately, and so he had to hire mercenaries from over the seas. Their stupid ship fleets constantly scout along the coast, and Mom and Dad felt that our family had to move to a place further into the land."


Made sense.

Though Nekohiko was somewhat disappointed.

He really wanted to meet his future... family members, so to speak.

To fully understand what he was marrying into. What if they were all as freaky and annoying as Abihiko? He might rethink his decision, if so!

But of course none of that left his mouth yet. He hadn't told Abihiko about his plans and wasn't sure he wanted to.

A surprise was better, no?

A very sweet surprise, just as Abihiko would like it.

Subtly, he glanced at Abihiko from the side, observing the absorbed look on his face as the youth Bound together petals.

So... collected and thoughtful, ahh! So... pretty.

"And why my parents named me Abihiko is... hell knows." Abihiko shrugged. "There were several Abihikos in my family tree before me, so I doubt the name had any real significance. It is the name of our House's progenitor."

Ah, yes. The Demonic King Abihiko.

Somehow, that only made Nekohiko that much more excited.

"His and your surname is Abi, which is such a weird thing. Every time I call you Little Abi, I want to highlight the fact that I am using a belittling pet name for you. Not your surname," Nekohiko said brightly. "So just so you know -- it is belittling. Every single tim--"

In a furious dash, Abihiko tore Nekohiko off the window sill and pushed onto the floor. All their wreaths and apple flower blossoms scattered around them like tender snowflakes.

Nekohiko's breath caught when he realized he was below -- completely underneath Abihiko. And that Abihiko was pinning both his hands above his head and pressed his legs down with his own, too.

And while his grip wasn't painful, it was very strong. Nekohiko couldn't wriggle out if he tried.

But he didn't.

He stilled, eyeing Abihiko above him. Slowly, Abihiko sneered in his own despicable way and lowered his face. His hair grazed Nekohiko's cheeks, ticklish, but Abihiko didn't touch him.

His breath brushed against his nose and lips and chin in a sensual taunt -- but no contact beyond that.

It was maddening.

"Who's belittling me, again?"

"I am," Nekohiko told him, hoarse. "Little boy Abi."

Abihiko enveloped Nekohiko's earlobe with his tongue -- quick and appalling, and Nekohiko gasped. Why so... disgusting!

"Don't drool on me!"

Rather than reply, Abihiko shifted his attention to Nekohiko's lips, shutting any of his demands and insults like this. And seeing with how passionate their kiss became after a while -- yep. The drool had been exchanged. But Nekohiko somehow didn't mind it quite as much by then.

"Do you want to--?" he asked Abihiko after he realized they could.

The tower was so romantic and they were all alone here...

Abihiko once again wanted to slide down Nekohiko's chest, but this time, Nekohiko knew where this was going.

"No! Not with your mouth!" he hissed, hot with shame. "No no no. That's so inappropriate!"

"But I like it." Abihiko beamed. "I know you like it too."

Stubborn, Nekohiko shook his head and tugged Abihiko back up into his arms. "It's too intense for me. I can't... handle it. Just the hands. Can we? Please--"

"Tsk. It's always just the hands," Abihiko groaned but crawled up anyway. He did look quite a bit disappointed. "Just how innocent and cute can you be, Neko?"

"Take it or leave it," Nekohiko whispered and reached out into the tightest, hottest embrace, rolling Abihiko off himself and underneath.

They did end up rolling quite a bit on that tower's upper floor. Most of their blossoms and apple leaves ended up in their hair and clothes. When they finally came down, it was already late afternoon, and Abihiko's parents had come back home from their trip along the premises.

Surprised as they were with Abihiko's and Nekohiko's arrival, they were ecstatic. Especially Abihiko's dad, a lord from some minor Utsuro noble house, who had never officially met Nekohiko before.

Lord Kinashi was his name, and he had... almost none of Abihiko's boisterous nature or his charm. Those traits had clearly come to Abihiko from his mom. All that Lord Kinashi must have given to his over-the-top, impressive son were... his looks.

Unlike Asazuma, Kinashi had finer features. Nothing so eye-popping as Abi family's red lips or their huge, vivid eyes -- but his straight brows, chiseled chin and sharp-cut jawbones.

Even though Lord Kinashi seemed quite tame compared to his obnoxious wife and son, at least Nekohiko could see why a man like him would catch Asazuma's eye.

He was attractive. And elegant. Only his quiet and studious manner truly jarred in comparison.

Lady Asazuma gushed loudly at seeing her "cute babies" back home -- and immediately tried to headlock both Abihiko and Nekohiko in her arms. Then attempted to tickle them, pretending they were still little boys and not two men taller than her!

But she only laughed dismissively when Abihiko told her that.

"You've got a whole lot of growing up to be comparable to me, sweetie," she told him, then poked him meanly in the side.

"Mommmm, I am showing you and Dad to my boyfriend, and... you are not making a very good impression so far!" Abihiko groused. "He has no parents, so you two might as well be the closest thing to them he'll ever have. Can you please be a bit more motherly in front of him, at least?"

"But Nekohiko and I are acquainted already!" Asazuma cooed, giving Nekohiko a pretend-motherly hug. She kissed him in the ear, nearly deafening him, then gave him a thorough, scrutinizing look. "Why do you smell like my son and why are you covered in dust and petals?"


Nekohiko stilled in fright.

"Did you dishonor my baby boy?" Asazuma shifted into a menacing mode, looking every bit as though she would jab a knife under Nekohiko's ribs at any moment. "Did you corrupt him without marrying? Ah! All you Majesties are the same -- toying with stupid young boys and throwing them away like garbage afterward--"


Abihiko, for a change, looked mortified. Not because of Asazuma, but solely because of his dad, Nekohiko realized. Because while Abihiko had always felt pretty comfortable joking about these topics in front of his mom and Nekohiko -- he was clearly not as close to his father in these terms.

But Lord Kinashi only chuckled at his wife's innuendos. "Asa, don't harass Abiko. You are humiliating him before His Majesty."

"He's my boyfriend, not a Majesty," Abihiko grumbled, afraid of meeting his father's gaze.

Deadpan, Nekohiko gave him a glance. "I can be both."

"Welcome to Shiriya castle," Kinashi told Nekohiko, opening his arms to the horizon of apple trees in the orchard and the castle steps further into the garden. "Let's dine together. Are you kids hungry yet?"


Well, after hours on top of the tower rolling around... yeah. Very hungry.

Each dinner together with the Abi family brought on waves of annoyance mixed with endearment to Nekohiko. Watching Abihiko and Asazuma spar in banter while Kinashi mediated between them, calling the table back to civilized behavior, was exhausting. Yet also somehow sweet.

At night, lying next to Abihiko in Abihiko's old room with its small, boyhood furniture, Nekohiko dreamt of such married life -- and how natural it felt. One loud, overactive spouse -- and a quiet and silent one. Together, complementing each other perfectly. Making a peaceful life together.

Wouldn't it be nice... to have that?

Almost every day, Asazuma brought them news from the nearby town. About the warring between the rebellious Nagares and Towas and the Usurper's forces. The foreign mercenaries who had somehow turned into foreign invaders at times?

Nekohiko felt in turmoil, to even listen.

But he didn't want any part in politics right now.

The scars of Suminoe's betrayal and scheming were still too fresh for him to bear. If only he could spend a few more days, just... getting used to what a real family and real home felt like?

"I suspect you enjoyed Okinaga's family much more than mine, huh," Abihiko told him one morning when they were sitting in his bedroom, reassembling his old writing desk and sitting bench.

They needed to update them to Abihiko's current size, so they Bound new pieces of wood and stone into it, trying to keep the original frame intact as well. A thoughtless, easy work.

"I like your real family more," Nekohiko confessed. "This place... smells of you. Like apples and salty breeze... These books and toys seem so much like you, too."

He trailed his fingers across the layers of clutter and garbage over the shelves, dislodging some of them just because of how disorderly they were. Abihiko's endless trinkets, souvenirs, collectibles, toys, lost cards, an infinite amount of frayed red ribbons, kid-sized swords and shields and broken arrows.

So much stuff.

So Abihiko.

"I love it," Nekohiko admitted. Then, after another stack of silly heroic books toppled from his merest touch, he added, "Even though I hate it, too. Just look at this mess! This room is like a trash pile. At least nobody at Okinaga's allowed you to do that there!"

In such small talk and backtalk, Nekohiko relaxed too much to realize these were the last times he would be able to forget the Empire, the politics, the impending war...

Because, whether he wanted them or not, all these issues never strayed too far from him.






When he and Abihiko went down for breakfast that day, inside the main echoing stone hall, for them waited a small entourage of Hira Binders.

And amidst them -- Lady Awaji, Okinaga's wife. And the little Kusuhi, their daughter.

No Okinaga, but Nekohiko soon understood why.

He hadn't seen Lady Awaji or Kusuhi for such a long time. The little black-haired child had grown from a toddler into a young girl. Still as wild-looking and badly-behaved, but nonetheless adorable. Look at her small black dress and fiery dragon patterns all over it.

Look at that grumpy little frown she gave to everyone around her. Already a future Lady of the Mountains.

And just when Abihiko ran toward her to take her into his arms for a hug, it hit Nekohiko.

Why would Awaji and Kusuhi come here now? What would they even want to do here? Just a friendly visit? Or something more?

His insides churned as he studied the Binders around Lady Awaji. Not all of them wore Hira uniforms. Some of them had aristocratic dress on their backs instead.

The Hira nobles. Two men and a woman. And each of them looked just so...

Calculating, with their fake smiles and agitated attention.

Even before letting Lady Awaji speak, the Hira nobles trailed their gazes from Abihiko and squealing Kusuhi over to Nekohiko. The oldest man in the trio began first.

"The future Emperor Nekohiko, yes? When we heard that Abi household accepted you as a guest here, we had to come visit, too. It is a great pleasure to see you, My Lord."

"Please accept our admiration."

"Your Majesty."

Lady Awaji was just as pale and ill-seeming as usual. In fact, she looked as though the journey so far north had taken a toll on her. She needed rest and care, Nekohiko knew. Not bowing to him or doing any of the typical courtly pleasantries.

But scared as she grew at seeing Nekohiko, she followed along with the other Hira nobles.

"Your Majesty," she whispered, frightened.

When the nobles rose from their bows, one of the men beckoned Kusuhi to come back to them.

And then, all four of them stilled like that, gazing at Nekohiko with unspoken expectations in their eyes and each of their motions.

This was so uncomfortable that Nekohiko gulped down, obliquely sidling to stand behind Abihiko as though hiding. Although he didn't need to.

Abihiko was also quite creeped out by the Hira nobles' visit.

"Lady Awaji and Kusuhi are welcome to stay here, of course," he told the other three nobles. "As they are friends of the family. But... I'm sorry -- which ones are you, again? I do not remember Lord Okinaga ever introducing me to you, which shows exactly how much shit he gives about you being here."

And he smiled at them adorably.

The oldest of the nobles -- a burly grey-haired man -- gave Abihiko a raised eyebrow, then nodded to Nekohiko again. "Well, our issue concerns the Emperor, mostly. Not Abi family." He motioned around with a flourish and asked, unimpressed with the simple furnishings of the Shiriya castle. "Is there a private room His Majesty and us can speak in? As representatives of House Hira?"

Nekohiko felt chilly with a horrible suspicion. Once again, his gaze flicked to Kusuhi and how firmly some plump Hira noblewoman was holding the girl's hand in hers. The three nobles even kept the girl away from her mother as though not trusting Lady Awaji to do exactly what was needed from her.

Which was doubtlessly -- to sell Kusuhi into an engagement to Nekohiko. Here and now.

Without Okinaga's involvement whatsoever.

As Suminoe had said -- Okinaga was too loyal to the current regime and wouldn't join in Nekohiko's growing rebellion at such a rate. But were all other Hira nobles just as loyal?

Somehow, Nekohiko doubted that.

"No, why?" Nekohiko blurted, hiding even further behind Abihiko.

"The war, Your Majesty," the Hira old man said calmly. "You can hide away all you want, but the war is going full-on. Isn't it time you took some responsibility for it and participated just a little bit?"

"No need to go into battle, of course," the third noble -- a young and grim man -- said. "But acknowledge all Great Houses equally, My Lord. You are now engaged to both House Nagare and House Towa. House Hira had wanted to contact you about our own proposal for three months already, yet you have been hiding all this while. Now, that we found you--"

"Are you people insane? Are you all stalking and spying on him, or what?" Abihiko exploded. "What is this? Matchmaking business? Does everyone want to put someone into his bed or what?!"

"This is called politics, young man. Maybe you should learn about it someday," the chubby woman snapped back at him. "All the other Houses have an advantage. Should House Hira let theirs go?"


In a rush, Abihiko bolted toward the three, snatching little Kusuhi from their midst. He clamped his palms over the girl's ears, then gave the spooked nobles an incinerating look.

"Fuck your advantage. Get out of my house!"

"Young man, this is going to cost you--"

"If you think you can boss us around because you're Okinaga's ward, you need to think again! Your family is so much below ours, we can eradicate you and your little backwater castle in a flash--!"

"Ah well, maybe you should try!" Abihiko roared back, getting Kusuhi into his arms just to keep her away from the Hiras.

And just then, in all this commotion, the poor Lady Awaji swayed, her features getting ashen from anguish. Nekohiko only managed to catch her because he stood closest to her -- otherwise she would have crashed to the floor.

So faint and weakened she seemed, there was nothing else she needed to hear in this room. So without asking anyone's permission or even acknowledging the aggravating nobles -- Nekohiko hoisted her up in his arms and went out of the room.

Abihiko and Kusuhi followed right after. "Stay the fuck where you are! This isn't over!" Abihiko yelled at them, too shaken with fury to calm down so quickly.

"Where are the guest rooms?" Nekohiko asked him, and Abihiko pointed.


Some terrible day, this was.

Mostly because Nekohiko knew in his heart that all those derisive nobles were right. He should have done a better job at participating in the politics and the war that was going on for his sake. He shouldn't have let everyone manipulate him or decide things in his absence just because he wanted nothing to do with all these schemers and their intrigues.

Maybe the nobles said exactly what he needed to do.

Go and take part in the war. At last.

He and Abihiko left Lady Awaji and little Kusuhi in one of the guest rooms, ordering the Abi servants to keep an eye on them. But when Abihiko wanted to go back into the main hall and argue with the Hira nobles some more just for the sake of it, Nekohiko held him off.

He clutched Abihiko's hand very, very hard, and pulled to himself.

As though wanting to tie their hands together. And never let go.

"I am so tired of being a pawn in other people's games," he said, quiet. He raised his face to Abihiko, the stinging so fresh and heated in his eyes. "This is my Empire. My future. My decisions. I should go back out there instead of hiding out. I should--"

He broke off.


"This is my war that's going on out there," Nekohiko decided at last. "I should lead it."


Abihiko's eyes grew huge, yet not in fear or shock. Rather in a faint trace of... exhilaration.

Of adventurous glee.

"Of course you should," he breathed, clasping Nekohiko's fingers with his own. "I will be right there with you, too."

"Then let's go," Nekohiko whispered. "Right now. You and I. Let's leave and go... lead the war for my Throne."

And after we're done, we'll... marry.

With or without the others, just you and I. And My Empire.

Would be more than enough to fight for.






"I cannot believe Okinaga has no tabs on his stupid relatives," Asazuma was groaning to Nekohiko and Abihiko a few hours later. It was already evening, and the three of them had taken a horse ride from Shiriya Castle to here -- a small town deeper into the land.

Abihiko's family often came here to get news about the outside world and to write correspondence to family and friends elsewhere. Just a couple of hours away from Shiriya Castle, but far enough that the Bound horses needed fuel to recharge and run further down the road.

Today, Asazuma came here to write a very furious letter to Okinaga, asking him about what was going on with his relatives barging in on the Abi family and endangering Lady Awaji with such a gruesome journey and their horrible manners.

Apart from that, she really wanted to say goodbye to her son and Nekohiko. So she traveled with them to this small town to leave them at an inn, making sure they weren't going to Nagare to participate in the war on a whim.

That they knew what they were going into and that they were packed and clothed and had enough money to buy food.

In other words, she behaved... exactly like a mother should.

Though she cursed and spat while she did, so pissed she was about the visiting Hiras. But it still counted, warming Nekohiko's heart.

Lord Kinashi had remained back in the castle, taking care of Lady Awaji and Kusuhi. And now that Asazuma knew her husband would look after Okinaga's family and not let anyone hurt them, she also became quite wistful about Abihiko and Nekohiko leaving.

The three of them sat in the dining veranda of the inn, talking about the routes the two boys should take to travel to Nagare. The evening dusk was balmy and smooth, deep purple in the lights of the many lanterns in the open courtyard. Moths fluttered against the glow, and the flower petals from the cherry trees nearby twirled in the air, landing on the table with their small dinner.

On Asazuma's and Abihiko's side, cups and jars with wine stood, and it was this wine that made Asazuma particularly sad tonight.

"I wish I could join in and go to war with you, kiddos. But we have a castle to take care of. The enemy ships scouting all along the shore are no joke, you see. And I am the strongest Binder in the region. Not sure if I can ever leave this place before the war is over..."

"Just keep Dad and Aomi and Kata safe, Mom. The war will be fine without you, trust me."

"Eh, I am also worried about poor Okinaga. Though he isn't in the war yet, is he? He probably won't join in regardless. Not his thing, wars for the Throne..."

Yes, Nekohiko knew.

Suminoe had told him all about that already.

Asazuma sighed, holding the empty cup to her cheek. With her other arm, she hugged Abihiko to herself, softly tangling her fingers in his hair flowing down from his high ponytail.

She studied his features as though proud, then gave a concerned smile to Nekohiko.

"Please take care of him, will you?" she said. "He is my baby boy, and if something bad happens to him, I will skin you alive, Neko."

"Mom, what the hell. You know I can take care of myse--"


"I will, Asazuma," Nekohiko promised, solemn. "I'll do my best to protect Baby Boy Abi from any danger of the battlefield."

"Awwww. You two are so appallingly cute, you know?" Asazuma wanted to roll into easy laughter.

But her beginning chortle never quite made it out.

Outside in the town streets, there was a commotion.

The few patrons in the dining room turned their heads, uncertain of why the faint shouts and gasps were coming in from the outside. And why did the servers and waiters of the place rushed all out as though to see something...

Something horrible.

"What the fuck is going on," Asazuma drawled, downing her last jar of wine as she got to her feet.

Beside her, Abihiko and Nekohiko also stood up, but Abihiko hurried to pull Nekohiko into his arms, as though already wanting to defend him from something.

There was nothing to defend against, though.

Because the danger wasn't here.

Not even remotely close.


When the three of them finally walked out into the street amidst the bumbling, panicked crowd -- Nekohiko realized something awful.


The war. They had wanted to look out for it, but they hadn't needed to.

It found them before they ever hoped.

His body went taut. His limbs colder -- in a flash of chilly sweat that clutched him.


"Mom...?" Abihiko asked Asazuma, his voice sounding small and shaken for the very first time in Nekohiko's life. "Mom, what's happening... What--"

Asazuma's unnatural silence wafted of something so dark and hellish, Nekohiko didn't want to hear what she could answer.

Far away on the horizon, an afterglow of burning inferno was rising into the dark skies. Like a tower of blurry smoke. So far away and so easy to mistake for a blood-red sunset. If only the place wasn't to the north from here.

It came from Shiriya Castle. Two hours away, yet so bright, one could see the fire all the way here.


The war.

It had come, whether they were ready for it or no.


Ah, as you can see, the flashbacks are soon going to end because there won't be much more Nekohiko remembers from before the murder. TT_____TT

Note that they were very young when this all happened, (15), so yeah... Nekohiko's sanity wasn't the most stable during this time, so I feel like all his "Monster"-ness will feel understandable, if not fully justified by the end of Flashbacks. So much happening at the same exact time...

Rip Neko. clear.png