“Good morning,” she smiled. My eyes quickly adjusted to the low light in the room. I figured it was a perk associated with my more horn-y form. We were still on the far end of the bed, but in my sleep I’d apparently found myself wrapped in her arms and a blanket. She looked down at me and I wondered what I looked like to her. Was I red in the face from earlier? Purple? Did I look sleepy? Cute, mayhaps? I reached up and nudged her nose with mine. She kissed me. All very good things.
“What time is it?” I mumbled. She shifted slightly and looked at the clock.
“Around four.”
“At night?”
“Jeez,” I said. “What time was it when we, eh…” I remembered the previous day. Holy shit. I’d never done something like that, and I was slightly angry with myself for having denied it up until now. Although, on the other hand, it would never have been as powerful in the wrong body. I was grateful it had been with Madeline, as myself. I blushed slightly.
“When you made me come so hard we both passed out?” She grinned mischievously, clearly revelling in the fact that I was slightly flustered. I blushed harder in protest.
“Y-yeah. That.”
“Around four.”
“In the afternoon, then.” It wasn’t really a question. My mind was sharp enough for a deduction of that caliber. She hummed in the affirmative and gently stroked my hair, a gesture so soft and kind it nearly sent me into shock. Why was this all affecting me so much? I barely knew this woman and yet she’d become so core to my life. I mumbled something to that effect into her collarbone and she sighed softly, kissing my forehead.
“It’s completely normal to worry about this stuff, darling. Of course things feel, well, different now. You are different, like I said last night. You’re more in touch with your feelings and needs than you’ve ever been.” She kissed me softly on the forehead and I quietly managed to keep myself from crying. “But there’s more to it than that, of course. We’ve been sharing a lot of things. Emotions. Fantasies. Each other. If we hadn’t… how do I put this… if we weren’t compatible, things would have never escalated like this.”
I looked up at her and before there were words there were her lips and I was lost for another five-to-five-million minutes. Time was hard to gauge when we were lost in each other. Eventually, I pulled away again. There was a hard question. A really dirty question, the kind that festered in your head while you wondered what the possible answers were and that spun into the worst possible outcome until it left your mouth and it turned out that things weren’t so bad after all.
“You’re not doing this, are you?” I asked. “Like, you’re not making me feel anything I don’t want to, right?” She sighed deeply and I worried that I’d hurt her, somehow. But I had to ask. What if she said yes? Would I care? If she’d literally enthralled me, would I be able to resist? Would I want to?
“No,” she said. “I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to. Nor would I want to. If… hmm… If you’re ever scared that your feelings are not your own… Well, first off, Alderberg has a pretty good therapist. Other than that…” another deep breath, punctuating her already hesitant sentence. “I could leave for a while, if you like.”
I thought about this for a moment. I didn’t want her to leave, but I was trying to parse why. Was it an immediate and powerful gut-feeling? I took a deep breath. That wasn’t it. I had simply grown very fond of this woman. She made me feel safe. She’d consistently made sure I was okay, and she’d respected my boundaries when I asked her to. She had even offered to define them when I couldn’t, asking to make sure I wanted to continue, and when I had doubts or fears, she’d been willing to address them and patiently talk through them with me. “I think,” I finally said, “I would very much like you to stay, Madeline. Can we take it slow, though? I just don’t want to… stumble into things I might not be ready for.”
She kissed me on the forehead. “We’ll take it as slow as you want to, and if you’re still uncomfortable… well, talking is a free action.”
“Yes, I mean that.”
“No, I mean, really? A D&D reference?”
“Love, I own a library, what do you think happens there on Saturdays?”
“Oh my god,” I mumbled in shock.
“I’m sure I can make you say that louder,” she whispered in my ear, and kissed me softly again. Gentle mockery quickly forgotten and concerns allayed -- for now; I was good at concerns -- I lost myself in her. I wondered if my lips were as soft as hers. What I tasted like. She tasted wonderful, and I couldn’t wait to, well, taste more. A vivid image of her thighs clamping around my head came to me and Madeline froze up slightly and groaned into my mouth.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, a little embarrassed. I hadn’t intended for that one to slip out. “I still don’t know how to control these.” She pulled back a little and I could bask in her beauty all over again, grin and all. I could lose all sense of time and place just looking at her. I was beginning to suspect that she was perfect in all the ways that mattered to me, and she was just as beautiful on the outside.
“This might not be the worst time to practice, then,” she said. “Think of the visions as yours. I know that that sounds obvious, but I mean it in the sense of, you know, ownership. Your fantasies are your property. They belong to you, and should only be enjoyed by others when freely given.” She lazily draped a leg over one of mine and pulled me a little closer. “For inspiration.” I gave it a go, imagining what else we might do, legs around one another, and she gasped a little, looking at me with feigned shock. “How daring,” she said. “But I saw that. Go ahead, darling. Keep trying. I’m not going anywhere.”
I kept practicing, trying to focus on my fantasies as my own, my feelings as my property, access to my imagination requiring explicit consent, and I felt something slowly shift. It was the difference between talking and whispering. The fantasy was still clear as rain in my head, but it was slowly getting quieter. Going by Madeline’s encouraging smile, I was making progress.
We lay there as, ever so slowly, the birds started making it very clear that the sun was coming up and also that they were horny and would like to mate. I practiced, sometimes deliberately slipping up so Madeline would be bombarded with visions, some sweet and some sultry and most of them both.
It wasn’t until our tails ever so slowly found each other, entwined and entangled, that I came to a realization. I hadn’t really been paying attention to the fact that we were both still horned. Other than occasionally and affectionately bumping them together, I had almost forgotten that this was not the norm. It felt right to be close to this woman, for our legs to be wrapped around each other, for our horns to rest against one another’s, for our skin to be red and warm to the touch. It felt good.
After some time I was getting the hang of controlling my thoughts, sending her some images but not others. Relieved to have a semblance of control over my own thoughts again, I yawned and stretched. Hearing a sigh next to me, I realized that there were other ways for me to conjure up images in Madeline’s head. I grinned to myself. It had never occurred to me that being pretty, being cute, being attractive would have been an option for me. And here I was, stretching a little longer than necessary, so that I could show off for the woman by my side. I turned to her with a lazy smile.
“Like what you smmf--” I managed, before she wrapped herself around me. She was greedily and playfully kissing every inch of my face she could get her lips on, and, fiend that she was, didn’t stop when she found a ticklish spot on my neck. We rolled over as she continued her torturous assault. I giggled up a storm, begged her to stop without conviction or desire -- although she immediately did the first time. She looked up at me with an unspoken question and I quickly shook my head. After that, she ignored all pleas for her to stop tickling me.
She did end up stopping. She had to, because the floor quickly met us on the way down. Madeline carefully lifted herself off of me. “You okay,” she asked.
“Oof,” I said, more out of shock than anything. It hadn’t really hurt, though I felt like it should have. The sturdiness Madeline had mentioned was clearly there. And now I was pinned underneath a beautiful woman on the floor. Woe. Woe unto me. I pulled her down to me to make it clear just how okay I was, wrapping my legs around her.
After another small eternity, we finally extricated ourselves from each other. As much as I enjoyed this, I was not ready for another round with her. It had been incredibly intense and amazing and I was worried it would be too much. She seemed to sense as much from me, helping me off the floor. We weren’t going to get much more sleep, and it was past six already.
“Do you have to open the library today?” She nodded and opened the closet.
“We have a few hours and the commute is a thirty-nine second walk.” She retrieved two bathrobes from the closet and handed one to me. “I counted,” she smiled. I wrapped myself in the silky soft robes and felt the lower rim tickle my feet. She bit her lip with adoration as she saw me swimming in it. It was more than a little too big for me. “Hey, remember what I told you?” she asked. I nodded, and tried to focus on wanting to be a bit taller, a little more buff -- because I could -- and my skin-tone shifted from dark to a lighter red. I hadn’t planned on that last part, but some growing pains were going to be expected. I hadn’t lost the horns though. I wasn’t going to get rid of those until I was good and ready. The weight was already something I was getting used to quickly, and they made me feel confident. Madeleine didn’t fail to notice, gently bopping them with her own.
“How about you hop in the shower, and I’ll get started on breakfast?” she offered. I smiled. Nobody, since my parents, had ever offered to make me breakfast before. Hell, nobody had even cooked for me since then. Not without payment, anyway. I nodded gratefully and kissed her. She pointed me to the bathroom. I subtly lifted the back of the robe with my tail to flash her and I heard her sputter softly. “H-how would you like your eggs?”
I turned around and grinned like an idiot. “Fertilized.” I blew her a kiss as I took off my bathrobe while closing the door. “Surprise me.”
The walk-in shower was amazing, modern compared to the rest of the house, which had a rustic quality to it. It seemed to go up to volcanic temperatures, had several dials that I had no idea what they did, and a giant rain shower head. The water ran off me in steaming rivulets and a part of me wanted to stay under here forever. But there was a beautiful woman out there making me breakfast. I decided to keep it short and sweet and made a mental note to demand a shower with the two of us at some point later.
As I towelled myself off I looked in the mirror and was taken aback by how comfortable the woman on the other side of the glass looked. I straightened up and cocked my head. She was beautiful. I was beautiful. I smiled at her, all pointy teeth and a playful glint in my eyes. I mouthed a ‘hello’ at her, and was happy to see that everything the woman in the mirror did was pretty, cute, beautiful. She was missing only one thing -- because clothing was, I had decided, not a requirement for me to look good. I needed a name.
And now I was pinned underneath a beautiful woman on the floor. Woe. Woe unto me.
They say you can't hear written words. They lie.
Also hey! You got into trending! Congratulations!
I am absolutely in L O V E with this series Elamimax. <3 10 out of ducking 10. <3 I adore it sooo much.
The whole story makes me tingle so nicely. I love it! Thank you for writing this chapter. It's a wonderful break after all the sex.

Mmmm that casual intimacy, comfortable closeness

I turned around and grinned like an idiot. “Fertilized.”
Oh, my sweet gay heart ❤
I blushed harder in protest.
awwww they are so sweet :3
I’m in love with this series
Love this series... Thank you <3
Thanks for the chapter !