Chapter 42: Where I’m from
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Demo, while watching the fight notices something.

“Why isn’t My-Ty transforming his body?”

Cyte keeps looking at the fight but answers.

“Because he isn’t from here. He is from a planet called Belliger.”

Ten is somewhat surprised by the news.

“Someone from a different planet made it into the top 10?”

“The top 5 are all from different planets. They say that their strength is incomparable to those from 6th and up. Their power is literally otherworldly.”

Demo smiles with excitement.

“Is that right?”

They turn their focus back to the fight. The 6th has launched a full-on attack on My-Ty. My-Ty effortlessly dodges each attack. The 7th then joins in as well, and My-Ty simply avoids both their attacks. This infuriates the 6th and 7th. During their attacks, they start to taunt My-Ty in the hopes of breaking his focus.

“All you can do is dodge.”

“Keep scurrying around like the rat you are.”

My-Ty doesn’t like what they are implying so he stops dodging. The 6th and 7th see this chance and bring forth their strongest slashing attack. It is a slashing move where each one creates a diagonal slash to form a cross when matched with the others. This move has killed several students. They say the name of the attack in unison.

“Double Cross.”

The attack hits My-Ty. And the 6th and 7th student are delighted with the fact their taunts helped bring him down. But then from behind them they can hear a weird sound. It sounds like someone is trying to hold their laugh back. They turn around and see My-Ty forcing his lips closed to keep the laughter in. It’s too much for him so he has to cover his mouth to make sure his enjoyment doesn’t escape him. He takes a deep breath through his nose and swallows his laughter. He then looks at the two in front of them with a serious look.

“Well done.”

The 6th and 7th student are both flabbergasted at the fact My-Ty isn’t hurt and extremely agitated that he laughed at their strongest attack. They take a few steps back and look at each other.

“He inhaled the poison, right?”

“Yeah, and our nails are covered in it as well.”

“Do you think he took an antidote before the fight?”

“He would have to know what kind of poison it is and this is our family’s secret, so that’s impossible.”

“Then how is he ok?”

My-Ty can see that the 6th and 7th are confused about what is happening so he decides to clear things up for them a bit.

“It’s because you guys suck. Your little poison weakened me, but even weak, I’m stronger than you.”

“How can you withstand the poison?”

“Where I’m from we don’t do all that nonsense nerdy math stuff. We fight. We strengthen our bodies. We go to war with our weaknesses. We face ourselves and destroy anyone who challenges us. Our bodies are trained to kill anything that doesn’t make them stronger. And your poison was nice, but not that good.”

Demo had to chuckle at that comment because he knew what My-Ty was trying to say. He kinda agrees with him. Ten on the other hand took offense because he is a theoretical type so that nerdy stuff is what allows him to use Higher Reasoning. Demo nods, and Ten shakes his head as they say something at the same time.

“I like him.”

“I don’t like him.”

Cyte feels like she needs to add to the information given to complete Ten’s and Demo’s comprehension.

“On Belliger they think that using Higher Reasoning is for the weak. It’s something the lower levels of humanity made to be able to face the stronger groups. People from Belliger believe that using H.R. reduces your honor and thus your fate.”

Demo nods as he gains a sense of respect for their beliefs.

“Makes sense.”

Ten looks at Demo in disbelief, how could he agree with something so illogical? But before he can say something, My-Ty draws his attention back to the ring as My-Ty starts walking towards the 6th and 7th. He has a slight smile on his face.

“You two ready?”

The 6th and 7th both look at each other. They then use their tongues to force a tooth to open up a secret space. After opening up the tooth, a toxic mist starts coming out of their mouth. The audience has only seen this one before so they know how deadly it is. The audience starts running up the stairs and away from the ring. Demo looks at Ten as he whispers.

“Yo, their mouth stinks so bad I can see it.”

Ten looks at Demo with a huge smile on his face. The 6th and 7th having released their deadliest poison start running in opposite directions. They need to spread the poisonous mist around My-Ty to make sure it has the highest chance of him breathing it in and dying. My-Ty calmly looks at the two running around him with smoke coming out of their mouth. Their speed is constant and they are consistently keeping the same distance. My-Ty takes a deep breath before the mist can reach him. He then holds his breath.


With that chant, he is ready to attack. He times the 6th student … and with impeccable timing, he dashes forward and lariat punch he catches the 6th in his arm. With the force of his arm and his own momentum, he flings the 6th to the wall. The 6th hits the walls and passes out with smoke coming out of his mouth. The 7th is shocked at what just happened. But before he can properly react My-Ty is in front of him.


The 7th knows he can’t take a direct hit from My-Ty so he tries to plead for mercy.


But he is unable to finish it. My-Ty hits him with a hook so hard that the 7th spins in the air a few times before he hits the wall as well.

My-Ty having won looks around the audience to see if he can see Demo. He sees Demo standing with Cyte and Ten. My-Ty runs forward and jumps up. He lands right in front of Demo. He is bigger than Demo so he looks down at him.


Demo smiles with excitement.


Chapter 42 Fin