Her lips were so sweet, so damn sweet, it was like being kissed by a dessert spread. I half-expected honey to run in rivulets down my face, for my mouth to be sticky at her ministrations. She kissed her way down to my jaw and I tilted my head up to give her access to the sensitive skin of my neck. Her breath touched my skin first and I broke out in goosebumps. I was expecting the softness of her lips, so when I felt teeth graze my neck I shuddered. They were sharp, and she was clearly adept at keeping herself in check, never breaking the skin. Her tongue left trails of hot fire.
“If you keep whimpering like that,” she whispered into my ear, “we’re never going to make it to the bedroom.” While I was preoccupied making the exact noises she was threatening me with, her hands roamed my body to elicit more of them from me. The dress I was wearing was quickly hiked up and she grabbed me by the ass as she nibbled and kissed every inch between my collarbone and jaw. How was I going to do anything but squeak under this woman’s ministrations?
I decided to take the initiative -- or at least some of it -- and imagine what would come next. Not that I knew, but there were definitely some scenarios to play with and I let them play out in my head in exquisite detail. She stiffened up. My mission had been a roaring success and I managed to lift her face gently by the chin, made difficult not by her but by how much I wanted to just give in and be turned into a bubbling puddle by her. But I wasn’t going to be a passive participant, dang it.
“You like that, don’t you?” I asked with a cocky smirk. Her face was flush and her breathing was laboured. It was the most attractive thing I had ever seen and it took me a second to realize that her blush was getting more and more pronounced as her skin grew redder and redder, two horns sprouting from her forehead as she slowly revealed a more demonic form. Her fingers dug into my ass as she squeezed and I couldn’t help but yelp slightly. I was pretty sure I even bit my lip. What a mess.
“You have no idea,” she panted, “what you’re doing to me.” Her hands roamed the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. I whimpered again. I knew what she was doing and I would have committed a great violence against anyone foolish enough to try and stop her. “But I think I know how you feel about it.” She ran a finger, immediately slick, along the length of me and, finally giving up on the dainty things like squeals and whimpers, I moaned. Hard, loud and low, like I was in heat. I melted into her touch and only by grabbing her face and kissing her did I manage to keep myself upright.
She withdrew her hands, which I thought was cruel and unusual punishment for something as innocent as a kiss. However, like anything involving Madeline Lullaby, I was not prepared for what came next, but I was about to be fully receptive to whatever she had planned. She zipped down the back of the dress. With her help -- my assets would have held it up without much effort -- it quickly fell in a puddle on the floor, leaving me completely exposed to her. Not that she needed any encouragement, but my sudden exposure left me feeling somewhat self-conscious. I expected her to take immediate advantage of that to wrest back control of the situation from me. I was right and somehow wrong in the best way.
Rather than have her way with me here at her front door, she swept me off my feet in a single, swift movement. I was stunned for a moment, but I’d seen enough romantic nonsense to know that I was supposed to wrap my arms around her, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world to me when I did. The look on her face existed in a kind of impossible space between lustful and caring, and I couldn’t tell if I wanted to fall asleep watching movies with her or fuck her brains out. She lifted me slightly and kissed me.
“We’ll have time for both,” she whispered and carried me, bridal-style, through her place. I almost had eyes only for her but a few times curiosity got the better of me and I caught glimpses of her house. There were stacks of books everywhere. Several sofas, all with reading tables and lots of pillows. It was a den of coziness, and I was immediately captivated. Going by the smell, there was a fireplace somewhere around, and I looked up with her with even more adoration, if such a thing was at all possible. She’d created a space and it made me feel safe by its very nature. This was, I decided, a good house.
It’s only when she opened the bedroom door that my attention was entirely on her. The theme -- piles of books -- was continued here, too. But most of the room was occupied by a giant king size box bed. Its mahogany borders were perfect for setting cups of tea -- or, in this case, more books -- on and its white sheets contrasted with the jet black upholstery. It was an impressive bed. It was the kind of bed that other, smaller beds want to be like when they grow up. She walked me to it and ever so gently put me down. It was so incredibly soft, but I hadn’t exactly had a lot of experiences with other people’s beds, and my old sheets had been coarse and irritating compared to these.
She knelt next to me and leaned over to kiss me. I didn’t get the feeling like I was about to be ravished. On the contrary, this almost felt like I was being put to bed with a good night’s kiss. I was a little confused but quickly melted into the kiss again and I squirmed, pressing my legs together. I was surprised I didn’t go ‘squish’.
“What happens now?” I asked softly against her lips. As much as I enjoyed taking control away from her for a moment, as much as I wanted to push forward and be an active agent in what seemed like it might have been gearing up to be the fuck of a lifetime, I had no idea how to do this. I didn’t know if there were things you didn’t do, things you should do. My body seemed to know some things instinctively but it was being remarkably shy with providing my brain with details.
“That’s up to you, darling,” Madeline said. “As much as I want you -- and I promise you, one way or another, I’m making you pay for what you’ve put me through today -- this is going at exactly one speed: yours.” She kissed me on the nose again. “We can take this as slow or as fast as you want to. We can go back to foreplay,” she said, and I could feel, rather than explicitly hear, the trepidation in her voice. Good, I was in no mood for more teasing. “Or we can move forward. And even then, you decide who takes charge, and how that feels.” She stroked some hair behind my ear. “I want you to be comfortable. Completely.”
I looked up at her and sighed. “I don’t know what to do,” I said softly. I wished I did. I knew what I wanted but I didn’t even have the vocabulary to express it. As it turned out, being a woman was a complicated business. Or maybe that was just sex. Regardless, I was out of my depth and out of ideas. Coherent ones, anyway.
“Try relaxing first,” Madeline said. “Try to find your center of comfort. Close your eyes. Breathe deep. What do you want most right now. How do you want it?” I did as she asked. I closed my eyes and did as she asked. Deep breaths. I visualized myself with Madeline. Wrapped around each other. Completely lost in the experience, in the sensations, completing each other in the most intense way I knew how, in a way my body seemed to know better than I did myself. My skin was on fire and I could feel my breath catch in my throat. When I opened my eyes, I realized I’d broadcast the whole thing to Madeline. She was almost crying with need. I raised a hand to touch her face and realized it was bright red. I moved a hand up and bumped into the horns I expected to be there. I had not expected the jolt of sensitive electricity that shot from those horns, through my brain, all the way to my crotch, making me spasm slightly.
Madeline looked down at me as I regained my composure. Clearly she was too busy doing the same thing, after the image I’d just broadcast to her, to notice my wonderful discomfort. We locked eyes, and she bit her lip.
“Fuck,” she whispered. I pulled her closer to me while propping myself up, and the kiss was nothing like the sweet and caring ones we’d had before. This was barely kissing, beyond simple making out. This was the prelude to lovemaking, raw hunger expressed with all the need and desire in the world. She fell backwards on the bed as I propelled myself onto her and straddled her, her face in my hands. I ran my fingers through her hair, bit her earlobe and whispered in her ear.
“That’s the idea,” I said. I wondered where her hands were when I felt her hips push up ever so slightly and, going by the rustling, she’d very quickly disrobed. From the waist down, at least. It was up to me then, I figured as I tugged at her shirt, to do the other half. Released to the air as they were, there was no force on earth that could resist her breasts. They were perfect and soft and, I was soon to find out, tasted no less sweet than the rest of her. It was finally her time to gasp and whimper as I kissed and nibbled my way around, my teeth now as deliciously sharp as hers. She made the most wonderful groaning sound as I took one of her nipples in my mouth, the dark purple in beautiful contrast to her crimson skin, and bit down gently.
I moved down a little bit to give it the attention it deserved and realized that I’d immediately straddled her. Its length was pressed against me, pulsing. It felt unbelievably hot, and every time I shifted I slid up and down the shaft in the most delightful way. It sent sparks directly into my brain, and clearly it was having a similar effect on Madeline. She squirmed underneath me. My body shuddered. Teasing was fun and I was pretty sure that, given enough time, I could probably get off like this, but that wasn’t why I’d straddled her and it wasn’t what was going to happen.
It took a moment of focus, but when I succeeded, Madeline groaned, her eyes and mouth grew into wide circles. I had wrapped my tail gently but firmly around the base. I lifted my ass ever so slightly and I put my hands down on either side of her head. As much as I wanted to keep assaulting her upper body with hands and teeth, I wanted to focus on this as best I could. Sure, I needed to relax, but I also needed to experience this, with her as best I could. Butterflies danced in my stomach from the anticipation. She looked up at me and gently rested her hands on my hips, the only pressure from her fingers digging into my sensitive flesh. Her eyes asked a question. I nodded softly and angled her up. Then, ever so slowly, I lowered myself.
Holy fuck it was big. It was big, hot and I could feel her heartbeat. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I breathed in deeply, and breathed out. On the exhale, it ever so slowly pulled me open and I was immediately overcome by a mixture of feelings. On the one hand, I wanted to slam down and take all of her inside me in one go. That was the horny succubus part, and I shut that shit down hard. There was another part that wanted this to last forever. The last two feelings were a lot simpler. They were ‘stretch’ and ‘full’. I loved them both, teetering on the edge between pain and bliss, the greatest agony the slowness of it all.
Madeline raised one hand and put it next to mine. I took the hint and the hand, interlaced our fingers. I kissed her as I squeezed softly, then lowered myself. It was slow and perfect and it didn’t exactly hurt and it was exactly what I’d hoped it would be. Every shift shot a pang of pure energy up that made my eyes roll in my head, and even holding still filled me with an aching, throbbing electricity.
Ever so slowly, I lowered and raised myself. I’d never thought I’d be in a situation like this but now, as my entire being started to revolve around where her body and mine met, I couldn’t imagine my life not having led to this moment. I was made for this, I thought, and I kissed her deeply. I’d hoped for that to be a powerful moment, and it was. Just not in the way I’d envisioned it. Losing control for a second, I impaled myself onto her, taking it all the way to the base.
We both groaned, loud and hard. Not that I was aware. The fullness, the stretching, was everything. My entire sense of self had been reduced to a few inches of overstimulated nerves that fired off in every direction. I thought I was losing my mind. I thought I was dying, and I wasn’t even ready for half of it as my mind exploded into a million pieces. I twitched and spasmed on top of her as I tried to keep upright. Sure, it was possible that my body was uniquely good at taking dick, because I felt like that should have hurt more than it did, but in that moment I was preoccupied with my brain dribbling out of my ears in the most mind-shattering, eye-watering orgasm I’d ever experienced, and it didn’t seem to stop. Every time she moved, it seemed to be starting over again. She seemed to realize what was going on and wrapped her arms around me. The shifting weights sent me into new fits of ecstasy and my brain had all but given up on thought. I was probably drooling.
She tried to hold still, and after what felt like eons of every star in the sky exploding in my head -- and crotch -- at the same time, I started to come down from my high. She steadied her breathing and reflexively I copied it and felt myself calm down.
“Are you okay?” she whispered. I mewled softly in the affirmative and she giggled gently. Every giggle was punctuated by her twitching and hardening slightly inside me and made me convulse ever so slightly. “Good girl,” she said with a slightly wolfish grin, and kissed me. I scrunched up my nose and kissed her back. Our horns knocked together ever so slightly with a quiet ‘thunk’. Though less sensitive than they might have been, it still sent more shivers down my spine. I still hadn’t found my words -- those had been lost what felt like a century of orgasm ago -- but I hoped that my adoration for her could be read on my face. She moved her hands to my hips again.
“Now then,” she said, with that same smile, and I felt like a mouse who had deliberately subjected her to the whims of an especially attractive cat. She shifted underneath me, rolling her hips slightly, and she started to saw in and out of me with ease. I’d completely coated her in my own juices, and the ease of the movement was contrasted by the fullness I experienced every time she moved my hips down. I looked her in the eyes with a mixture of anxiety and desire. She read my mind.
“Would you like to get fucked?”
I grinned her own grin back at her, a little shaky but with no lack of confidence. “I thought that was the idea?”
That prolonged teasing is the hottest thing I have read in years.
Whew! That was steamy!
i'm going to get a lifetime sentence to horny jail for reading this
*is red as a beet*
Thank you for the chapter ??????
Just picking this back up after stopping when 8 came out and oh my GOD I need to go and blush in a corner for the next 6 hours aaaaaaaaaa
This is the most affirming thing I've ever read
holy f*cking sh*t that was hot